Non-invasive Ventilation Masks  Ventilation Masks

Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

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Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

Comfortable and effective non-invasive ventilation: Dräger NovaStar® and ClassicStar® NIV full-face masks are designed for non-invasive ventilation therapy. These masks cover the nose and mouth, ensuring effective NIV therapy even in case of mouth breathing. Both NIV full face masks provide maximum comfort and effective seal. NovaStar masks can be shaped individually to the patients face. The portfolio includes the NovaStar® and ClassicStar® NIV masks with SE used with Dräger ventilators. The NovaStar® NIV mask with AAV completes the portfolio.


ClassicStar NIV face mask is designed for non-invasive ventilation therapy. Because the mask covers the nose and mouth, it provides effective therapy, even for mouth breathing.

Adjust individually to the patient's face

​The ClassicStar NIV mask has an air-filled mask cushion, which can be adjusted individually to the patient's face. The ClassicStar NIV full-face masks are a new additions to the existing portfolio of ClassicStar NIV masks. Full-face masks are often the first-line strategy in the initial management of acute respiratory failure as they cover both the nose and the mouth, minimizing concerns related to mouth breathing.


The NovaStar thermostable (TS) NIV mask is designed for non-invasive ventilation therapy. Because the mask covers the nose and mouth, it provides effective therapy even for mouth breathing. The NovaStar TS NIV full-face masks are for multi-patient use if they are processed according to the instructions. They can be thermally disinfected with hot steam at a given temperature or chemically disinfected with the listed disinfectants (see the Cleaning and Disinfecting Instructions).

ClassicStar® plus

​The ClassicStar® plus mask series features a soft and anatomically shaped silicone lip as sealing interface to the patients face. The mask has an easy to adjust forehead pad with silicone cushion which allows optimal adaption to the sensitive nasal bridge. The mask is available in four sizes (S, M, L, XL) as oronasal and nasal mask. ClassicStar® plus NIV masks with standard elbow (SE) have been successfully tested for compatibility with Dräger ventilators which have NIV-option. Variants with Anti-Asphyxia-Valve (AAV) are intended for Multi-Vendor-Accessory business.

360 Product View

Draeger non invasive ventilation masks 360


Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en
Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en

Always an essential part of your acute care


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Dräger Danmark A/S

​Lyskær​ ​9
2730​ ​Herlev

+45 44 50 00 00