How can I search for open positions?
Please click on "Job openings" to access a search screen that lets you search for interesting vacancies in different ways:
- Select your search criteria, e.g., by the country in which you want to work.
- Enter a key word in the full-text search, e.g., engineering
- If you already know the reference number of a job listing, you can also enter this in the full-text search to quickly reach the relevant job.
Searching is quicker and easier if you are already registered in our job exchange. This gives you the option of entering different search criteria. Simply sign in using your username and password.
How can I apply for a position?
Click the position that you want to apply for. The job posting will open and you can click the “apply now” button.
If you have not yet registered at the online application portal, this is the next step. Complete the following data for the registration:
- Your first name and last name
- Your chosen username and a password
TIP: Simply use your e-mail address as your username.
NOTICE: you will need this login data every time you sign in.
3. Your e-mail address. Please make sure that the e-mail address you have entered is correct to ensure you can be reached by e-mail.
4. You will need to accept the data privacy statements.
Once you’re registered, you can simply sign in with your username and password.
In the application process we ask that you enter all of the requested data. For example, this includes your address, your education, previous experience, your current resume, etc.
Can I apply for several positions simultaneously?
Yes, feel free to apply for more than one position that interests you. Each of your applications will be checked and handled individually by the responsible Recruiter/HR Manager who is mentioned in the respective job advertisement.
What documents do I need for my application in the US?
Your application should contain an informative cover letter, and your current résumé.
Which documents should be included in my application in countries other than the US?
Documents to be included in your application depend on the customs in the country in which you are submitting the application. In some countries a résumé is sufficient, while other countries require references. In the US, the cover letter and your current résumé should be included in your application documents.
Are the listed job openings up-to-date? What is the cut-off date for the advertised position?
All positions in our online portal are up-to-date and we are actively recruiting candidates. Once the respective vacancy is filled the position information is removed from our online portal.
Are there any requirements when uploading my documents?
You can upload up to three documents as attachments in the online application in one of the file formats that are listed on the page. Please make sure that each document does not exceed a file size of 5 MB, in total 10 MB.
Can I save my online application and continue at a later date?
Yes, you can exit your application at any time and continue later. In the online application simply click on the "save" button.
How can I change my uploaded documents after submitting my application?
You can’t change your uploaded documents (cover letter, résumé, etc.,) after submitting your application. If necessary, please contact the contact person listed in the job posting.
Can I reapply with Draeger if I have not been accepted for another position?
We are aware that a number of suitable candidates might frequently apply for various positions at Draeger. If you were not successful with a certain position that you have applied for, we recommend to continuously monitor our open positions by activating our “job subscription” option via the respective menu, which will automatically inform you about upcoming vacancies that are of interest to you.
The position that I want to apply for is no longer posted in the online application portal. How can I apply for this position?
Our online application portal currently contains all vacant positions in Germany, US, UK, Italy and Dubai. Positions that are not displayed in the portal are no longer vacant, so applications can no longer be accepted for them.
Does Draeger pay any of the travel expenses?
The remuneration of travel expenses depends on the position for which you have applied. If you have any questions, please discuss with the contact person listed in the job posting.
How can I apply for Draeger companies internationally?
Please use our job search to access our job openings in Germany, US, UK, Italy and in Dubai. Our applicant tracking system will automatically forward your documents to the right contact.
Job openings in subsidiaries in countries other than those mentioned above are usually provided at a local level; in these cases please contact the respective Draeger subsidiary directly. The addresses are available on the corresponding country pages on our Draeger websites.
How can I withdraw an application?
To withdraw your application, sign into your online application using your username and password. Under the "My applications" menu item, select the relevant application and click "Recycle Bin". You will then no longer be considered a candidate for this position.