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Dräger PAS Colt

Flexible and user-friendly. Depending on the requirements of the operation, the Dräger PAS Colt has been fully approved for use in applications requiring either; short duration entry units, airline emergency escape breathing apparatus, or dual function.


PAS Colt Product information, en-us
PAS Colt Product information, en-us

(Acrobat .PDF) Short-duration SCBA


FAQ - Supplied Air Products
FAQ - Supplied Air Products

FAQ are a reference to Draeger Products. Questions are designed to assist our valued customers by answering basic questions from our varied product groups.


Portfolio Highlight Brochure Oil and Gas, en
Portfolio Highlight Brochure Oil and Gas, en


Get in touch with Dräger

smiling woman

Draeger Safety Canada Ltd.

​2425​ ​Skymark​ ​Ave,​ ​Unit​ ​1
Mississauga,​ ​ON​ ​L4W​ ​4Y6

+1 877-372-4371