Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 5 – Multi-Story Fire Simulation Systems

Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 5 – Multi-Story

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Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 5 – Multi-Story

​​Fighting fires in multi-story, multi-fire environments is one of the biggest challenges a firefighter can face. Part of the Dräger Swede Survival System, the Phase 5 trainer lets you replicate this environment to teach the complexities inherent in multi-story structures with multiple fires occurring simultaneously.

Proven system, training included

​programs that train firefighters on fire behavior in different situations. As a result, you can continually build the abilities and confidence of firefighters. The Phase 5 system is an excellent knowledge-based training environment that gives firefighters first-hand experience of multiple fire scenarios in a controlled setting.

At Dräger, we believe in a progressive learning process when teaching the characteristics of fire. Our instructional program can be traced to the multi-phased live fire training program developed by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency in Skovde, Sweden.

Five-compartment design enables diverse scenarios

​The standard Phase 5 configuration is a fully-insulated, Class A 5-container design, including fire compartments on the first and second floor and three cold chambers for staging, approach, and search and rescue operations. The structure also has interior and exterior stairs, first and second floor entry points, and access windows.

Rugged construction for long-term use

​The chamber walls and ceiling are lined with high temperature insulation material that is protected behind a seal-welded layer of 11-gauge steel. This protects the structural integrity of the container from the grueling temperature swings the container is designed to withstand over many hundreds of training evolutions.

The burn chambers are designed for sheets of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) to be placed along the walls, ceiling, and doors. Burn chamber floors are lined with concrete paving stones and the structure includes a ventilation system. A number of additional options can be added to the standard configuration, allowing the system to meet your specific requirements.

Real-world fire scenarios

​The Phase 5 system is an indispensable component to any fire training curriculum because it allows participants to train on a variety of fire scenarios, including:

  • Fire attack with hydraulic ventilation
  • Vent Enter Isolate Search (VEIS)
  • Firefighter down, missing, or trapped
  • Search and rescue
  • Air management training
  • Mayday training
  • Multiple fires

Two-day instruction certification workshop

​The Dräger Swede Survival Phase 5 System includes a two-day train-the-trainer workshop for up to 10 instructors. This workshop is conducted by instructors who have extensive experience training various evolutions in the Dräger Swede Survival Systems. This training and certification process ensures that your instructors become thoroughly familiar with the safe and effective use of the Phase 5 training system.

Swede Phase 5 training is designed to meet the Job Performance Requirements listed in the NFPA 1001 Firefighter 1 directives. While following standardized training procedures, our certified instructors can customize elements of the training to address specific design characteristics of your system. These may include:

  • Rappel techniques
  • Denver Drill techniques
  • Confined space entry
  • Forcible entry door
  • SCBA confidence training

Classroom preparation

​Included in the training is a 4-hour classroom session that provides an extensive background on the Phase 5 structure and various scenarios that make up the live training.

Before participants enter the chamber, they will have a comprehensive understanding of the design and purpose of the various compartments and props, simulation techniques, safety standards, and detailed training expectations.

Participants receive expert instruction on their roles during the actual physical training exercises and learn what tools will be used during the hands-on training, including nozzle techniques and proper use of thermal imaging cameras to assess the fires.

A mandatory test at the end of the classroom session verifies that participants are prepared for the live segment of the training. Training on methods of tear down and set-up for subsequent evolutions will also be a part of every session—all complimentary with purchase of a Swede Phase 5 system.

Expand your training capabilities with the Phase 5 Modified

​Expanding on the standard Phase 5 design, the Phase 5 Modified structure includes a double-wide burn chamber, four or more cold containers, and a variety of additional fire attack props—including a flat roof prop, a Denver Drill prop, and angled ventilation. The Phase 5 Modified design can be further customized to meet the specific requirements of your fire department.

Because of our modularized approach, we can easily incorporate new props, change the container arrangement, and include additional burn chambers, stairwells, and levels—even to existing systems. As a result, you can maximize your training output at a fraction of the cost of permanent concrete structures.

System includes

  • ​Complete Dräger Swede Survival Phase 5 System
  • 2-day training course for up to 10 instructors
  • Instructor manuals and SOPs
  • Instructors receive Certification to Instruct the Dräger Curriculum upon completion

Training course includes

  • ​Certified instructors
  • Ignition sources
  • Fire behavior
  • Formation of fire gases
  • Fire control
  • Container operations
  • Hydration
  • Heat stress
  • SCBA and safety equipment training
  • Thermal imaging camera usage
  • Heat stress management
  • Smoke and ventilation exercises
  • Nozzle techniques
  • Container management
  • Overall safety

Options available

  • ​Forcible entry door
  • Denver Drill prop
  • Breaching wall prop
  • Pitched roof
  • Flat roof
  • Rappel bar
  • Bail out prop
  • Moveable walls
  • Roof reinforcement package
  • Additional staircase
  • Additional doors and windows
  • Emergency ventilation
  • Customized options to meet specific requirements


Swede Survival Brochure, en-us
Swede Survival Brochure, en-us

(Acrobat .PDF) Dräger Swede Survival Live Fire Training in class “A” container systems


Whitepaper: Obtaining Training Equipment Through AFG
Whitepaper: Obtaining Training Equipment Through AFG

(Acrobat .PDF) This whitepaper explains the purpose of the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program and outlines the kinds of equipment that it typically covers. The focus of this paper is on training systems, which can represent a substantial capital expenditure to fire departments and colleges. The discussion describes the various Dräger Class A and Class B training systems that are eligible for an AFG grant, and incudes tips on how to maximize the success of your grant application.


Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger Safety Canada Ltd.

​2425​ ​Skymark​ ​Ave,​ ​Unit​ ​1
Mississauga,​ ​ON​ ​L4W​ ​4Y6

+1 877-372-4371