Dräger simultaneous test sets Tubes

Dräger simultaneous test sets

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Dräger simultaneous test sets

Risks and potential dangers at a glance: The simultaneous test sets allow to measure five different gases at the same time.

Simultaneous measurement

​Simultaneous test sets are configured with 5 Draeger tubes which have been specially calibrated to operate as a unit. The air to be monitored is simultaneously drawn in through the tubes by a Dräger gas detector pump. Quick determinations are made about the presence of dangerous substances at TLV levels.

System solution

As the simultaneous test set is a system solution, for which special Dräger tubes were developed, the replacement with other Dräger tubes is not possible.

Fast results

​The device delivers fast and reliable results for different combinations of organic and inorganic gases.

Tubes and hazardous substances

Dräger-Tubes can be used to measure a large number of different substances. Check the different tubes and measuring ranges by searching for a substance and get in contact with our experts for more information.

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Product configurations

Utilise for 19 Substances

6 matching Tube(s)

Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger Safety Canada Ltd.

​2425​ ​Skymark​ ​Ave,​ ​Unit​ ​1
Mississauga,​ ​ON​ ​L4W​ ​4Y6

+1 877-372-4371