Connected Medical Devices - Medical Devices Connectivity Solution

Connected Medical Devices

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Connected medical devices: The future of critical care

Learn more about our vision for the future of critical care and what’s on the horizon for connected technologies in the hospital:

  • Medical technologies that communicate in a secure and standardized way
  • Bidirectional communications between medical devices and EMR systems
  • Data connectivity that improves efficiency and safety, optimizes clinical outcomes, and reduces costs

Potential improvements at the point of care

Connected Technologies bring together patient and device data from a wide range of therapy and monitoring devices, clinical information systems and other sources to support better and more informed decision-making.

Improving care with data

Connected Technologies – a world where therapy devices, patient monitors, and clinical information systems communicate seamlessly for greater interoperability and value.

Your benefits:

  • Improve clinical results with decision-supporting insights from multiple sources.
  • Expedite interventions through access to relevant information at the point of care.
  • Reduce costs through enabling technologies that can improve clinical efficiency and outcomes

Further ideas

  • Patient status updates were communicated with mobile devices, enabling staff to intervene within seconds.
  • Clinical applications connected to the network would integrate data to support decision-making.
  • Patient medical records would be filled automatically, with complete accuracy and limited, if any, staff intervention.

Achieving therapy goals via automated protocols

We also envision Connected Technologies as being interoperable in order to help optimise the timing and effectiveness of treatments. Therapy protocols performed by devices can be automated in accordance with evidence-based medicine and clinical protocols - reducing the workload of clinical staff, while optimizing the timing and effectiveness of treatments.

Your benefits:

  • Improve quality of care by receiving therapy suggestions
  • Reduce costs and staff workload by automating therapy protocols 

Further ideas

  • Technology helps you apply and document therapy guidelines and care protocols based on international standards.
  • Data shared across connected technologies is processed by point-of-care devices to automate therapy protocols and maximize the efficiency and safety of therapy delivery.

Discover our current offering

Dräger SmartCare/ PS

Dräger SmartCare®/ PS – The automated weaning protocol

System data integration and therapy automation aren't just something we envision. We have current offerings with these capabilities.

Potential improvements across the department

Connected Technologies support a quiet and low-stress environment that's conducive to healing and patient comfort. Workflows are streamlined, bridging distances between care providers and patients.

Reducing and distributing alarms intelligently

In our vision of Connected Technologies; point-of-care monitors and therapy devices would share a patient’s real-time clinical data to confirm adverse conditions, while helping to prioritize and initiate a timely response.

Your benefits:

  • Increase patient safety by reducing alarm fatigue.
  • Satisfy staff with a system that directs alerts and contextual notifications. 

Further ideas

  • Prioritized alarms with contextual details would help to coordinate resources for efficient and effective interventions.
  • A database of historical alarm data and analysis applications would help to refine response procedures and reduce the average alarm counts per bed.

Improving clinical workflows via interoperability

We also envision Connected Technologies as streamlining clinical and administrative workflows, bridging distances between care providers and patients.

Your benefits:

  • Simplify clinical workflows by accessing and controlling devices remotely.
  • Improve the patient experience with fewer disturbances.

Further ideas

  • Therapies could be started, adjusted or terminated from a connected device on which aggregated patient data could be reviewed to facilitate decision-making.
  • Relevant patient data would be accessible anytime, anywhere.
  • Fewer disruptive visits at the bedside would allow the patient to rest longer between necessary interventions, aiding recovery and enhancing comfort.

Discover our current competencies

Alarm management and remote control aren’t just something we envision. We have current offerings with these capabilities

Connected medical devices alarm solution

Our alarm management solutions

Read more about our methods and technologies for managing clinical alarms effectively.

Noise in neonatology

The significance of noise in neonatology

Read more about our considerations and tools for reducing noise levels in the NICU.

Potential hospital-wide improvements

Connected Technologies support network-based service throughout the hospital, so that devices and systems can maintain a peak level of performance. This strengthens hospital cybersecurity efforts through encrypted communication to help protect patients and medical technologies.

Enabling data analytics and simplified fleet management

In our vision, Connected Technologies access network-based services to maintain devices at peak performance levels, limit equipment downtime and generate comprehensive analysis for optimizing clinical processes and asset utilization.

Your benefits:

  • Improve operational efficiency due to highest transparency of systems.
  • Reduce costs through remote and data-based service management.

Further ideas

  • Remotely check, maintain and, when possible, repair point-of-care medical devices over the hospital network.
  • Provide high-quality data output to enable complex data sharing and support big data and artificial intelligence applications.
  • Collect and analyze device and patient data, and compile reports helpful in addressing technical and clinical challenges.

Ensuring data security within the medical IT network

We also envision Connected Technologies as strengthening data and network integrity through encrypted communication, helping to protect patients and medical technologies from unauthorised access and tampering.

Your benefits:

  • Improve quality of care with reliable data delivered in real time.
  • Improve patient safety through implementation of high level of cybersecurity.

Further ideas

  • Keep confidential information private with access verification and data encryption in the critical medical IT network resource.
  • Transmit a patient’s clinical data error-free between point-of-care devices and from point-of-care devices to IT systems.
  • Maintain a strong enterprise-wide security posture, reinforcing potential vulnerabilities with the support of a team of cybersecurity experts.

Discover our current offers

Medibus X logo


Discover our data communications protocol for Dräger medical devices.

Healthcare Professional with screen

Cybersecurity in healthcare

Learn more about our strategies and solutions for clinical data and network security.

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Draeger, Inc. – Medical

3135 Quarry Road
Telford, PA 18969


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