Incubators and Open Care
NICU incubators - The perfect environment to grow and thrive
Our neonatal incubators are designed to support developmental care. As your specialist in critical care, you can trust in us to provide a safe and calming environment to protect developing lungs, brains, eyes and ears. Our NICU incubators help create an individualized microclimate where thermoregulation and the right light and sound levels work together to care for the newborn in a safe, stable and nurturing way.

Dräger Babyroo® TN300
The Babyroo® TN300 is a configurable open care warmer with advanced thermoregulation capabilities as well as advanced integrated technologies to support emergency resuscitation and family-centered care. From delivery room to the neonatal intensive care unit to final discharge, the Babyroo® TN300 is scalable to use in a variety of ...
More NICU solutions
We offer a variety of solutions to support your neonatal environment.

We offer comprehensive consulting and support services for our devices to ensure maximum performance for your department. With our experience, flexibility and uncompromising quality standards, we are always by your side – with services that are tailored to your needs.