Breathing Systems Filters/HMEs
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CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters
Our CareStar Plus breathing system filters provide an excellent and cost-efficient solution. Due to its high performing electrostatic filtration medium, CareStar Plus protects the patient from potentially present microorganisms in the inspired air as well as the ventilator breathing system from airborne microorganisms that the patient exhales. This reduces the risk of possible cross infection and promotes patient and staff safety.
SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters
Our SafeStar Plus mechanical HEPA breathing system filters meet high standards for infection prophylaxis during mechanical ventilation. The active medium here is a hydrophobic filter membrane of coated glass fibers developed specifically for this purpose. Due to its hydrophobicity, potentially contaminated fluids (e.g., blood, sputum, and condensate) cannot pass through SafeStar Plus filters under the normal pressure conditions of mechanical ventilation. As a result, SafeStar Plus can inhibit the passage of fluid-borne microorganisms. Furthermore, SafeStar Plus’ mechanical medium has high bacterial and viral filtration efficiency rates that considerably reduce the passage of airborne microorganisms. This significantly helps to decrease the risk of possible cross-infection.
TwinStar® Plus Filter/HMEs
We designed our TwinStar Plus breathing system filters/HMEs to combine all the advantages of our filter and HME portfolio—to help you save on costs and promote patient healing. They efficiently humidify and heat the inspired air of the ventilator-dependent patient. Additionally, with their high bacterial and viral filtration efficiency rates they help sustain infection prevention. Our TwinStar Plus portfolio supports the protection of your patient from potentially present microorganisms in the inspired air as well as safeguards the ventilator breathing system from airborne microorganisms that the patient exhales. To further increase patient safety, the TwinStar HEPA Plus is highlighted by a hydrophobic filter membrane of coated glass fiber.
HumidStar® Plus HMEs
To protect patients’ respiratory system from drying out and ensuing lung damage, our HumidStar Plus HME supports to passively humidify the air they inhale. The HME medium of our HumidStar® Plus HMEs consists of a microporous polymer foam that was specially developed for this application as it returns a high degree of moisture. In addition, we offer the HumidStar Trach Plus for tracheostomized patients.