Innovian® Anesthesia

Innovian® Anesthesia is a distributed solution that provides comprehensive data management for the anesthesiologist. The Innovian® Anesthesia information management system works with you – from pre-op assessment to the PACU – to create a complete, continuous, paperless record of your patient’s anesthetic care.

Preoperative Assessment

  • Web-based Pre-Anesthesia assessment
  • A solution tailored to your hospital’s existing workflow
  • Data collection and validation - reduce manual data entry and redundancies Improve information sharing

Post-Operative - PACU

  • Seamless continuity of patient anesthesia record
  • Uniform perioperative user interface

Integration and Implementation

​How do you move from a manual, paperbased system to an IT-driven environment? Our team of specialists will work with you to build integrated solutions that meet your clinical, business and information technology goals. We provide design, site preparation, installation, integration, configuration and testing to meet your clinical and technical environment. Once the application is up and running, we'll help you train your people to use the solution effectively and maximise the benefits for each care area.


  • A more comprehensive patient record
  • Accurate and complete billing information data capture
  • Supports anesthesia clinical workflow
  • Configurable case environments to support various types of cases
  • Intuitive and easy for clinicians to use

Moderate Sedation

  • Meet VHA Directive 1073 with Innovian® Anesthesia V8.0 - Moderate Sedation module
  • Dedicated and automated paperless documentation of Moderate Sedation cases
  • Clinicians can quickly navigate and document within a module specifically designed to meet Moderate Sedation needs

Back office

  • Web-based access to patient records
  • Data can be used for research purposes
  • Data capture of regulatory and compliance elements required for anesthesia billing
  • In-depth collection of anesthesia data can be reported to support patient safety initiatives

Industry Standard Interoperability

Net based architecture; Microsoft .NET Framework and SQL; web API layer; open architecture to interface to a wide-variety of device vendor solutions.


Brochure: Innovian Anesthesia
Brochure: Innovian Anesthesia

A flexible, intuitive solution that supports the entire anesthesia process; capturing, integrating and managing clinical and business data effortlessly and seamlessly.


Innovian Anesthesia 8.0, en-US
Innovian Anesthesia 8.0, en-US

Innovian Anesthesia is Dräger’s latest answer to the increasing complexity of anesthesia delivery and regulatory compliance.


Product Information: Innovian Anesthesia - Moderate Sedation
Product Information: Innovian Anesthesia - Moderate Sedation

Dräger’s Innovian Anesthesia’s optional module provides the support to capture data for Moderate Sedation documentation.


Innovian Software Compatibility, en-US
Product Information: Innovian IQ

Get in touch with Dräger

man with blue shirt

Draeger, Inc. – Medical

3135​ ​Quarry​ ​Road
Telford,​ ​PA​ ​18969
