
Dräger Offers a Comprehensive Choice of Fire Training Systems to Fit Any Budget

When responding to a fire, the experience and skills learned during training can save lives. Still firefighters need reliable equipment that is maintained correctly. Our comprehensive professional firefighter training and instructional seminars are tailored to the unique needs of both firefighters and technicians, and meet the specific requirements of individual fire departments.

The collection of Dräger fire training systems is extensive with options that will fit the budget for your fire department, community college, fire academy or other needs.

Today's fires burn hotter and faster making flashovers a danger to firefighters

Today's Fires Burn Hotter and Faster, Making Flashovers a Danger to Firefighters

Why are flashover conditions developing more often and rapidly in today’s fires? Homes today are more efficient at holding in heat, and contain more furnishings made from synthetic materials. These conditions contribute to fires that can quickly lead to flashover conditions.

Today’s firefighters also respond to fewer structure fires. While positive, this means less field experience, making live fire training even more important. As the exclusive manufacturer of Swede Systems, Dräger is committed to providing information that will keep you safe, prepared, and ultimately, one step ahead.

Faster illustration clock flashover time


Fifty years ago, the average time it took a home fire to transition to flashover was 29 minutes and 30 seconds. Today’s homes transition to flashover in 3 minutes and 40 seconds. When ventilation is introduced, the time from the onset of firefighter untenability until flashover can be less than 10 seconds.

Hotter illustration temperature older modern homes flashover


Wood, cotton, and paper, materials more commonly found in house fires in the 1950s, give off about 8,000 BTUs per pound when burned. Polyurethane, the plastic often used in today’s soft materials like cushions and carpeting, gives off 12,000 BTUs per pound when burned. Polystyrene — the hard plastic used in TVs, toys, and other plastic items in modern homes — gives off 18,000 BTUs per pound when burned.

Deadly flashover deaths illustration 114 firefighters


Flashover is still one of the leading causes of firefighter deaths in the U.S. Between 2000 and 2012 there were 114 on-duty firefighter deaths due to being caught or trapped (including flashover).

Stay One Step Ahead of a Flashover

Today, modern furnishings and building materials are producing fires that burn faster and hotter than ever before. Two veteran firefighters discuss the deadly phenomenon called flashover and explain how live fire training could save your life.

Stay one step ahead what is flashover burning livingroom videoPlay video

Stay One Step Ahead: What is Flashover? (Part 1 of 5)

While flashover has many definitions, the phenomenon is one of the leading killers of firefighters today. Discover the different types of flashover from two veteran fire service trainers.

Stay one step ahead flashover misconceptions fireman in livingroomPlay video

Stay One Step Ahead: Flashover Misconceptions (Part 2 of 5)

To successfully deal with flashover, it’s not so much about putting the “wet stuff on the red stuff” as cooling the gases involved.

Stay one step ahead flashover prevention two men on roofPlay video

Stay One Step Ahead: Flashover Prevention (Part 3 of 5)

Learn about the fire triangle, the impact of environmental conditions, and how delaying flashover might save your life.

Stay one step ahead recognizing flashover signs and symptoms fireman with mask in burning roomPlay video

Stay One Step Ahead: Recognizing Flashover Signs and Symptoms (Part 4 of 5)

Discover how to recognize the warning signs of flashover – before it’s too late. Firefighters staying one step ahead.

Stay one step ahead flashover simulation and live fire training burning firePlay video

Stay One Step Ahead: Flashover Simulation and Live Fire Training (Part 5 of 5)

Fire departments today are responding to fewer fires. While that's a good thing, it means less hands-on experience.  See the real value of live fire training.

Live-Fire Training Systems for Flashovers

These Dräger Swede Systems are designed specifically for training of Flashovers. While other systems may include Flashover capabilities, these are meant to highlight how to recognize and react to a Flashover.

Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 1 - Flashover Development Observation

Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 1 - Flashover Development Observation

​With today’s improved fire prevention methods, firefighters have fewer opportunities to gain first-hand experience of fighting live fires. The proven Swede Survival Phase 1 System trains firefighters to recognize conditions that lead up to a deadly flashover event and learn techniques to delay this phenomenon - in a controlled, repeatable ...

Product details

Dräger Swede Survival System  Phase 2 - Interior Attack

Dräger Swede Survival System Phase 2 - Interior Attack

​With today’s improved fire prevention methods, firefighters have fewer opportunities to gain first-hand experience in fighting live fires. The proven Swede Survival Phase 2 System trains firefighters to understand fire behavior and learn techniques to control fire conditions - in a controlled, repeatable setting.

Product details

Draeger Is the only source of genuine swede survival training systems

Dräger Is the Only Source of Genuine Swede Survival Burn Buildings

After two Firefighters in Sweden lost their lives to flashover in 1986, the Swedish government asked the country’s Rescue Service to develop a burn behavior program that included flashover training. The intent of the program was to help Firefighters recognize extreme fire behavior and avoid injuries and death.

Dräger brought this live-fire training program to North America in 1990 and delivered hundreds of systems in the U.S. and Canada to fire departments, fire academies, community colleges, airports, military agencies, and more. Dräger Swede Systems (Burn Buildings) and Dräger certified instructional training programs have been designed and delivered in accordance with training methods developed by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency through the Swedish Rescue Training Center.

Every Dräger Burn Building fire training simulator provides real-world fire conditions and scenarios. The container-based Class A burn structures include is a comprehensive train-the-trainer course with qualified, experienced instructors. The Swede system enables Firefighters to incrementally develop knowledge of fire behavior and skills for fire control and suppression while advancing through six available skill center.

See our Portfolio of Burn Buildings

Realistic safe fire extinguisher trainer from draeger man woman at fire training

Firefighter Training Props from Dräger

Dräger firefighter training props offer the best possible preparation for real firefighting. We are your partner for complete firefighter training simulation, from respiratory protection training to heat acclimatization and tactical and practical firefighting. Because in a real firefighting situation, is no time to get used to stress, heat and smoke. Mistakes in firefighting tactics can have grave consequences. That is why Dräger offers professional fire simulators for every possible application.

draeger mlftu offers robust training options that travels almost anywhere

Dräger MLFTU Offers Robust Training Options that Travels Almost Anywhere

The Dräger Mobile Live Fire Training Unit (MLFTU) is a 53-foot, multi-purpose training vehicle designed for versatility of training and ease of transport. It is equipped with an on-board generator, a supply of gas cylinders and a second story that can be hydraulically raised during operation and lowered for transport.

Our MLFTUs are available with different layout options based on your individual training requirements and budget. Typical configurations include one or two fires, a control and monitoring station, and gas and power for self-sufficient operation.

Class A or Class B Live-Fire Training

Among the choices confronting every organization is whether to select a training unit that's Class A or Class B. Here's some of the considerations that should figure into these decisions. A conversation with a product specialist from Dräger can help you make the right decision for your needs.

Class A

Class A training systems use wood or wood products to generate a realistic live fire. Usually using oriented strand board (OSB), wood pallets, or similar products, Class A systems are designed to generate predictable, reproducible fires with accurate flames and smoke behavior. This is especially true when wanting to highlight a flashover experience, where to smoke itself ignites. With any fire that produces smoke, toxic gases are introduced and requires gas monitoring to assure support personnel are not in proximity without proper breathing protection.

Class B

Class B training systems use propane, natural gas, or similar fuel to create the fire. Because these flammable gases tend to be cleaner burning, there's less toxic smoke introduced. Additionally, the lack of smoke may require a theatrical smoke system to appropriately simulate the behavior of a fire.

Let us help you find the perfect training solution to suit your needs.

Draeger and grant programs for live fire training systems illustration logos fem grants

Dräger and Grant Programs for Live-Fire Training Systems

A quality live-fire training system can be an invaluable training resource but a major item in any departmental budget. With increasingly fewer structural fires to serve as training grounds, we don’t think this crucial training should be out of reach. 

The FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) program can help you get the latest training equipment and gain the real-world experience your department needs to protect themselves and the community. 

Dräger gladly works with your department through the grants process. We've partnered with resources to make it as easy as possible.

Train the trainers on your draeger live fire system

Train the Trainers on Your Dräger Live-Fire System

When Dräger builds you one of our Fire Training Systems, the costs usually cover an extensive training course by one of our professional educators. All current or former firefighters with specialized trainings on the specific system purchased, our eductors travel to your site and work with your training team on learning everything that's required. Beyond learning how to create safe, reproducible training evolutions, every system includes a suggested curriculum.

If You Can Imagine It, Dräger Can Build It

Dräger builds dozens of Fire Training Systems to fit the specific needs of a Fire Department, Training Academy, or Community College. Just contact us if you'd like to see some of the options available to you. Below is just a few of the systems built in recent years.

Custom swede system montgomery county conroe texas usa
Custom Swede System, Montgomery County, Conroe, Texas USA
Custom swede system woodstock fire department woodstock ontario canada
Custom Swede System, Woodstock Fire Department, Woodstock, Ontario Canada
Custom swede system caddo fire district 4 keithville louisiana usa
Custom Swede System, Caddo Fire District 4, Keithville, Louisiana USA
Swede phase 1 santa barbara california usa
Swede Phase 1, Santa Barbara, California USA
System 64 blacksburg volunteer fire department blacksburg virginia usa
System 64, Blacksburg Volunteer Fire Department, Blacksburg, Virginia USA
draeger swede system phase 5 modified 1 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (1 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 2 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (2 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 3 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (3 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 4 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (4 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 5 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (5 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 6 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (6 of 7)
Draeger swede system phase 5 modified 7 container system training chambers
Dräger Swede System, Phase 5 Modified (7 of 7)

Let us help you find the perfect training solution to suit your needs.

Dräger Fire Training Systems Meet NFPA Recommendations

NFPA 1402 provides guidelines for building fire training systems from the National Fire Protection Association. Dräger supports these standards and works to assure all of our training systems meet these recommendations. If you have an older system built prior to the adoption of these standards, Dräger's professionals are glad to visit your site to inspect for compliance to NFPA 1402.

More Fire Training Systems from Dräger

Dräger offers more than what we could contain on a website. Our Engineered Solutions organization can build a wide variety of training systems. Contact Us to learn more about these many options.

SCBA confidence mazes man at small rooms training

SCBA Confidence Mazes

To safely and effectively use your SCBA, you must become familiar with the added weight and bulk along with how to manage this equipment in certain situations. Dräger offers two types of confidence maze training galleries – mobile or stationary. Stationary systems are constructed inside of an existing building and are custom designed to fit the designated area. Our mobile confidence maze can be built into a variety of trailer sizes custom to the requirements and can be hauled with a 3/4-ton pickup truck. Systems can also use theatrical smoke and lights to make it more accurate to some rescue conditions.

Containerized live fire training system prepare to train

Containerized Live-Fire Training System

The Dräger Containerized Live-Fire Training System (CLFTS) can be equipped with a variety of interior fire simulators and requires only limited site preparation. The propane based CLFTS is modular and expandable depending on how many containers are used. It can even be moved and re-installed. The CLFTS offers firefighters the training they need with real flames, extreme heat, high humidity, severely restricted visibility and thick smoke – all incorporated into a controllable and safe training environment.

Interior live fire training systems one fireman extinguish fire with water

Interior Live Fire Training Systems

Dräger’s Interior Live Fire Training Systems can be operated with a comprehensive variety of training scenarios—residential or commercial. Safe, realistic, and customized to your fire training facility, these structures are designed with multiple training props, a remote fire control and observation area, various measurement and detection devices, and a ventilation system.

Download Product Information

Fire Training Systems from Dräger
fire training systems from draeger brochure title

The best way to learn how to fight a fire is by fighting real fires. Dräger provides safe, well-engineered live-fire training systems for a variety of training and budgets.

White Paper: The Flashover Phenomenon
White paper the flashover phenomenon

Firefighting is inherently dangerous. However, through increased awareness and understanding of the science of fire, along with realistic fire training, the number of injuries and fatalities may be reduced. This educational whitepaper is designed to help firefighters understand the nature of the deadly phenomenon called flashover and help them recognize its warning signs.


Get in touch with Dräger

Contact Us Safety

Draeger, Inc. – Safety

7256 S. Sam Houston W Pkwy., Suite 100
Houston, TX 77085
