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Smart Safety Digital Measurement - Smart Safety Digital Measurement

Smart Safety Digital Measurement

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Smart Safety – digital clearance measurement

Clearance measurement of confined spaces has always been a highly responsible task. On-site workers have to be protected from the threat of an explosion, toxic hazards and lack of oxygen. Classic, manual clearance measurement presents a bottleneck for business and entails risks. Smart Safety solutions for maintenance tasks, including digital clearance measurement, help minimize downtime and errors. Information exchange and data transfer in real time over a cloud connection helps promote safety and cost-effective, efficient permit-to-work processes.

Shutdown Management

Scenario 1: Shutdown management

Facilities requiring maintenance, testing or repair must be shut down for these purposes. Gas detection must be carried out prior to these tasks without complication or human error. Delays present a high cost, but worker safety is top priority.

Daily measurements

Scenario 2: Daily measurements

For minor maintenance works status checks must be frequently performed to ensure a work atmosphere remains under value thresholds for hazardous substances. They monitor performance and indicate potential hazardous gas leaks. Data acquisition and transfer must therefore be reliable, fast and efficient.

Clearance measurement of hazardous workplaces – a job for experts

Prior to entry into potentially hazardous work environments standard safety precautions like clearance measurements must be followed. The atmosphere must be measured and monitored for hazardous substances with a dedicated gas detector. Comprehensive knowledge and practical skills are necessary to ensure safety for workers – therefore some important questions should be answered.

When exactly should clearance measurement take place?

Shortly before operation – immediately before operation starts, with no pause in-between. Environmental factors, such as temperature and ventilation, can change the atmosphere very suddenly. If works could potentially be interrupted or delayed after clearance measurement, position a mobile area monitor such as the Dräger X-zone 5500 in a suitable location in the container. Moreover consider the working time planned. A Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL) refers to a total exposure time of 8 hours per day. In case of longer working times, especially during shutdowns, reduction factors have to be considered.

How often must function tests be performed?

Most manufacturers recommend checking the battery life, alarm function and display of their instruments before every use. In practice, international regulations apply, as well as regulations that may vary from company to company. In Germany, for example, common practice is to test all available instruments prior to every shift then store them in a box which is accessible to every colleague. An instrument may be switched off and then on again later after a bump test, for example, if long distances have to be travelled to the worksite.

What should be documented in the clearance measurement protocol

The protocol must state in which space or container and at which time clearance measurement was performed – and under which conditions. Thus, the following information is essential:  

  • Date and time and/or time period  
  • Container number and measuring point at the container, if there is more than one measuring point  
  • Measured hazardous substances  
  • Responsibilities (name of the person performing the measurement, supervisor)  
  • The instruments used for the clearance measurement, so they are clearly traceable later on

Dräger X-Viz Remote Monitoring System

Draeger X-Viz CSEPlay video

As a complete safety monitoring system, the X-Viz system is designed to meet OSHA requirements during plant turnarounds. By integrating gas detection, video monitoring, alarms, and access control technologies, the X-Viz system allows fewer safety technicians to remotely monitor a greater number of confined spaces.

This reduces labor costs and delegates safety supervision to the most qualified people.

Learn more about the X-Viz Remote Monitoring System

Minimize errors and downtime costs

Dräger X-Viz Confined Space Monitoring System

To help mitigate the risk, Dräger’s confined space entry monitoring system uses advanced technology operated by skilled personnel to help keep your workforce safe.

PDF 227 KB
Digital clearance measurement
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Complex manual documentation and long walk times can be a thing of the past – digital communication helps reduce errors and accelerate processes, thus minimizing risks.

More about Smart Safety


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Draeger, Inc. – Safety

7256 S. Sam Houston W Pkwy., Suite 100
Houston, TX 77085
