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Coronavirus (COVID-19 or nCoV) - Dräger's Important Information during the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak - Coronavirus

Coronavirus (COVID-19 or nCoV) - Dräger's Important Information during the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

With the outbreak of the coronavirus in different parts of the world, we at Dräger believe that it is our responsibility to support hospitals and people who need safety and medical equipment in facing this global challenge.

On this page, we would like to answer some of the most frequent questions and show you product and application information about the usage and the reprocessing of Dräger medical devices and safety protection equipment.

Ventilation of COVID-19 ARDS Patients


Even though there has never been a disease for which so much clinical data has been generated in such a short time as was done in the past year on COVID-19 and related ARDS (CARDS), to date there is still not much hard evidence regarding the question how CARDS is actually different to “classical” ARDS, and if these differences should result into different clinical strategies.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

FAQ: Medical Devices

Reprocessing, Disinfection and the Use of Filters

How shall medical devices potentially exposed to SARS-CoV-2 be reprocessed?

The following information and recommendations are targeted for ICU, OR and NICU warming therapy devices from Dräger that were used on patients infected or highly suspected to be infected with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

How efficiently do breathing system filters help against the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Information on retention rates of Dräger filter efficiency.

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Is it technically possible to use a breathing system filter (BSF) in combination with a neonatal expiratory valve?

It is only technically possible to use breathing system filters (BSF) in combination with adapters on a neonatal expiratory valve. Expiratory filters used in combination with active humidification may increase the expiratory resistance. For the operator, a risk-benefit analysis per patient case must be done with regard to the corresponding limitations and requirements for use outside the intended purpose (off-label use). The combination of an expiratory filter and neonatal expiratory valve is not approved. Dräger cannot and must therefore not make any fundamental recommendation.

As a manufacturer of medical and safety technology, Dräger is aware of its responsibility to provide some insights both (I) on the legal and regulatory perspective as well as (II) related to the use of a Dräger BSF in combination with Dräger neonatal expiratory valve.

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If ventilators use ambient air, is it filtered?

The following information relates to ventilation devices from Dräger using ambient air for the patient breathing gas.

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How do I prepare (reusable) medical accessories if a corona patient was ventilated with them?

You will find information on reprocessing medical accessories further down on this page in the relevant product section. 

How do I prepare devices if a corona patient was ventilated with them? Are there any special instructions/points to be observed during reprocessing?

You will find information on reprocessing medical devices further down on this page in the relevant product section or in our reprocessing booklet.

Download reprocessing booklet

In Case of Equipment Limitations

Can I use Dräger Ventilators with Oxygen 93?

Dräger ventilators are generally specified to be operated with a high-pressure oxygen source with a concentration of 100% oxygen.

In case that a Dräger ventilator is used with oxygen 93 the device will not achieve all specifications or accuracies stated in the instructions for use. Using  ventilators with oxygen 93 would therefore be regarded as an off-label use carried out by the user under his sole responsibility.

Due to calibration with oxygen 93 instead of oxygen 100 the delivered FiO2 can be lower by up to 11%. This must be considered when setting FiO2. Undesired alarms and other effects can occur.

For detailed legal, regulatory and application information please read the following document below.

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Can I use a Carina ventilator for long term ventilation?

In the last few days many customers and health care professionals approached us, to obtain information about possibly using Dräger Carina sub-acute Care ventilators as an alternative ventilator when alternative devices are fully utilized and there is no other ventilator option. Against these special circumstances, we believe it is our responsibility to provide some insights both (i) on the legal and regulatory perspective as well as (ii) on some known limitations of Dräger Carina sub-acute care ventilators for usage on ICUs.

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Can I use an anaesthesia device for long-term ventilation?

It is technically possible to perform long-term ventilation with an anaesthesia machine as an alternative ventilator when existing ventilators are fully utilized and there is no other ventilator option. For the operator, however, a risk-benefit analysis per patient case must be done with regard to the corresponding limitations and requirements for use outside the intended purpose (off-label use) of Dräger anaesthesia machines as defined in the Instructions for Use. Dräger cannot and must therefore not make any fundamental recommendation for the use of anaesthesia machines for long-term ventilation of intensive care patients.

As a manufacturer of medical and safety technology, Dräger is aware of its responsibility to protect, support and save lives. For this reason, health care facilities can get detailed information on legal and regulatory issues as well as on the possible applications of Dräger anaesthesia devices for long-term ventilation. Please review the document below for more information.

We have also created an overview of ventilation modes in critical care ventilators along with naming used on the different Dräger anaesthesia devices. Please see document below.

Can I use Dräger emergency ventilators for long term ventilation?

Recently many customers and health care professionals approached us to obtain information about possibly using Dräger Oxylog emergency and transport ventilators for long-term ventilation as an alternative ventilator when existing devices are fully utilized and there is no other ventilator option. Against these special circumstances, we believe it is our responsibility to provide some insights both (i) on the legal and regulatory perspective as well as (ii) on some known limitations of Dräger Oxylog emergency and transport ventilators for long-term ventilation.

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Can several patients be put on one ventilator?

We have received many inquiries regarding social media postings and publications that discuss the use of one ventilator to be used on multiple patients. Any such use would be considered “off-label application”. The intended use of Draeger ventilators is as a single patient item to ensure safe and reliable management of the respiratory failure patient that requires mechanical ventilation.

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Is it possible to use Babylog Neonatal Ventilators for paediatric patients in order to free up universal ventilators for adult patients?

In general it is possible to use the Babylog ventilators to ventilate paediatric patients, as Dräger Babylog ventilators are intended and approved for the ventilation of premature and term neonates and paediatric patients. However, there is a limitation in the height/weight of paediatric patients. If bigger paediatric patients shall be ventilated with Babylog ventilators, a risk-benefit analysis per patient case must be done with regard to the corresponding limitations and requirements for use outside the intended purpose (off-label use). Dräger cannot and must therefore not make any fundamental recommendation.

As a manufacturer of medical and safety technology, Dräger is aware of its responsibility to provide some insights both (I) on the legal and regulatory perspective as well as (II) related to the use of Dräger Babylog ventilator products.

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Product Information

How do I prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus via the anaesthesia machine from one patient to the next patient?

In order to prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus via the anaesthesia machine, mechanical filters or HMEFs with mechanical filter media should be placed at defined positions.

The correct placement depends on the patient group and the breathing system filters and HMEFs used. In this context, please consider the reprocessing instructions when changing patients in particular, when filters or HMEFs could not be used as recommended.

Follow the Instuctions for Use, in particular the chapter Reprocessing. Follow the occupational safety and reprocessing guidelines of the hospital and local/national health authorities. Based on the individual situation/assessment, it is up to hospital hygiene requirements to decide on the appropriate measures.

Can I put old medical devices back into operation?

The current situation in Germany is extremely dynamic due to COVID-19 and the development of the pandemic. As a leading global company with the guiding principle “Technology for Life”, human health is our top priority. Our products and services protect, support and save lives. It is precisely in such a situation that we want to demonstrate this by doing our utmost.

We are therefore willing to put your old out-of-service medical devices back into operation. However, we must point out that we can only carry out a functional test of the devices in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and that we are not responsible for any repairs, maintenance, replacement of spare parts or other actions carried out prior to recommissioning. Improper repairs or replacement parts can lead to unforeseen damage or failure of the unit. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your contact at Dräger in the usual way.  

How can I use High-Flow Therapy for treatment of Covid-19 Patients?

The WHO has indicated high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) therapy as treatment of selected patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure of COVID-19 Patients. For more information please read the following document below.

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Clinical Guidance

Do you give clinical guidance on how to treat COVID-19 patients?

Dräger does not give clinical guidance. Please refer to the societies and organisations listed in the link section for further information, best practices and clinical guidance.

What are typical COVID-19 patient characteristics?

We hosted a webinar and Q&A interview session with Prof. Giacomo Grasselli, Associate Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Milan, to talk about his experiences and lessons learned with COVID-19 patients in the Lombardy area. You can access the recordings below.

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What are the different phenotypes and approaches in Covid-19 patients?

We hosted a webinar with Dr. Luigi Camporota, Intensivist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and clinical lead for the Severe Respiratory Failure and ECMO service at St Thomas’ Hospital. During the session Dr. Camporota talked about his experiences and gave practical advice on the topic of the Different phenotypes and approaches in Covid-19 patients. You can access the recording below.

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How do you set a ventilator and wean Covid-19 patients?

We hosted a webinar with Prof. Paolo Navalesi, Full Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at the Department of Medicine of the University of Padua (Italy) and Director of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the University Hospital of Padua. During the session, Prof. Navalesi talked about his experiences and gave practical advice on the topic of ventilator settings and the weaning of COVID-19 patients. You can access the recording below.

Register to receive access to the webinar recording

Customer Letters

Use of Single Ventilator for Multiple Patients

We have received many inquiries regarding social media postings and publications that discuss the use of one ventilator to be used on multiple patients. Any such use would be considered “off-label application”. The intended use of Dräger ventilators is as a single patient item to ensure safe and reliable management of the respiratory failure patient that requires mechanical ventilation.

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Usage of Carina Sub-Acute Care Ventilators in ICUs

In the last few days many customers and health care professionals approached us, to obtain information about possibly using Dräger Carina sub-acute Care ventilators as an alternative ventilator when alternative devices are fully utilised and there is no other ventilator option. Against these special circumstances, we believe it is our responsibility to provide some insights both (i) on the legal and regulatory perspective as well as (ii) on some known limitations of Dräger Carina sub-acute care ventilators for usage on ICUs.

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Filtration Efficiency of Ambient Air Filters for Savina, Savina 300, Carina and Oxylog

The following information relates to ventilation devices from Dräger using ambient air for the patient breathing gas.

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SARS-CoV-2 and Handling of Medical Devices for ICU

The following information and recommendations are targeted for Intensive Care devices from
Dräger that were used on patients infected or highly suspected to be infected with the novel
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

SARS-CoV-2 and Handling of Dräger Anaesthesia Workstations

Information and recommendations for Dräger Anaesthesia workstations that were used on patients infected or highly suspected to be infected with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
Please find more materials explaining how to clean and reprocess our devices below. 

Filtration Efficiency of Breathing System Filter

Information on retention rates of Dräger filter efficiency.

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SARS-CoV-2 and handling of warming therapy devices for Neonatal Intensive Care

The following information and recommendations are targeted for Neonatal Intensive Care devices from Dräger. 

Please find more materials explaining how to clean and reprocess our devices below.

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Usage of Dräger Oxylog Emergency Ventilators for long-term ventilation

FAQ: Personal Protection

Is it possible to reprocess (disposable) FFP protective masks?

Unfortunately it is not possible to reprocess the FFP protective masks supplied by Dräger.
All FFP protective masks contain electrostatic filter materials – the charge of these materials is destroyed by heat, radioactive radiation, UV radiation and the like, causing the mask to lose most of its filtration properties. Disinfectants such as isopropyl, ethanol and other detergents also destroy the charge of the filter material.

Since all the above-mentioned procedures cause lasting damage to the filter material, Dräger is not working on a reprocessing procedure.

In this connection, please also observe the information contained in the instructions for use for the respective products.

Further information

Can I still use filter masks beyond the expiry date?

As a manufacturer, Dräger advises against the use of expired FFPs and breathing filters. No general statements can be made about the extent to which they still have their actual protective performance. For example, an expired FFP3 may no longer have the normative protective performance of an FFP3. The reason for this is the electrostatic property of the filter material, which decreases over the years. However, only a test in an approved laboratory with the appropriate equipment can provide information on the basic standard EN 149, which is used to check and measure the current performance.

Which Personal Protection Equipment should I use?

Dräger does not give guidance on which PPE should be used linked to COVID-19. As one possible source please refer to the World Health Organization (WHO) who published an interim guidance “Infection prevention and control during health care when COVID-19 is suspected” which names the appropriate PPE when in contact with patients (see chapter 3.2 Airborne precautions for aerosol-generating.

Does a surgical face mask offer the same protection as respiratory mask?

The purpose of a surgical mask is to protect against penetration by sprayed liquids and to protect others against droplets in the air exhaled by the wearer. A respirator mask protects the wearer against inhalation of minute airborne particles and droplets.  In a non-occupational situation a surgical mask may be beneficial for the protection of other persons when the wearer believes that he or she may be spreading pathogens.

FAQ: Service

Will Dräger still be carrying out device training of users before use?

Please appreciate that we are only training key users and avoiding large groups when giving initial trainings so as to protect our own employees.

One of our employees tested positive for corona and had contact with Dräger. What should I do?

If it should turn out that one of your employees who was in contact with our service technician today tested positive for COVID-19, please inform your contact at Dräger immediately so that we can take the necessary measures.

Will Dräger service operations be maintained?

We will maintain our service operations for as long as possible and prioritise the functionality of our products and services. The focus will be on repairs; routine activities will be of secondary importance. Of course, the safety of our customers, patients and employees is also important to us so that we are able to meet our social responsibility.  

Useful Content

Overview: How to use this content

Within the following two blocks we have collected the most relevant documents linked to usage and the reprocessing of Dräger medical devices and safety protection equipment. Use the tabs to select a product area and browse relevant application videos, cleaning & reprocessing documents and instructions for use guidelines.

The instructions for use on this website are published for information purposes only. For each product we provide the English instructions for use for the latest software version. Please check the software version of your Dräger device before reading and using the instructions for use on this website.

Please call your local Dräger representative or contact your local Dräger Service if you require other instructions for use for different software or language versions.

Medical Devices

Evita XL

Evita XL Product Photo

Please select from the following:

Evita 4

Evita 4 Edition Product Photo

Please select from the following:

Evita 2 Dura

Evita 2 Dura Product Image

Please select from the following: 

Oxylog VE300

Oxylog 3000 plus

Oxylog 3000 Plus Product Image

Please select from the following:

Device Configurators for V-Class Ventilators

Recommended Device Configurations for V-Class Ventilators

Isolette 8000 Plus


Caleo Product Image

Please select from the following:

Isolette TI500

Isolette Ti500 Product Photo

Please select from the following:


Resuscitaire Product Photo

Please select from the following:

Babytherm 8004/8010

Babytherm Product Photo

Please select from the following:

Workplaces & Gas Supply

Calculate Consumptions of Dräger Devices

Calculate the gas consumption of your Dräger devices and how long they can be operated with gas cylinders. The consumption calculator for Dräger anaesthesia devices also allows you to estimate the need for soda lime, volatile anaesthetic gases and fresh gas.

Safety Protection

Breathing Masks and Powered Air Purifying Respirators: Handling

Breathing Masks: Handling

X-plore 1300 Product Photo

Dräger X-plore® 1300

Video - How to use

X-plore 1700 Product Photo

Dräger X-plore® 1700

Video - How to use

X-plore 1900 Product Photo

Dräger X-plore® 1900

Video - How to use

X-plore 3500 Product Photo

Dräger X-plore® 3300 / 3500

Video - How to use

Filtering Face Pieces Disinfection and Respiratory Filters Disinfection/Reuse

Disinfection of Filtering Face Pieces
Disinfection / reuse of respiratory filters
Procedures and specifications for cleaning and disinfection of Dräger Personal Protective Equipment

Powered Air Purifying Respirators: Handling and Cleaning

X-Plore 8000 Product Photo

Dräger X-plore 8000

Video - How to use

General information on powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) approvals with regard to filter performance (PDF)

Powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) approvals regarding filter performance

General information on powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) approvals with regard to filter performance (PDF)

View information sheet (PDF)

Wearing protective equipment alone is no guarantee for protection against bacteria, viruses or biologically-contaminated fluids! Only correct dressing and undressing as well as thorough disinfection, in addition to wearing protective equipment, protects the wearer from possible infection and spread of contamination.

Protective Suits: Handling

Wearing protective equipment alone is no guarantee for protection against bacteria, viruses or biologically-contaminated fluids! Only correct dressing and undressing as well as thorough disinfection, in addition to wearing protective equipment, protects the wearer from possible infection and spread of contamination.

Eyewear: Handling and Cleaning

Contact us

Product Related Questions only

Due to the corona crisis we are currently receiving significantly more enquiries. Please use this form only if you have specific questions about handling and reprocessing of the products listed here. For other enquiries please use our general contact form. 

Press & Media Contact

Melanie Kamann
- Spokeswoman -
Tel.: +49 451 882-3202
Fax: +49 451 882-3944

Link to Dräger press area