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Alarm Management

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Dräger Alarm Management Solution

Patient alarms play a vital role in protecting patients in intensive care units by allowing timely responses by caregivers. However, the potentially overwhelming number of acoustic alarms poses different challenges that need to be managed systematically to avoid adverse events.

A noisy ICU environment can lead patients and caregivers to develop delirium and stress. Over 30% of patients treated in the ICUs become confused or develop delirium. Standard ICUs recorded noise levels above 45 dBA at all times, over the suggested 35 dBA by the World Health Organisation (WHO)1.

At an ICU bed, up to 350 alarms can occur per day, of which up to 95% are clinically irrelevant2. This sensory overload can lead to alarm fatigue in healthcare providers, resulting in desensitisation to alarms and even missed alarms.


Management of critical patient alarm in acute care environments

Together with our partner Ascom, we provide solutions to help you safely manage patient alarms in situations where a patient’s life may be at risk.

Download our brochure to learn more about our integrated solutions and services.


Alarm Distribution: Our Solution with Ascom as a Partner

To safely manage critical patient alarms in acute care environments, we collaborate with Ascom for an integrated alarm distribution solution. By sending alerts from our Dräger patient monitors and ventilators directly out via the Distributed Information System (DIS) to a caregiver assigned to the respective patient, we enable a timely intervention for multifaceted clinical scenarios.

  • Increase caregiver mobility: Distribution of alerts to assigned caregivers minimises interruptions to other staff
  • Support patient safety: Indication of alert severity levels, allowing caregivers to better prioritise their tasks
  • Reduce alarm fatigue: Information filtering to send only actionable alerts to caregivers
  • Support workflow efficiency: Transmission of context information with waveforms and physiological data
  • Utilise team resources: Alerts are forwarded when caregivers are unable to respond
Alarm Management with Draeger and Ascom using Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (SDC)Play video

Alarm Management with Draeger and Ascom using Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (SDC)

Dräger partners with Ascom to present alarm management in ICU using Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (SDC).

Alarm Management with Draeger and Ascom via MedibusXPlay video

Alarm Management with Draeger and Ascom via MedibusX

Dräger partners with Ascom to present alarm management in ICU via MedibusX.

Alarm History Analytics

Draw continuous insights from your clinical alarms with Alarm History Analytics. The application can increase efficiency in clinical alarm management workflows with alarm data from connected Infinity patient monitors. Directly improve the delivery of care by systematically optimising processes and staff planning while identifying the sources of recurring alarms. Reduce alarm quantities and monitor the results over a period of time within the dashboard.

Dräger Alarm History Analytics

Dräger Alarm History Analytics

Gain continuous insights from your clinical alarms with Alarm History Analytics. This solution supports your alarm management strategy and provides a customised analysis of the alarms occurring from your Infinity® patient monitors. Identify the causes of high alarm quantities in your units and monitor the results of ...

Product details

Alarm History Analytics: Enabling to reduce alarms at the Point-of-CarePlay video

Learn how you can manage the cost of care by increasing efficiencies and improve outcomes by enabling data-based decision making. The Alarm History Analytics application provides insights on alarms from medical devices that have occurred in an acute care environment.

Standards Compliance

International Alarm Management Standards

Choose an alarm management solution that complies with the clinical and administrative requirements of your hospital. To better evaluate your options, it is important to be aware of the standards that govern the manufacturing of alarm management technologies.

International standard IEC 60601

IEC 60601-1-8:2006/AMD2:2020

Amendment 2 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems

International standard IEC 80001

IEC/TR 80001-2-5:2014

Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices — Part 2-5: Application guidance — Guidance for distributed alarm systems

International standard ihe pcd

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) - Devices Domain

IHE-PCD (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise – Patient Care Device) has built a technical framework of use cases that feature defined special profiles, including specifications for clinical alarms and system interoperability.

External Links






Medical Device Interoperability


1Jones, K. (2014). Alarm fatigue a top patient safety hazard. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(3), p. 178.

2Darbyshire J.L. & Young J. D. (2013). An investigation of sound levels on intensive care units with reference to the WHO guidelines. Critical Care, 17: R187.

Get in touch with Dräger

Contact Us Hospital

Draeger Australia Pty. Ltd.

8 Acacia Place
Notting Hill
Victoria 3168

1800 372 437

Draeger New Zealand Ltd.

Unit 4
24 Bishop Dunn Place
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013

0800 372 437