Newborn Jaundice Management: Gentle Care For Jaundiced Newborns - Newborn Jaundice Management- Baby is being treated for jaundice in the NICU

Newborn Jaundice Management: Gentle Care For Jaundiced Newborns

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8 out of every 10 babies show signs of jaundice. Jaundice is caused by high levels of Bilirubin. High levels of Bilirubin are toxic to brain cells, and severe jaundice poses the risk of bilirubin passing into the brain and causing damage. It’s important to know when and how to screen for it and to use gentle and effective phototherapy treatment when needed. Here, you can discover different testing and treatment methods and learn when to use each one. Take advantage of useful research tools, learn how to use our effective newborn jaundice-related products and get information on how to support parents. With the right tools and training, neonatal jaundice can be easily managed.

Information on how to screen for jaundice, including visual signs and testing bilirubin levelsPlay video

Knowing when and how to screen

What are the differences between the common TSB Test and a TcB Test? Take a look at our informative video and learn more about how to screen for jaundice, including what visual cues to look for and what tests to use.

Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105

Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105

The Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105 gives you consistent quality screening, cost-effectively delivered over the lifetime of the device. As a result you optimize the efficiency of your jaundice management program, which ...

Product details


Find out more about Neonatal Jaundice:

  • What is Neonatal Jaundice?
  • What causes it?
  • What is the risk?
  • What type of Jaundice Screening are there?
  • What is the treatment of Jaundice?

Complete the form below to download the infographic - Neonatal Jaundice. 

Helpful screening tools and training materials

Jaundice Screening: Research Study Tool
Newborn Jaundice Treatment: Jaundice screening, research study tool

Get up-to-date and consolidated links to jaundice screening information – such as research papers and guidelines – in one easy reference guide.

Sample usage protocol for JM-105
Sample usage protocol for Dräger Jaundice Meter JM-105

Use this template to create a facility- or department-specific protocol for using the Dräger JM-105.

Efficient phototherapy treatment

A look at the factors which are important for effective phototherapyPlay video

Three important factors for effective phototherapy

When newborns are born with high bilirubin levels, they may require phototherapy treatment. But effective treatment means more than simply placing blue light above jaundiced babies. Watch this video to learn about which factors should be taken into consideration.



The BiliLux is a compact and lightweight LED phototherapy light system for the treatment of neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. It provides superior phototherapy performance to support the thought of phototherapy as a drug, individualised therapy with electronic documentation capabilities, and the flexibility for seamless integration into ...

Product details

Caregivers at St. Mary’s Hospital talk about how the BiliLux device helps with effective jaundice managementPlay video

Efficient jaundice management with the Dräger BiliLux

St. Mary’s Hospital in London was the first hospital to use our BiliLux LED-phototherapy light system. Senior Sister, Jeannine Pompon talks about how the BiliLux is helping them improve the jaundice management process – for both baby and caregiver.

Helpful phototherapy tools and information

Phototherapy: Research Study Tool
Phototherapy research study tool

Get up-to-date and consolidated links to jaundice treatment information – such as research papers and guidelines – in one easy reference guide.

Protecting baby and yourself: phototherapy accessories
Phototherapy accessories information

Eye protection for the baby during phototherapy is a must – but what about everyone else in the NICU? Learn about our solutions for protecting baby, caregivers and parents during treatment.

Creating a nurturing environment

Dr. Sunit Godambe talks about why jaundice management is an important topic for a NICUPlay video

Jaundice management in the NICU

Dr. Sunit Godambe tells us why jaundice management is an important part of a nurturing NICU environment – and why it brings advantages for both babies and parents.

Father sits with baby sleeping against his chest

Handout: help parents understand neonatal jaundice

Jaundice is extremely common in newborns. However, it can be a cause of anxiety for parents and families. This booklet explains jaundice in a simple way. Give it to the families of your little patients to help them worry less.

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Take a look at our resources and tools for preemie parents and clinical professionals

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