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Don't waste any time! The complete solution Drägerware.ZMS allows you to organise your maintenance tasks quickly and smoothly.

Easy handling

Drägerware.ZMS is a central management system particularly suited to organizations such as fire departments and aid organizations for asset, address, device and material management. The software is web based and easy to use with a modern, intuitive menu and usable without instructions. The application can be deployed immediately as there is no installation. Dräger guarantees operability and data security.

Secure networking and use

With the central data storage, networking with other fire departments in any type of hierarchy is possible securely. Encrypted data transfer as well as multi-leveled authentication process offer a highlevel of security. The application is provided by selected providers who guarantee the highest level of system stability. In the case of the breakdown of a single PC at the user's workplace, e.g. through a hardware defect, work can immediately be continued at another workstation.

A full packet at an affordable price

Drägerware.ZMS is currently offered to fire departments or aid organizations as a full packet depending on the type of organization. Particular attention is paid to an affordable price that includes all required services, such as the provision of the application, hosting of the application, first use of security patches and improvements as well as data security services. This creates cost transparency and offers cost advantages while taking into account all costs incurred.

Universal data access

Thanks to the web based technology, the data can be accessed everywhere - be it from the office, the appliance room or even from home. Drägerware.ZMS makes possible the exchange of data with other partners as well as the transfer of print data from central fire departments.

Flexible, standardised evaluation options

An integrated query generator as well as special evaluations allow for the secure, flexible and low maintenance compilation of necessary statistics. Query parameters need only be set once, queries are defined with clearly understandable identifiers and can be assigned to flexible selectable user groups.


Drägerware.ZMS Product information, en
Drägerware.ZMS Product information, en


Fact Sheet - SaaS, en global
Fact Sheet - SaaS, en global


Get in touch with Dräger

Smiling woman with blonde hair

Draeger Australia Pty. Ltd.

​8​ ​Acacia​ ​Place
Notting​ ​Hill
Victoria​ ​3168

1800 372 437

Draeger New Zealand Ltd.

​Unit​ ​4
24​ ​Bishop​ ​Dunn​ ​Place
East​ ​Tamaki
Auckland​ ​2013

0800 372 437