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Trust - Transparency - Integrity - Protection - Reliability

Dräger is "Technology for Life." This is our promise: We respect the people and laws of all countries, treat each other fairly and adhere to the highest possible standards of integrity and professionalism. Our primary goal is to do everything we can to prevent risks that could jeopardise the trust that our customers, shareholders, business partners and the general public place in us. Only if all of us (our employees, but also our business partners) comply with our Code of Conduct can our products and services also live up to this promise.

Compliance Management System

Compliance means much more than just following the rules. Compliance is the basis for everything we do. Our Compliance Management System (CMS) for anti-corruption, antitrust law, fraud prevention and dealing with potential conflicts of interest is divided into three areas.

✋ Prevention

e.g. compliance risk management, our Code of Conduct, and employee training and coaching.  

🕵 Detection

e.g. communication channels such as the Dräger Integrity Channel, which make it easier to report violations safely and anonymously.

👉 Response

e.g. internal investigations into possible misconduct, followed by clear consequences. Objective, fair and transparent.

We are compliance.

Compliance is an integral part of our company culture, which our management, executives and employees live by. We are very aware of our responsibility and act accordingly. It is our obligation to do the right thing, regardless of whether it is behind closed doors or out in the open.

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Inken Brand, Head of the Corporate Compliance Office in Lübeck, Germany:

Compliance goes hand in hand with acting transparently and consistently, and that often requires courage. Long-term thinking which spans multiple generations is a defining feature of family-owned businesses like ours. That kind of thinking is also a valuable "ally" that helps us work compliantly and in line with our values. That is powerful motivation for me. Our guiding principle, "Technology for Life", binds us all together, no matter which department or country we work in.

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Olga Maletz, Regional Compliance Manager for the Africa, Asia, Australia region:

For me, compliance means being a partner to my colleagues when it comes to any compliance issues or topics. The partnership is based on a spirit of trust, support and an understanding that compliance is everyone's job, no matter what your job title is, or which country you work in. We all contribute to compliance and are part of its success.

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Alan Hernandez, Legal, Compliance & Data Privacy Manager in Mexico:

In my view, compliance is all about integrity. You can interpret integrity as honesty, respect for others, proper conduct, responsibility, emotional control, self-respect, loyalty, discipline, consistency and fairness in action. A person with integrity is a person you can trust.

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Sumiti Multani, Regional Compliance Expert in the Africa, Asia, Australia region:

When we talk about compliance, the thing that stands out most to me is protection. That protection takes three different forms - protection of Dräger's brand value, protection of our employees and protection of our customers. Prevention and early detection are important. Protecting the interests of our stakeholders and Dräger’s brand value is our top priority, and that's why the compliance team is here. Protection also means investing our resources wisely, in order to protect the interests of our stakeholders. This helps us to earn and keep people's trust in our company and our integrity, which is of the highest value.

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Ildiko Szabados, Country Finance Manager and Compliance Appointee in Hungary:

For me, compliance means trust that is based on my values. Trust plays an important role in all areas of our lives. It's also crucial for building and maintaining good customer relationships. When we play by the rules, it builds trust all around, so the importance of trust cannot be overestimated.

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Carolina Siniscalchi, Legal, Compliance, Data Privacy and Regulatory Manager in Brazil:

For me, compliance means doing the right thing, even if no one is watching. That's why I chose the word "integrity".

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Chayakot Sirigul, Quality & Regulatory Affairs Manager, Compliance Appointee, Data Privacy Office in Thailand:

For me, compliance means doing the right thing first. That builds trust. And that's why compliance is synonymous with reliability for me.

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Stefan Dräger, Chairman of the Executive Board

Not looking away, but addressing and solving problems. That is what we aspire towards.

Secure, reliable communication channels

Being open about how we deal with shortcomings and mistakes is very important to us. That is the only way we can take the right steps and put our company's processes to the test. Effective compliance requires secure, reliable communication channels – for employees and business partners, but also for all stakeholders. Even the best compliance policy only works if everyone is aware of their individual responsibility for acting with integrity.  

All employees can address their questions to their managers and to the teams in charge of overseeing compliance, such as the Corporate Compliance Office and other contacts in our company-wide compliance network. The same applies if any of us discover a weak point or situation that could result in unlawful conduct.

Report concerns

Dräger Integrity Channel

We are aware that situations may arise in which direct, open dialogue may not be the right course of action, or an individual prefers to remain anonymous. In cases like this, the Dräger Integrity Channel offers the opportunity to report possible compliance violations – either anonymously or by name. The Dräger Integrity Channel is a web-based whistle-blower channel and is available around the clock and worldwide. It allows for the reporting of possible violations of Dräger's Code of Conduct, internal company guidelines or applicable laws, or for someone to seek advice on what to do.

Dräger Integrity Channel

Contacting the Corporate Compliance Office by email

Would you like to contact our Corporate Compliance Office? You can ask questions and share concerns directly with us. Please email us at: compliance(at)

Point of contact for Dräger employees

If you are a Dräger employee and have concerns about a possible compliance violation, we recommend that you contact your direct manager first. However, if that is not a suitable option in your situation, you are always welcome to report the issue via any of our reporting channels.

Speak up! We care.


Responsibility requires character.

It's not always easy to talk about potential mistakes and shortcomings, and that is something we must overcome. Have the courage to address potential violations of Dräger's principles of business and conduct or of applicable law. This is part of your responsibility to act with integrity. Talk to your manager or compliance officer about it. Alternatively, feel free to use the Dräger Integrity Channel. You can access it from anywhere (anonymously, if you prefer).


Observe. Question. Speak up.

Nobody knows better than you what is going on in your work environment. That's precisely why Dräger needs you. Just because it's "always been done that way", doesn't mean it's still the right way. Is there something that potentially violates Dräger's principles of business and conduct, or violates applicable law? If you notice something, talk to your manager or compliance officer. Alternatively, use the Dräger Integrity Channel. You can access it from anywhere (anonymously, if you prefer).


It's never too late.

It's up to you. No matter how grave a situation might seem to you, you should report any suspected violations of Dräger's principles of business and conduct or of applicable law. That way, you help spot potential damage to Dräger's reputation and well-being and possibly prevent it before it's too late. If you suspect any violations, go straight to your manager or compliance officer. Alternatively, use the Dräger Integrity Channel. You can access it from anywhere (anonymously, if you prefer). 


Always available, from everywhere.

Dräger is committed to learning from mistakes because that too is part of proper compliance. Dräger offers safe, reliable reporting options to make sure your reports end up in the right place. If you observe any potential violations of Dräger's principles of business and conduct or of applicable law, you can always turn to your manager or your contact person at Dräger. The Dräger Integrity Channel, the web-based integrity reporting system, is where anyone - wther you are a Dräger employee, customer, sales channel partner or supplier - can report suspicious activity around the clock. No matter whre you are, you can access a secure postbox and communicate with the compliance experts, either anonymously or using your name. 


A real option.

If you suspect misconduct, we're here to support you. If you encounter any potential violations of Dräger's principles of business and conduct or of applicable law, please let us know. Choose the route that is best for you. Above all, Dräger wants to enable you to speak openly with your manager or Dräger contact person. If you feel that such a conversation would appear out of line, use our web-based integrity reporting system, the Dräger Integrity Channel. This route is open to everyone, whether you are a Dräger employee, customer, sales channel partner or supplier, around the clock. No matter where you are, you can access a secure postbox and communicate with the compliance experts, either anonymously or using your name.  

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I report a possible compliance violation? Which whistle-blowing channels are available?

You can choose the reporting channel you prefer, regardless of your relationship with Dräger. Wählen Sie den Weg, der für Sie am besten passt. If you are a Dräger employee and you have concerns about a possible compliance violation, we recommend that you contact your direct manager or compliance officer to report this first.

2. Which compliance issues can I report?

You can provide information on possible violations of Dräger's Code of Conduct, internal company guidelines or applicable laws.

3. Can I contact compliance with questions?

You’re welcome to seek advice if you are unsure on a situation, as this will help protect Dräger and its employees and prevent or minimise wrongdoing, inconsistencies, or violations. If you have questions, please send them to compliance(at)

4. Which information should I provide when reporting a possible compliance issue?

The more information you can give us, the better we can react and follow up. The five W-questions are a good place to start (especially when reporting violations or suspected incidents): Who? What? When? Why? Where? Do not hesitate to contact us, even if you cannot provide all details.

5. What is the process for submitting a tip to the Dräger Integrity Channel?

The procedure is described in detail on the Dräger Integrity Channel website under FAQ #4: Dräger Integrity Channel

6. I would like to remain anonymous and still receive feedback about the tip I submit. How does that work?

Use our Dräger Integrity Channel and set up a protected electronic mailbox after submitting your tip. This enables the compliance officer in charge to give you feedback and ask any follow-up questions that may arise while the situation is being processed.

7. Why should I set up a mailbox for an anonymous report and how do I do it?

We would like to remain in dialogue with you for any queries that may help us clarify the matter you have reported. If you wish to remain anonymous, this secure communication goes through the protected mailbox. We strongly believe that this is also in your interest, and we recommend that you use the mailbox. Otherwise, we may be missing information and we would not be able to process the tip if we cannot get in contact with you to ask further questions. 

You set up your own protected electronic mailbox when you have submitted all the information for reporting. If you already have a protected electronic mailbox, you can access it via the "Login" button. To log in, you must first answer your security question. 

As long as you do not enter any data that could reveal your identity, your anonymity is protected in the Integrity Channel by the BKMS® Incident Reporting security system. BKMS® Incident Reporting is an internet-based reporting system that has been tested and used by many large companies and organisations as well as law enforcement authorities and features the highest standards of security. This makes it impossible to trace the identity of whistle-blowers or the origin of anonymous tips. To learn more about how BKMS® Incident Reporting works, please visit:

8. I am concerned that I will suffer retribution or punishment as a result of making a report. How am I protected from this?

Every tip is handled as strictly confidential. In addition, we do not tolerate reprisals against whistle-blowers who report possible compliance violations to us responsibly and in good faith. When we investigate a tip, we also take care to protect the legitimate interests of the person(s) concerned.

"In good faith" means that the whistle-blower believes their account of the situation to be true or highly likely, regardless of whether their suspicion is later confirmed or not. It is strictly prohibited to use the Dräger Integrity Channel to deliberately provide false or defamatory tips or information.

9. Who processes messages I send to compliance(at) or via the Dräger Integrity Channel?

The Compliance Manager in charge of the Corporate Compliance Office (CCO) in Germany reviews your tip to understand the situation and assess its relevance. If your tip refers to a matter outside the authority of the CCO in Germany or the compliance officers in one of the other national offices, the CCO forwards the tip to the right department (for example, Human Resources or Customs & Export).

If your tip refers to a matter that is only relevant on a local level, it is processed locally or by the regional office in charge, as long as this is deemed to be the most appropriate course of action. Processing directly by the CCO would be appropriate, for example, in the event of a possible conflict of interest.

The CCO processes the tip directly in the case of reports that concern the German Dräger companies and reports that are classified as relevant to the company according to internal standards.

If you submit your tip via the Dräger Integrity Channel, it will be processed exclusively by the CCO's compliance managers. If it is appropriate to pass on your information for better processing, this will either be done without disclosing your identity (unless you expressly agree to this) or the officer processing your tip will ensure that it is handled as strictly confidential by the person receiving it for further processing. All compliance staff are trained to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided.

Our principles


Code of Conduct

In our Code of Conduct, we describe our values and responsibilities as a member of society, as a business partner and in the workplace. We have implemented these values in the form of rules and requirements for conduct in our handbooks for employees and managers. Everyone at Dräger, whether employee, manager or executive, must famliarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and base their actions and decisions on it.


Code of Conduct for Business Partners

It is very important to us that we and our business partners share the same principles and values and act accordingly. Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners describes what we expect from our business partners.


Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human Rights

Our “Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human Rights” explains our expectations of employees and business partners. We not only want to formulate our values, but also ensure their implementation in our daily work. We describe how we identify risks and what measures we take to prevent human rights violations in the first place.”

More information



Sustainability and continuous development are an essential part of Dräger's DNA and company history. For us, our guiding principle "Technology for Life" means living up to our responsibilities. Our products make a positive contribution to people and the environment in many ways, and with our systems and processes, we ensure that we conserve resources and minimise the possible negative impacts of our business activities. 


Company history

Every life is unique. Protecting, supporting and saving lives is at the heart of our Dräger history. Johann Heinrich Dräger wrote the first chapter of this history in 1889. We will continue to be guided by the idea of turning technology into “technology for life”.


Company Profile

Dräger manufactures medical and safety technology products. In so doing, we protect, support, and save people's lives around the world in hospitals, with fire departments, emergency services, authorities, and in mining as well as industry. Founded in Lübeck (Germany) in 1889, Dräger has grown into a worldwide, listed enterprise in its fifth generation as a family-run business.

Get in touch with Dräger


Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

Moislinger Allee 53–55

23558 Lübeck, Germany

+49 451 882 0

Here for you 24/7.