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Drägersorb 100 - Soda Lime - Draegersorb-100-16-6

Drägersorb 100 - Soda Lime

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Drägersorb 100

Drägersorb 100 is a medical grade soda lime used as CO2 absorbent in procedures that require inhalation anaesthetic games and agents.

Key Features

• High CO2 absorption capacity and homogenous CO2 absorption

• Low dust levels provide protection of the patient, user and the equipment

• Less undesired reaction effects, even if the soda lime is unintentionally left to dry out

• User-friendly packaging in convenient 5l canisters

Economic Excellence

The semi-spherical pellet form of Drägersorb 100 does not undergo channel formation. Our soda lime absorbs CO2 evenly and is effectively utlised. Its pellet form and high porosity create an optimal surface. With the application of processes, equipment and technology, Drägersorb 100 has reached a high level of CO2 absorption compared to its main competitors. This means money saving, due to its higher yield.

Additional Safety

Drägersorb 100 signiifcantly reduces the build up of decomposition substances that are produced if the soda lime accidentally dries out. Drägersorb 100 may be used with all halogenated inhalation anaesthetic agents. Of course, only fresh soda lime guarantees optimal use for patients. A change in colour from white to violet blue clearly indicates when the soda lime needs to be changed.


Drägersorb 100 - Soda Lime - Draegersorb-100-absorption-3-2
Drägersorb 100 - Soda Lime - Draegersorb-100-colour-change-indicator-3-2

Clear colour change indicator

Drägersorb 100 - Soda Lime - Draeger-100-container-3-2



Accessory Catalogue 2024, en

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger India Private Limited

10th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City,
Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai - 400 063, India

022 6133 5600


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