Read more about new approaches in volume targeted ventilation for newborn babies.
Improve your outcome with volume guarantee
Volume guarantee is a mode of ventilation used for measuring tidal volumes and monitoring changes in lung characteristics with sophisticated software algorithms. It has been designed to combine the advantages of both pressure-limited ventilation and volume-controlled ventilation. Clinical evidence has shown that babies ventilated with volume guarantee are more likely to survive – free of lung damage and chronic diseases. These benefits can also attribute to cost reductions in the NICU.
High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) for Neonates
HFOV is a mode of ventilation which has been in clinical use for over thirty years. In many hospitals around the world, HFOV is now an established first-intention ventilation approach for respiratory disease. HFOV is used to treat diseases such as respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, meconium aspiration syndrome, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn and lung hypoplasia – more successfully and more gently than conventional ventilation.
Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV)
Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV) is a relatively simple closed-loop mode of ventilation, whereby the ventilator delivers pressure-limited, volume-targeted mandatory breaths when the minute volume (generated by pressure supported spontaneous breaths) falls below a target minimum Minute Volume (MV). It gives you the possibility to control your patient’s ventilation, whilst safeguarding on a minimum minute ventilation level. In addition, it can be considered a safe weaning strategy as it combines frequency adaptation and pressure adaptation in one mode and adapts to the individual patient needs. Furthermore, it adapts safely for leakage for trigger sensitivity and compensates for leakage in volume guarantee.