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Insights on Background & Clinical Applications of MMV - Babylog-VN500-16-6-D-72937-2012

Insights on Background & Clinical Applications of MMV

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Respiratory insufficiency remains one of the major causes of neonatal mortality, as there are still some neonates who cannot be adequately ventilated despite the use of sophisticated conventional ventilation. Our webinar “Mandatory Minute Ventilation” will help you become familiar with the theory, the clinical application and operating principle of MMV. Get your advice from Prof. Jane Pillow about: 

• Background of MMV 

• Understanding how MMV works 

• Theoretical benefits and risks of MMV 

• Clinical application of MMV in neonates 

• PC-MMV and Volume Guarantee operating principle

• "Background and Clinical Applications of Mandatory Minute Ventilation” booklet by Jane Pillow

About the speaker


Professor Jane Pillow

Professor Jane Pillow is a clinical academic neonatologist at the University of Western Australia. She pursued undergraduate medical studies at the University of Queensland. A one-year interruption to her medical education to undertake research at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne as part of a Bachelor of Medical Science underpinned a life-long enthusiasm for medical research. After a clinical internship in Townsville, she moved to Victoria to undertake postgraduate training in Paediatrics, subsequently specialising further in Neonatology. She subsequently pursued PhD studies at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Perth (1997-2000), and undertook an NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairley postdoctoral fellowship at The Institute of Child Health in London (2001-3) before returning to Perth in 2004. She has subsequently held multiple other prestigious Fellowships including a Viertel Senior Medical Research Fellowship, and Career Development, Senior Research and more recently Leadership Fellowships from the NHMRC.

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