Fabius® GS premium Anaesthesia Machines

Fabius® GS premium

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Fabius® GS premium

The Dräger Fabius® GS premium is an anaesthesia workstation that is simple to use, highly efficient and ready for the future. It features a solid design with modular architecture plus a wide range of ventilation capabilities. Your Fabius® GS premium can be customised to suit your exact needs.

High performance ventilation

A powerful and accurate E-vent piston ventilator; technology that delivers ICU-like ventilation performance – no need for drive gas. Volume control, pressure control, pressure support (PS) and SIMV/PS - all major ventilation modes can be supported. With low-flow ventilation, compact breathing system and optional heater, the Fabius GS premium is a logical choice.

Comprehensive information

An integrated, high contrast colour monitor displays vital ventilation parameters and curves in real time. Virtual flow tubes show individual gas flows and a mechanical tube shows the total gas flow. Total gas flow is displayed even in the unlikely event of power failure.

Enhanced ergonomics

The Fabius GS premium comes with a new, highly manoeuvrable trolley featuring a convenient central brake for quick and easy workstation positioning. Additional storage space for equipment and a large table for documentation and other necessaries are standard features. The compact breathing system can be mounted on either side, depending on your individual needs. Work in a dark environment? Integrated illumination and an additional light source support you. The Fabius GS premium is compatible with our practical and economical CLIC absorbers.

Ready for IT-integration

Integration into your existing hospital information system is no problem for the Fabius GS premium. Take advantage of its information management capabilities with Infinity® monitoring solutions for rapid patient data access and transfer.

Customised flexibility

Every hospital has its own challenges. That’s why we designed the Fabius GS premium with an open, modular architecture. Low-flow ventilation, standard mounting rails and medical-grade power outlet strips for Dräger Omega and Delta XL monitors or even approved third party equipment – the Fabius GS premium can be customised to better suit your individual needs.

360 Product View

Draeger Fabius GS premium 360


Fabius GS premium Product Information, en
Fabius GS premium Product Information, en


Case Study: Norwalk Whitepaper (PDF)
Case Study: Norwalk Whitepaper (PDF)

At this Connecticut hospital, clinicians are reaping the benefits of a multi-tiered platform in one, user-friendly format


Fabius E-Vent Piston Ventilator Video, en
Fabius E-Vent Piston Ventilator Video, en


Fabius Using the Auxiliary Common Gas Outlet Video, en
Fabius GS premium Brochure, en
Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en
Low Flow Anaesthesia Booklet, en

Technical Data

Lung Protective Ventilation

Operational Application
Modular anesthesia machine with space for add-ons
Patient categories
Adults, pediatrics, neonates
Fresh gas decoupling
Ventilator technology
Electronically-controlled E-Vent
APL-Technology / Precise manual ventilaton
Dräger APL-Valve
Breathing gas warmer
Low- and minimal flow setting support
Visual filling level of bag

Ventilation Modes

CPAP in Man/Spon
Volume Controlled (VC)
VC Synchronized + PS
Pressure Controlled (PC)
PC Synchronized + PS
Pressure Support
Volume Controlled AutoFlow


Screen Display
6.5" TFT colour
Vaporizers capability
up to 3
Device self test
Semi-automatic self test
LOOPS (p/V-loop and flow/V-loop)
With Dräger patient monitoring
Smart Pilot View
Patient gas module
in/ex O2, N2O, CO2, Agent (with Scio four/Vamos)

Technical Data

Device versions
Trolley version, ceiling version
Breathing system
Easy-to-position (mounted left or right on an arm)
Fresh-gas mixer
mech. mixer with digital read-out (manual needle valves)
O2, Air, N2O
RFID Technology
Serial interfaces
2x RS232

Safety Concept

Emergency ventilation in case of total gas supply failure
Typical battery run-time in case of power supply failure
120 min
Emergency start-up procedure

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Draeger India Private Limited

10th​​ ​​Floor,​​ ​​Commerz​​ ​​II,​​ ​​International​​ ​​Business​​ ​​Park,
Oberoi​​ ​​Garden​​ ​​City,
Off​​ ​​Western​​ ​​Express​​ ​​Highway,​​ ​​Goregaon​​ ​​(East),
Mumbai​​ ​​-​​ ​​400​​ ​​063,​​ ​​India

022 6133 5600


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