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Infinity® EEG Pod

Provides real-time EEG surveillance

Augments neurological monitoring capabilities of monitors

The Infinity® EEG Pod augments the neurological monitoring capabilities of Infinity patient monitors with diagnostic-quality electroencephalograph (EEG) data. It provides four channels of online, continuous analysis and trending of EEG deviations to facilitate real-time detection of changes in a patient’s neurological condition.

  • 1 to 4-channel analog EEG with display formats for EEG waveforms, EEG power spectra, and trends of computed parameters
  • EEG parameters of spectral edge frequency (SEF); burst suppression ratio (BSR); median frequency; total power; and beta, alpha, theta, and delta powers.
  • Referential or differential operating modes and continuous signal monitoring of each lead
  • On-demand check of electrode impedance measurements

Store data for up to 72 hours

The clinical data collected by the Infinity EEG Pod can be stored in the Infinity CentralStation for up to 72 hours – helping you manage data about subclinical seizures, encephalopathies and comas.

Generates strip chart recordings

The Infinity EEG Pod also generates strip chart recordings of the electroencephalograph (EEG) via a R50 recorder or laser printer as well as laser printed images of the EEG power spectral display.


Infinity EEG Pod PI 9066053, EN
Infinity EEG Pod PI 9066053, EN

The Infinity EEG Pod augments the neurological monitoring capabilities of Infinity patient monitors with diagnostic-quality EEG data. Using patented smart technology, the Infinity EEG Pod captures and processes EEG data.


Accessory Catalogue 2024, en
Accessory Catalogue 2024, en


Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger India Private Limited

10th​​ ​​Floor,​​ ​​Commerz​​ ​​II,​​ ​​International​​ ​​Business​​ ​​Park,
Oberoi​​ ​​Garden​​ ​​City,
Off​​ ​​Western​​ ​​Express​​ ​​Highway,​​ ​​Goregaon​​ ​​(East),
Mumbai​​ ​​-​​ ​​400​​ ​​063,​​ ​​India

022 6133 5600


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