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Infinity® etCO2 Pod and Module Patient Monitoring Pods

Infinity® etCO2 Pod and Module

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Infinity® etCO2 Pod and Module

The Infinity® etCO2 pod and module provides mainstream and sidestream measuring capabilities, enabling you to monitor adult, paediatric and neonatal* patients with the same unit.

An easy on-and-off connection to Infinity monitors

The pod offers easy on-and-off connection to all Infinity modular and configured monitors. The pod uses a lightweight, reusable sensor and non-dispersive infrared technology to measure end-tidal (expired) CO2 in respiratory gases – giving you a sensitive and accurate patient monitoring tool.

*Neonatal monitoring with mainstream configuration only

Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger India Private Limited

10th​​ ​​Floor,​​ ​​Commerz​​ ​​II,​​ ​​International​​ ​​Business​​ ​​Park,
Oberoi​​ ​​Garden​​ ​​City,
Off​​ ​​Western​​ ​​Express​​ ​​Highway,​​ ​​Goregaon​​ ​​(East),
Mumbai​​ ​​-​​ ​​400​​ ​​063,​​ ​​India

022 6133 5600


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