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Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System Patient Monitoring Accessories

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

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Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

​Tcore – A new non-invasive technology Tcore employs a unique dual-sensor heat flux technology, which, following a short ramp-up time, calculates core body temperature continuously and accurately. A simple, self-adhesive sensor placed on the patient’s forehead is all that’s required. This single-use sensor can be connected through a battery-powered adapter to all current Dräger monitors*, eliminating the need for a dedicated display. * Exception: Vista 120 patient monitor

Comfortable, safe and easy to use

Because Tcore is non-invasive, it brings the advantages of accurate core temperature monitoring to a broad range of patients. Tcore can be used with comfort and ease, even with fully conscious patients who would not well tolerate conventional invasive methods. The disposable sensor helps to eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination and therefore reduces the likelihood of nosocomial infections.

Suitable for all care areas

The simplicity of the Tcore system means that it can be used in practically any setting, including the operating room, the recovery room, the ICU, stepdown unit or ward. Within minutes after attaching the sensor to the patient’s forehead, continuous, accurate and reliable measurements are obtained.

Reusable adapter

The Tcore Sensor can be connected to all current Dräger monitors* via a reusable, batteryoperated adapter. The integrated battery will provide power to the adapter for up to two years, after which point it can be discarded. The sealed battery compartment facilitates disinfection of the unit, which is otherwise maintenance-free. Because there is no need for a separate monitoring system, TCore can be easily and quickly integrated into your clinical routine at minimal expense.

* Exception: Vista 120 patient monitor

A warm feeling inside

Tcore allows you to reliably recognize hypothermia, giving you the ability to take appropriate steps to prevent its adverse effects. When combined with an active thermal management protocol, Tcore can help you improve outcomes, shorten stays and lower costs – and keep your patients warm and comfortable**.

** Kurz A, Sessler DI, Lenhardt R. Perioperative normothermia to reduce the incidence of surgical-wound infection and shorten hospitalization; N Engl J Med; 334:1209-1215; 1996


Booklet: The significance of core temperature (PDF)
Booklet: The significance of core temperature (PDF)


Brochure: Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System (PDF)
Brochure: Tcore Temperature Monitoring System (PDF)


Neonatal and pediatric accessories catalogue, en
Neonatal and pediatric accessories catalogue, en

Suitable for a wide range of clinical applications, we supply you with over 2,000 accessory item solutions. From breathing masks to flow sensors to disposable and reusable breathing circuits, we design and develop all our products according to your specific requirements.


Accessory Catalogue 2024, en

Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger India Private Limited

10th​​ ​​Floor,​​ ​​Commerz​​ ​​II,​​ ​​International​​ ​​Business​​ ​​Park,
Oberoi​​ ​​Garden​​ ​​City,
Off​​ ​​Western​​ ​​Express​​ ​​Highway,​​ ​​Goregaon​​ ​​(East),
Mumbai​​ ​​-​​ ​​400​​ ​​063,​​ ​​India

022 6133 5600


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