Portable Gas Detectors - Portable gas detection

Portable Gas Detectors

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Gas detectors for keeping workers safe

Many hazards cannot be detected by human senses: toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, combustible gases and vapours. All these hazards pose a serious threat to human life and plant safety in many branches of industry. Portable gas detectors alert a worker early and increase occupational safety.

When it comes to reliable gas detection, you can trust on portable gas detectors from Dräger. We have more than 70 years’ experience in this technology and offer a full range from reliable gas detectors, stations for calibration and bump testing, as well as software solutions, helpful system components, and accessories.

Single-gas detectors

If the danger of toxic gases or vapours can be narrowed down to a single gas or leading substance, single-gas measuring and warning devices are the ideal solution for personal monitoring in the workplace. Our single-gas detectors are small, robust, and ergonomic. See our highlight products:

Single Gas Detectors

  • Key Facts
  • Measurable gases
  • Lifetime
  • Technical Data
  • Temperature range (device)
  • Features
  • Changable filter
  • D-light
  • Dual sensor
  • CO, O2, H2S, SO2

  • 2 years

  • -40°C - 55°C

  • easy to change from outside / mechanical connection

  • NO, CO2, Cl2, HCN, NH3, PH3, OV, OV-A, NO2 LC, Ozone, Phosgene

  • unlimited

  • -40°C - 55°C

  • easy to change from outside / mechanical connection

  • CO H2-CP, CO/H2S, CO/O2

  • unlimited

  • -40°C - 55°C

  • easy to change from outside / mechanical connection

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Multi-gas detectors

The new generation of multi-gas detectors are ideal for personal protection, area monitoring, confined space entry (CSE) as well as safety measurements of shafts, channels or tanks. These portable multi-gas detectors deliver reliable measurements, while durable sensors designed in-house guarantee maximum safety coupled with extremely low operating costs. See our highlight products:

Multi Gas Detectors

  • Key Facts
  • Measurable gases
  • Number of gases
  • Sensor technology
  • Technical Data
  • Operation time
  • Features
  • Dual sensors
  • CatEx Fullrange
  • D-Light
  • Internal pump
  • Ex, O2, CO, H2S or NO2 or SO2

  • 1 - 4

  • CAT + EC

  • >12h

  • IR Ex/CO2, O2, CO, H2S, NO2, SO2 + (choice out of > 40 sensors)

  • 1 - 6

  • IR + EC

  • >12h

  • Ex, CO2, O2, CO, H2S, NO2, SO2, VOC (PID) + (choice out > 40 sensors)

  • 1 - 7

  • CAT + IR + PID + EC

  • >24h

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Gas detection tubes

Dräger-Tubes make countless applications possible which require measurement results to be instantly available. Especially when individual measurements or low measurement frequencies are sufficient, tubes have advantages compared to electronic equipment. They are comparatively inexpensive and very easy to use. See our highlight products:

Dräger Short-term Tubes

Dräger Short-term Tubes

Tried and tested a million times: Worldwide, the Dräger Short-term Tubes have proven to be a very cost-effective and reliable method for the measurement of gases. Decreasing occupational exposure values, special customer requirements and new legal regulations made it necessary to develop even more sensitive Dräger-Tubes.

Product details

Dräger X-act® 5000 Basic

Dräger X-act® 5000 Basic

The automatic tube pump Dräger X-act® 5000 Basic is the all-in-one solution designed for measurements with Dräger short-term tubes and for sampling tubes and systems. Ease of operation and a high degree of reliability compliment the measurement and sampling of gases, vapors and aerosols.

Product details

Dräger X-act® 7000

Dräger X-act® 7000

​The innovative Dräger X-act® 7000 analysis system consists of Dräger MicroTubes and an opto-electronic analysis device that lets you precisely measure gases in the low ppb range. It gives you precise results right on site, replacing slow, expensive lab analyses. It's extremely easy to use: insert the Dräger ...

Product details

Advanced options for your tasks

Dräger gas detectors offer a wide range of special system components and accessories make it easier to work. We continuously invest in sensor technology, testing and calibration stations and digital solutions to make professional instrument management possible – all to make sure that all is ready to use at a moment’s notice.


Calibration and bump testing

Our calibration and bump test tools lighten your work and speed up your work processes.



Dräger Software allows you to take a deep dive into your measurement results, supports cloud based data transfer or shows the maintenance status of devices. 



Whether electrochemical, catalytical, infrared or PID – sensors from Dräger have always been leading-edge technology worldwide.

Get more familiar with our portable gas detectors

Dräger X-am 8000 - Clearance MeasurementPlay video

Clearance measurement with Dräger X-am 8000

Confined space entry was never this easy and convenient. Watch our video to learn how the multi-gas detector X-am 8000 supports you in this application and in your daily business at all.

Dräger Pac® 6000 / 6500 / 8000 / 8500Play video

Dräger Pac series – tough technologies for rough conditions

Learn more about how the single-gas detectors of the Pac series measures precise and reliable, even under the toughest conditions.

Dräger X-pid 9000/9500Play video

Dräger X-pid 9000/9500 – lab quality measurement

Watch our video to learn how the selective PID gas measurement device Dräger X-pid detects hazardous toxic substances even in the lowest ppb range.

More product details for on the go

Portable Gas Detectors
Gas detectors family brochure

Brochure: Product overview with all portable gas detection instruments  

Dräger's Guide to Portable Gas Detection
Dräger's Guide to Portable Gas Detection

Handbook: Basic knowledge about gas detection and different measuring methods

DrägerSensor & Portable Instruments Handbook
DrägerSensor & Portable Instruments Handbook

Extended Guide: Gain more knowledge on gas detection technology and DrägerSensors® and how our portfolio can support your work best.

Handbook for Dräger-Tubes and MicroTubes 20th edition
Draeger Gas Detection Tubes Handbook 20th Edition

Reference book: Get a detailed overview about tubes and analysing systems, their applications and further useful measuring information.

Gas Detection Training App (iOS and Android)

Icon gas detection training app

Put your smartphone in training mode with an app that simulates gas measuring devices in a trainer/trainee situation. The app supports realistic education and instruction with portable Dräger gas detectors from the Pac and X-am series.

Dräger-Tubes App (iOS and Android)

Icon Draeger-tubes app

With the new free Dräger-Tubes app, you can record, archive and evaluate your tube measurement results in just a few steps.

Good reasons for portable gas detectors by Dräger


Reliable results at any time

With Dräger gas monitoring technology you can identify more than 600 dangerous substances. Our detectors are based on over 70 years of experience and stand for short response times to get fast clearance measurement processes. The proven Dräger-Tubes are calibration-free with sustainable batch monitoring.

X-Dock 6300

Efficient maintenance processes

Our calibration systems allow you to test several devices at once. They are characterized by fast test times. This way, we support modern fleet management with fluently, automated processes.

Quality X-am production

Quality pays off

High robustness and long service life of the sensors help you to reduce operating costs. As an economical alternative to purchasing, Dräger Rental Service offers a wide range of rental equipment.

More safety solutions

Fixed Gas Detection Solutions

Fixed Gas Detection Solutions

Personal Protection Equipment Dräger CPS 7800 with Panorama Nova and ABIL-L

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

Related topics

Draeger voice brings you relevant information on hazardous substances

Dräger VOICE: The hazmat-based safety product finder

The new web tool Dräger VOICE provides information on hazardous substances and safety equipment for gas detection technology and protective equipment.



Dräger’s confined space entry solutions, from our equipment – such as gas monitoring devices and personal protective gear – to our committed support, helps to ensure you stay safe when working in confined spaces.


Smart Safety - Connected Safety Solutions

Connected safety solutions - Processes for plant safety, maintenance, occupational safety and security can all be streamlined and optimised for operational excellence thanks to networked devices, standard interfaces and reliable connectivity.

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Safety India Private Limited

9th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City,
Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai - 400 063, India

022 6133 5600