Data Analysis - Asset-Management-Stage

Data Analysis

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Data Analysis - Valuable Insights

In today's data-driven world, information is invaluable. Our ability to deliver and analyse operational data unlocks efficiency and enhances the safety of people and assets. Data reveals trends, patterns, and correlations, enabling a safety-focused culture. Dräger equipment, integral to your safety protocols, now provides deeper transparency and informed decision-making. By analysing historical data, you can predict future developments, improve inefficient processes, and optimise resources to reduce costs. Above all, data improves risk mitigation and emergency response for greater overall safety.

Business Enablement

Our flexible approach ensures that we have the right offering for your requirements. In addition to integrated systems, data can be read out via interfaces and transferred to higher-level systems - exactly where the data is needed, consolidated from different sources and put into context. Eventually, information dashboards ensure ease of use, and you get the right information at the right time.


Comprehensive solutions

We offer not only data collection from field devices, but also the integration of third-party data. Our approach is holistic, comprehensive and flexible.


Real-time and historical data

We combine live data from safety equipment and all kinds of sensors with historical recordings from loggers. This gives you a complete overview of your processes.


API data delivery

Our API enables customers to seamlessly integrate data into their own systems. Whether for dashboards, reports or AI and machine learning - we provide the data from our safety technology and solutions.

Application Fields

At Dräger, we pursue the goal of Vision Zero. Learn more about data-based solutions which help to minimise risks and increase safety, fulfill safety regulations and standards (compliance) as well as achieve efficiency gains.


Exposure Reports

Customisable exposure reports summarise hazardous substances, such as chemicals or gases that employees have been exposed to. The reports are based on sensor data from portable gas detection devices and fixed gas detection systems, combined with information such as location and time stamps. Exceeding hazardous limit values will be recognised at an early stage and long-term exposure data of individual workers can be documented. This ensures compliance with legal requirements.


Analysis of Sensor Data

Data from gas detection and respiratory protection technology, can identify leaks or unexpected gas concentrations, before they lead to serious problems. Early warnings are triggered by analysing sensor data from respiratory protection technology, for example in the event of low breathing air levels or insufficient filter performance. Employees can respond quickly and alarms and information are also forwarded to safety officers to reach other responsible people. Integration into communication systems is possible: Alarms can be forwarded by SMS, e-mail or to special applications.

We offer a variety of data driven solutions and follow a modular system approach where collaboration is key. We aim to create the future with you and develop solutions that sustainably improve your processes. Please contact us to discuss your individual application and requirements for your HSE program.

Contact Us


Data Security is our priority

Dräger's ‘Smart Safety’ cloud-based solutions are using the approved and industrial standard Microsoft Azure Cloud©. In the development of the ‘Smart Safety’ solutions, data security has the highest priority when valuable and sensitive data is stored and transmitted. Dräger is committed to the responsibility of protecting your data and regularly reviews and tests the frameworks, protocols and new requirements for data standards.

More about our connected Safety Solutions


Smart Safety

Learn more about 'Smart Safety' solutions and how we support our customers with the digital transformation for smarter operations at their plants.


Smart Asset Management

Learn how our 'Smart Safety' approach, of managing assets, provides data-based support and tangible benefits in a wide range of industrial processes.


Live Monitoring

Learn how situational awareness can help you connect all available safety data points in order to have the right information at the right time.

Product Highlights

Dräger ConHub

Dräger ConHub

Dräger FireGround

Dräger FireGround

Dräger PSS AirBoss

Dräger PSS AirBoss

Dräger X-am® 2800

Dräger X-am® 2800

Dräger X-am® 5800

Dräger X-am® 5800

Dräger X-node

Dräger X-node

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Safety India Private Limited

9th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City,
Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai - 400 063, India

022 6133 5600