Industrial Smart Asset Management - draeger-asset-management-general-stage-right-SmartSafetySolution_Sticker_web.16-6.jpg

Industrial Smart Asset Management

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Industrial Smart Asset Management - the future is data-driven

It is increasingly clear that data is a vital company asset. The successful players in all industries are the enterprises which are data-driven and can therefore more easily forge connections between disparate items of information and apply smart analytics to predict and anticipate events. Our Smart Safety approach of managing assets via cloud solutions and other smart asset management solutions provide data-based support in a wide range of industrial processes, which result in many tangible benefits.

What is Smart Asset Management? A Smart Safety Solution.

Industrial Smart Asset- and Fleet Management by Dräger combines safety related software applications and connected safety devices. Our holistic approach provides deeper insights for better and smarter decision making in asset management. The main benefits include; more efficiency and safety in managing assets and an increase in reliability of information due to high quality data. An advanced data logging strategy is vital to access valuable enterprise assets as well as cloud solutions; and collaboration among all involved parties becomes easier and co-created, sustainable solutions can be derived from it. With our Smart Asset Management solutions, you can upgrade your asset management at every stage of your process.


Demand-driven planning:

See at a glance what is in stock, and when peak demands occur. Channel data into smart, predictive planning. Use it to ensure equipment that is in frequent use is serviced at appropriate intervals.


Predictive maintenance:

If devices must be moved physically to a service point every time they are updated, the time cost soon mounts up. There is enormous potential to optimise basic device handling – all the more important given the shortage of skilled workers available to do the job.



Receive seamless and comprehensive digital service documentation for your device fleet, including manufacturing certificates and calibration certificates. Keep records in accordance with standards and regulatory frameworks, available centrally and easily accessible when needed.


Updates and Upgrades:

As well as collecting data from devices, it is possible to remotely send firmware updates to devices. Dräger takes care of the IT infrastructure for you, including servers, database, support, cloud solutions, updates and troubleshooting.


Spare parts management & service:

Log in to the Dräger Connect portal and submit your service request. The Service Tracking app provides you with status updates on each of your service cases, which helps you to improve planning and increase uptimes.


Remote access:

Build connected device landscapes with effective tracking and remote monitoring, including Cloud Solutions.

Fields of Application

Regardless of what is most important to you - in all application fields, data is always at the centre. It is not only collected but processed to achieve more efficiency and a higher level of safety for your plant and staff.



Recorded data for better planning of projects into the future, pointing out and identifying trends.



A complete digital record of events over the lifetime of an asset, including every service, every calibration and compliance with standards and regulations.


Live Measurement

Viewable status from a central location during ongoing and daily operations.



Digitised device management instead of manual pen and paper management.



On-demand, predictive maintenance and spare parts procurement and management for any service.



Simple device configuration and access rights administration and management.


Smart Solutions at a glance

See how digital transformation is shaping the industry’s future of asset management and learn which of your process components can be optimised to be more efficient and safer through smart solutions. Get a practical and condensed overview of all fields of applications, in which data is at the centre.

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Smart Asset Management - Increase your plant and operational safety

Read our comprehensive guide into Dräger’s vision of Industrial Smart Asset Management. Get a deep dive into how smart, connected solutions for managing assets can save time and resources, improve safety, and deliver insights for effective planning, including application examples from our customers.

Download e-book

Partnering for managing assets

Asset Management of the future - Dräger offers a wide range of tailored solutions to its customers. Co-creation and reliability are key for successful partnerships.


Modular System Approach

We follow a modular system approach where collaboration is key. Whether you only want to adopt interfaces to transfer data or look for a strategic partner to your own Software as a Service (SaaS) solution. Choose an easy and cost-effective way to integrate your devices via Dräger Open GATT interface to transfer live data from a Dräger gas detector via Bluetooth. Or you can opt for a joint development of an interface for data exchange with our cloud backend via a customized API. Alternatively, you can choose an own SaaS solution. Dräger provides a complete IT infrastructure plus cloud solutions and takes care of maintenance and further development of the system. It’s a holistic, all-around carefree package.

Boosting Productivity, Safety, and Savings

Rental Robot – the smart alternative

By implementing the Dräger Rental Robot, the German industrial company Dow was able to achieve daily productivity savings, safety compliance, cost efficiency and an increase in overall productivity. Learn how the Rental Robot effectively facilitates around-the-clock self-service of safety equipment. An illustrative example of automated device management.

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Gas Detection Connect

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Dräger X-dock® Manager


Dräger REGARD® 7000


Rental Robot


Safety Shop

More about Smart Safety


Smart Safety

Learn more about smart safety solutions and how we support our customers with the digital transformation for smarter operations at their plants. 


Wireless Gas Detection

Find out more about how wireless connectivity can improve on-site safety for refineries and even offshore environments.


Live Monitoring

Live Monitoring connects all available safety data points, making them available beyond the usual silos to create a holistic picture which can save lives, time and money.

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Safety India Private Limited

9th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City,
Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai - 400 063, India

022 6133 5600