Smart Wireless Gas Detection - Smart Safety Wireless Solution

Smart Wireless Gas Detection

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Smart Safety - Wireless Gas Detection Solutions

Tank farms and other vast or difficult-to-access plant areas in the chemical, oil and gas and process industry pose special challenges for maintenance and monitoring tasks. A fully connected, smart wireless gas detection solution (GDS) offers many benefits for these industries, including optimised safety and cost efficiency. Reliable data transmission and data security are substantial for ensuring industrial and plant safety. Smart Safety solutions with wireless gas detectors over a cloud-based system allow for faster data transfer, flexibility and transparency even for short-term projects or in case of incidents.

GasSecure GS01 devices communicate wirelessly to provide cost-effective and reliable coverage for your tank farmPlay video

Wireless gas detection improves on-site safety

Tank farms must be monitored for potential leaks or overspills, but are often difficult to access with cabled devices. Wireless gas detection solutions help ensure worker safety and site stability in providing coverage even across large plants.

Wireless Gas Detection in an Offshore Environment (Exploration & Production) - from DrägerPlay video

Offshore wireless gas detection solutions

Offshore exploration and production facilities are among the most hazardous work environments. The continual risk of flammable gas leaks or explosions means costs for compliance with strict safety regulations in this industry are high. Gas detection solutions are a necessary element of safety across the whole offshore platform and wireless safety devices offer several advantages over cabled gas monitors.

Smart Wireless Gas Detection and Monitoring Solutions

Plant safety is benefiting from digitalisation and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). An increasing demand for greater flexibility and lower costs in modern industrial plants has led to the rise of wireless safety technology. The digital transformation offers faster networks and more efficient and robust processes. Learn how smart wireless safety devices give you safety and reliability. 

Why wireless gas detection?
Reliable solutions for wireless gas monitoring
Dräger Polytron® 6100 EC WL

Dräger Polytron® 6100 EC WL

The Dräger Polytron 6100 EC WL is a wireless transmitter for continuous monitoring of toxic gases and oxygen. The instrinsically safe and SIL2-rated transmitter features completely wireless signal transmission and power supply. The internal battery pack allows the transmitter to operate continually for up to 24 month. This makes the Polytron a ...

Product details

GS01 (wireless)

GS01 (wireless)

The GS01 is a wireless infrared gas transmitter for continuous monitoring of flammable hydrocarbon gases and vapours in the oil and gas industry. The intrinsically safe and SIL-rated transmitter features completely wireless signal transmission and power supply. This makes the GS01 a flexible and cost efficient solution for plant expansions, ...

Product details

Dräger REGARD® 7000

Dräger REGARD® 7000

The Dräger REGARD® 7000 is a modular and therefore highly expandable analysis system for monitoring various gases and vapours. Suitable for gas warning systems with various levels of complexity and numbers of transmitters, the Dräger REGARD® 7000 also features exceptional reliability and efficiency. An additional benefit is the backward ...

Product details

How Dräger customers benefit from wireless gas detectionPlay video

How Dräger customers benefit from wireless gas detection

Dräger Smart Wireless Safety solutions improve safety, flexibility and efficiency of costs and resources. How do you make wireless gas detection solutions easy to use, adopt and scale? Watch what our enthusiastic sales team can do for our customers.

Case study: Equinor’s Kalundborg refinery complex

Case study: Equinor’s Kalundborg refinery complex

Learn about the world´s first full-scale wireless SIL2 gas detection system. This project not only met its objectives in improving gas detection coverage for safer operations. The refinery in Denmark has also benefitted from reduced costs thanks to innovative wireless safety solutions.

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Data security with wireless gas detection

The benefits of wireless safety solutions are clear. Installation is simple and on-site operation is much more flexible than with physical cables. Potential challenges are also clear. Connectivity must be strong for maintaining contact with sensors and for fast response times to ensure safety and the prevention of incidents.

Fixed wireless gas detection systems - Wireless Security (Part 2)Play video

Wireless Security

Data generated and transferred using wireless gas detectors and cloud-based storage and communications must be safe from any breaches in wireless security. Find out the potential security threats to wireless safety solutions and how industrial standards help combat them.

Wireless communication in safety systems

Wireless communication in safety systems

Learn how fixed wireless gas detectors and sensor network standards enable speed, efficiency, reliability and full control of network traffic.

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More about Smart Safety


Smart Safety

Learn more about smart safety solutions and how we support our customers with the digital transformation for smarter operations at their plants. 


Smart Asset Management

Learn how our Smart Safety approach, of managing assets, provides data-based support and tangible benefits in a wide range of industrial processes.


Live Monitoring

Live Monitoring connects all available safety data points, making them available beyond the usual silos to create a holistic picture which can save lives, time and money.


Fixed Gas Detection Solutions

Trustworthy gas detection systems protect your employees from life-threatening situations. See how Dräger can help.

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Safety India Private Limited

9th Floor, Commerz II, International Business Park,
Oberoi Garden City,
Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai - 400 063, India

022 6133 5600