Dräger VOICE - your hazmat-based safety product finder

Dräger VOICE is an essential tool for the safe handling of hazmats. One click and you’ll receive relevant information and specific recommendations of safety equipment for more than 1,500 hazardous substances in its database. Give it a try – it is so simple.

Hazmat database

You know what

You know best which hazardous substance you deal with. Just type it in – and Dräger VOICE informs you about its physiochemical characteristics and limit values right away.

Hazmat product recommendation

We know how

The Dräger VOICE online-tool recommends suitable respiratory and personal protection equipment as well as appropriate gas detection solutions in real time.

Dräger VOICE hazmat database

Expert knowledge to go

Dräger VOICE database provides a quick navigation through hazardous substances and our safety portfolio. It works with almost any device and is an essential tool to handle hazmats safely.


Save the Dräger VOICE web app

Access Dräger VOICE with one click: Save this page to your desktop or start screen.

Want to have it on your smartphone, too? Just scan the QR code and save the page there.