This is neonatal ventilation
Request a demoAs Your Specialist in Acute Care, our goal is to help you improve outcomes during the newborn’s golden hour, transport path and NICU stay. We aim to help you reduce the number of respiratory complications and preventable deaths by supporting hospitals to provide protective care and an environment that fits to the baby’s needs. Learn more about our newest innovation to support lung and brain protective care for newborns.
This is the new Babylog
We designed the new Babylog VN800 and VN600 to support you with your daily clinical tasks in the NICU. Click on the topics below and learn how. For further information, download our product brochure here.
This is how we make a difference
Our devices combine high performance ventilation with an aesthetic design and state-of-the art operating technology. Watch our video below and discover the new simple way of how you can guide your ventilation strategy.
Contact us for a demo
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This is functionality
To prevent pulmonary injury, immature lungs and underdeveloped breathing require extremely gentle ventilation and advanced technology. Discover the latest findings on protective ventilation and see how our ventilation functionalities support you in using individual protective strategies.
Proven Facts
This is a developmental care-friendly environment
From delivery to discharge – Our range of products for the L&D, transporation and the NICU support a patient-friendly pathway and enable a developmental care-friendly environment to support all the complex needs of the developing lung, brain and other organs. Download the full infographic to learn more:
This is improving outcomes
Ventilated patients are among the most vulnerable in the hospital. We support ventilation strategies that help avoid lung injury while maximising gas exchange. Learn more about our solutions below:

Dräger Digital Neonatal Nursing Course 2021
A comprehensive well-rounded overview of the main physiological systems of the new borne, as well as practical tips on how to improve patient care.