This is neonatal ventilation - The new Babylog VN800 product

This is neonatal ventilation

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As Your Specialist in Acute Care, our goal is to help you improve outcomes during the newborn’s golden hour, transport path and NICU stay. We aim to help you reduce the number of respiratory complications and preventable deaths by supporting hospitals to provide protective care and an environment that fits to the baby’s needs. Learn more about our newest innovation to support lung and brain protective care for newborns.


Ventilated lung icon

Respiratory failure

due to lung immaturity is a major cause of mortality in preterm infants¹.

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More than 60%

of Extreme Low Birth Weight (ELBW) infants develop Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) with an oxygen dependency at 36 weeks².



preventable deaths due to BPD in ELBW infants³.

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Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome occurs in approximately 7% of all preterm infants⁴.

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In extremely premature infants weighing 500-750g, intraventricular haemorrhage occurs in about 45% of neonates⁵.

This is the new Babylog

We designed the new Babylog VN800 and VN600 to support you with your daily clinical tasks in the NICU. Click on the topics below and learn how. For further information, download our product brochure here.

Ventilated lung icon

Our set of treatment tools support you in applying the right protective lung and brain ventilation strategy in order to prevent lung injury, haemodynamic and neurological impairment. 

Our portfolio includes:

  • Dedicated invasive and non-invasive ventilation capabilities with high-flow oxygen therapy.
  • Lung and brain protective ventilation due to automated pressure regulation with the original Dräger Volume Guarantee.
  • Lung and brain protective ventilation due to High Frequency Ventilation with Volume Guarantee (HFO-VG).
  • Stable minute ventilation and protective weaning with Mandatory Minute Ventilation (PC-MMV/VG+PS).
  • Maintaining reliable and sensitive triggering and stable lung tidal volumes with original Dräger leak adaptation and leak compensation technology.
  • Proportional support for compensation of ETT resistances.
Operation and Handling
  • Quick and safe to operate even in the most stressful situations due to intuitive menu access to both settings and your clinical data.
  • All patient data, alarms and trends are fully recorded, conveniently exported via USB interface.
  • Switch between multiple view configurations with the touch of a finger.
  • Step-by-step guidance leads you through every procedure.
Patient transport
  • No need to change the ventilator during patient transport.
  • Operate the device in intra-hospital transport independently with gas and external power supply units.
  • Utilise the bed coupling to safely transport the patient in the incubator or bed.
Nurturing environment

From delivery to discharge: As your specialist in acute care, we want to accompany you through your clinical patient pathway and enable a developmental care- friendly environment to support all of the complex needs of the developing lung, brain and other organs. We do this through our wide range of products and solutions for L&D, transportation, and the NICU. 

Our products: 

  • Are compatible with each other and work with the same Dräger operating philosophy. 
  • Give you a flexible workplace integration with different cockpit sizes and mounting possibilities.
  • Offer low operational noise levels even during High Frequency Ventilation or non-invasive ventilation.
  • Provide you with effective infection prevention thanks to easy cleaning of the glass touch screen and other smooth surfaces.
  • Come with longer circuits and cables which allow staff and parents to remove the baby from the incubator for kangaroo time without compromising the baby‘s ventilation.
  • Include a broad range of Dräger accessories with optimised circuits for High Frequency Ventilation and the non-invasive interface Babyflow plus.
Dräger Service Box stands on the ground

We provide exclusive knowledge and skills when installing and maintaining Dräger systems tailored to the specific needs of your hospital. 

  • Product Service: e.g. device maintenance
  • Professional Service: e.g. IT consulting and system integration
  • Training on our products and services: e.g. application training
  • Multivendor Service: maintenance for your entire medical equipment regardless of the manufacturer
  • Digital Services: e.g. network-based services and analysis of device data (not all service products are available in every country)
Connected technologies icon

We envision a future of acute care where medical devices are connected as a system. Interoperability between different devices can help to avoid preventable medical errors and potentially serious inefficiencies. The new standardised network protocol named SDC makes the safe and dynamic connectivity in the hospital possible which will allow the interoperability of medical devices. 

Our first step will be connectivity through CC300:

  • Give you full HL7 data export to HIS from all devices to exchange high-quality data between medical devices and EMR.
  • Ensure future-proof open connectivity: standardised and secure communication between medical devices with high level of cyber security.

This is how we make a difference

Our devices combine high performance ventilation with an aesthetic design and state-of-the art operating technology. Watch our video below and discover the new simple way of how you can guide your ventilation strategy.

This is the new user experience in mechanical ventilation.

Contact us for a demo

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User Interface Designer Sebastian Fischer

This is more than a layout. It's a new user experience

We asked our User-Interface Designer Sebastian Fischer three questions about how the design process of a new user interface starts. What do you need to consider and what are the improvements in daily use?

How do you start the development of a new user interface? Where do the user insights come from?

First we look at the needs of our customers and users. Then we analyse their workflows and daily routines in the clinical environment. Further input comes from our sales, marketing and Dräger Service departments.

In addition, we also integrate direct customer feedback from the Customer Support into our work.

What was the main reason to revise the UI? What was particularly important to you during the development?

Today, many products in our customers’ everyday lives are digitised and networked. This also has an impact on their expectations with regards to the UI – new ways to interact with devices have established themselves. These include, for example, gesture control, which is now also part of the new Dräger user interface. It was important to us that users could transfer their experiences from everyday life as directly as possible to our devices.

This contributes to shorter training times and increased application safety - and thus also patient safety.

What are the main advantages of the new interface in relation to its daily use?

In today’s intensive care units you find many devices around the patient's bed or incubator. Doctors and nursing staff have to process the information and data from all of these devices. The new user interface has a clear design that helps them to make quick and accurate decisions. Moreover, the bright background minimises disturbing reflections of ambient light. We know that the use of only a few colours brings peace of mind; this is why we decided to use only signal colours when it’s really necessary. The same applies to the information on display, where we have reduced it to the essentials. Decisive clinical questions beyond that can be answered with a few extra interactions.

Another important advantage is that you can start the ventilation in the new Babylog VN-series simply, safely and in just a few steps. This makes a significant contribution to relieving staff of their daily routine work.

Dr. Anja Sein

This is what your colleagues think about it

You never get a second chance for a first impression. That’s why we asked Dr. Anja Stein three quick questions to get her impressions after having used the new Babylog for the first time.

What was your first impression of the new Babylog?

The new Babylog looks more modern. If you’ve seen the new user interface, compared to the Babylog VN500, it’s like the difference between the first and latest generation of the Apple iPad.

How did you you find the introduction to the product?

The changeover to the new device was absolutely unproblematic and uncomplicated. Strictly speaking, you wouldn’t need a device introduction to operate the new Babylog if it were not required by law. The operation of the new device is self-explanatory and intuitive. Even if you had to explain something on the device from a distance - e.g. at the call-out service - it worked very well.

What do you and your team like best about the new Babylog?

Babylog's new user interface is clear, concise and as you already know it - well structured. I really appreciate the fact that you can preconfigure different views to suit your individual station needs. It was immediately clear how to set different ventilation settings on the device.

This is functionality

To prevent pulmonary injury, immature lungs and underdeveloped breathing require extremely gentle ventilation and advanced technology. Discover the latest findings on protective ventilation and see how our ventilation functionalities support you in using individual protective strategies.

Volume Guarantee Ventilation in Neonates
Cover Volume Guarantee Ventilation in Neonates
Mandatory Minute Ventilation in Premature Infants
Cover Mandatory Minute Ventilation in Premature Infants
High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Cover High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Neonatal Non-Invasive Ventilation
Cover Neonatal Non-Invasive Ventilation

Proven Facts

Ventilated lung icon

Volume Guarantee

Volume targeted ventilation leads to a reduction of mechanical ventilation time compared to pressure limited ventilation by up to 2.36 days².

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11% decrease in death or BPD

Volume targeted ventilation (Volume Guarantee) leads to a decrease in death or BPD by 11%².

Brain icon

HFOV with Volume Guarantee

provides better control of ventilation and the risk of severe brain injury […] could be in someway reduced⁶.

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Shorter stay in ICU

The guarantee of minimum minute ventilation is advantageous as it avoids the fluctuations in carbon dioxide removal and oxygenation associated with hypoventilation that may occur as respiratory rate is decreased when using PC-SIMV/VG +/- PS⁷.

This is a developmental care-friendly environment

From delivery to discharge – Our range of products for the L&D, transporation and the NICU support a patient-friendly pathway and enable a developmental care-friendly environment to support all the complex needs of the developing lung, brain and other organs. Download the full infographic to learn more:

This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway
This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway - Labour & Delivery
This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway - Transport
This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway - NICU
This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway - NICU
This is neonatal ventilation - Neonatal Pathway - Discharge

This is improving outcomes

Ventilated patients are among the most vulnerable in the hospital. We support ventilation strategies that help avoid lung injury while maximising gas exchange. Learn more about our solutions below:

Protective ventilation solutions

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Infection prevention

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Dräger Digital Neonatal Nursing Course 2021

A comprehensive well-rounded overview of the main physiological systems of the new borne, as well as practical tips on how to improve patient care.

Get in touch with Dräger


Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

Branch Office
P.O. Box 505108
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 4 42 94 600

F: +971 4 42 94 699

Not all products, features, or services are for sale in all countries. Please contact your local Dräger representative for more information.


  1. Cools F, Offringa M, Askie LM. Elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015: 19;(3):CD000104.
  2. Klingenberg C, Wheeler KI, McCallion N, Morley CJ, Davis PG. Volume-targeted versus pressure-limited ventilation in Neonates. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; Issue 10. Art. No.: CD003666.
  3. Davidson LM, Berkelhamer SK. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Chronic Lung Disease of Infancy and Long-Term Pulmonary Outcomes. J Clin Med 2017; 6(1):4.
  4. Hermansen CL, Lorah KN. Respiratory Distress in the newborn. Am fam physician 2007; 76:987-94.
  5. Wilson-Costello D, Friedman H, Minich N, Fanaroff AA, Hack M. Improved survival rates with increased neurodevelopmental disability for extremely low birth weight infants in the 1990s. Pediatrics. 2005 Apr; 115(4):997-1003.
  6. González-Pacheco N, Sánchez-Luna M, Ramos-Navarro C, Navarro-Patiño N, de la Blanca ARS. Using very high frequencies with very low lung volumes during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation to protect the immature lung.
    A pilot study. J Perinatol. 2016 Apr; 36(4): 306–310.
  7. Claure N, Suguihara C, Peng J, Hehre D, D’Ugard C, Bancalari E. Targeted minute ventilation and tidal volume in an animal model of acute changes in lung mechanics and episodes of hypoxemia.
    Neonatology 2009; 95(2): 132-40.