Based on a first study of 71 689 infants born in a hospital setting in Zambia indicates that an education program focused on thermal protection, neonatal resuscitation, early breastfeeding, skin-to-skin care with the mother, recognition of infant danger signs, and initial management effectively lowered the early neonatal mortality rate from 11.5 in 1000 to 6.8 in 1000 live births*. During this module we will focus on the pyramid of neonatal resuscitation, behavioral skills necessary for neonatal nurses, resuscitation algorithms and required equipment to ensure safe resuscitation of newborns.
The lecture will be presented by Linda Pretorius, Developmental Care Consultant, South Africa and hands-on demonstration will be performed with Draeger Resuscitaire, neonatal resuscitation open care warmer by Margarita Singer, Regional Marketing Manager Neonatal Care, Draeger.
*Carlo W.A. at al “Newborn Care Training of Midwives and Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality Rates in a Developing Country”, Pediatrics November 2010, 126 (5) e1064-e1071; DOI:
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