The renal system plays a tremendous role in growth and development of infants and children. The kidney itself also undergoes a maturation process as it transitions from the foetal to the extrauterine environment. Renal function continues to undergo further adaptive changes in the neonatal period. It is important for the clinician caring for neonates to be aware of the expected fluid shifts, electrolyte handling, and renal functional capacity as these “normal” changes will become quite relevant when medical or surgical pathology is present.**** During this lecture we will discuss embryology of the renal system and the challenges associated with the premature kidney. We will also discuss pathophysiology of Acute Renal Injury in neonates and Hyponatraemia. Furthermore, we will provide some details on the optimized Nursing care and Family centred care to ensure positive outcome for preterm infants.
The lecture will be presented by Linda Pretorius, Developmental Care Consultant, South Africa.
****Sulemanji, M. and Vakili, K.” Neonatal renal physiology”, Seminars in Paediatric Surgery, Volume 22, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 195-198, ISSN 1055-8586,
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