Emergency Care - Supporting care with technology emergency team on duty

Emergency Care

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Supporting care with technology

When handling the unexpected in emergency care, you will never know what to expect. At Dräger, we understand that initial diagnoses and treatment decisions in emergency care can represent a patient’s first and sometimes only opportunity for a favourable outcome. Regardless of the patient’s initial condition, supporting you with reliable technology is our focus in emergency care.

Non-Invasive ventilation for emergency patients

Greater convenience, comfort and safety: Non-invasive ventilation in pre-hospital emergency care.

Together with the Dräger Oxylog VE 300 and Oxylog 3000 plus, prevent intubation as long as possible because:

  • patients with mechanically assisted ventilation could develop ventilator-associated-pneumonia (VAP)
  • patients with VAP could have a significantly longer ICU and hospital length of stay
  • the treatment of VAP may account for almost half of all antibiotics administered in ICUs
Non-Invasive Ventilation Factsheet
Non invasive ventilation factsheet title

Download our complete overview of the clinical benefits of non-invasive ventilation

Non-Invasive Ventilation booklet – A century of experience
Invasive ventilation booklet a century of experience

A practical guideline for the use of non-invasive ventilation

Non-Invasive Ventilation: Frequently Asked Questions
Non invasive ventilation frequently asked questions

Information on common questions regarding the use of NIV in practice

Download FAQ
PDF 189 KB

O2 Therapy

High-flow oxygen therapy is becoming increasingly useful in the clinical environment, for both preventing intubation and recovery post extubation. High-flow oxygen therapy is typically used in spontaneously breathing patients who require oxygen at higher flow rates, specifically high-flow interfaces are required for this. With the Dräger Evita ventilators, flow rates of up to 50l/min and accurate oxygen concentration from 21 percent to 100 percent can be achieved.

Find out the benefits of using O2 therapy for your patients and you:

Outcomes for clinicians

Outcome for patients

A single device at the bedside for all levels of respiratory therapy delivering O2 therapy

Less anxiety and more comfort
Patients stay on the same device throughout the duration of treatment

Time saving
Nurses do not need to find another device for the bedside, and only have one device for cleaning

Noise reduction
Noise from ventilators that deliver high flow oxygen is usually quieter than an independent device

Infection prevention
Using the same device and circuit reduces the risk of cross contamination

Patient safety
Ventilator with high flow oxygen is ready for NOV and ET ventilation

Cost saving
With the same circuit on the device, there’s no need to buy additional device which would require service and maintenance

If the patient does not need to go back to non-invasive ventilation, the transition is seamless

Accuracy of O2 delivery
The delivery of FiO2 can be accurately selected by the device rotary norm

Clinical use of high-flow therapy

High-flow oxygen therapy is increasingly useful in clinical environments. Accompanying patients along the Respiratory Pathway, the use of O2 therapy is available for the Evita XL, Eviat V300 and Evita V500. Watch our video to learn more.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The Oxylog VE 300 offers the “CPR” button to immediately start the resuscitation mode. Thanks to the adjusted pre-settings, you can concentrate completely on your patient during resuscitation – and always act according to the guidelines.

Infographic: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 1. Executive summary

Guideline: Current Resuscitation Guidelines

Download Guidelines

Product Highlights

Transport ventilator oxylog ve 300

Transport ventilator Oxylog VE 300

Dräger Oxylog 3000 plus

Transport Ventilator Oxylog 3000 plus

Patient Monitoring Infinity Acute Care System

Patient Monitoring Infinity Acute Care System

Patient Monitoring Infinity M540 Monitor

Patient Monitoring Infinity M540 Monitor

Patient Monitoring Vista 120s

Patient Monitoring Vista 120s

Examination lights Draeger Polaris 50

Examination lights Dräger Polaris 50

Draeger services final monitor settings

Dräger Medical Services

Our comprehensive consulting and support services in medical technology ensure maximum performance for your company. We work with you to understand the needs of your business, so we can provide you with the right services to achieve your objectives.

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PPE in Hospital

During the pandemic, the use of the appropriate PPE when in contact with patients is key. The World Health Organization (WHO) published an interim guidance “Infection prevention and control during health care when COVID-19 is suspected” which names the appropriate PPE when in contact with patients.

Get in touch with Dräger


Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

Branch Office
P.O. Box 505108
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 4 42 94 600

F: +971 4 42 94 699

Not all products, features, or services are for sale in all countries. Please contact your local Dräger representative for more information.


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