
Safety during the training sessions in the Dräger exercise facilities is ensured through permanent monitoring by camera.

Trainee safety

The maximum level of safety is provided by complete camera installations that monitor trainees from the control room.

Infrared cameras

The IR camera (CCD) monitors the trainees in light and darkness. The in-built chip achieves a high image resolution in comparison with a conventional tube camera. After-image effects, especially in adverse lighting conditions, and blurred image borders no longer occur.

Thermal imaging cameras

The thermal imaging camera is used for monitoring trainees in dark or smoky rooms and is based on the principle of thermographic image rendition. Each heat source creates an image of the captured item on the screen - even if hindered by smoke or darkness. Temperature measurement up to 650 °C is performed directly by the sensor.

Daylight cameras

The daylight cylinder camera is responsible for CCTV monitoring during daylight. The integrated chip achieves a high image resolution in comparison with the conventional tube camera.

Get in touch with Dräger

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Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

​Branch​ ​Office
P.O.​ ​Box​ ​505108
Dubai,​ ​United​ ​Arab​ ​Emirates 

+971 4 42 94 600

​F:​ ​+971​ ​4​ ​42​ ​94​ ​699
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