Cylinder manifolds

Cylinder manifolds are an important element of gas management in hospitals. They ensure the supply with medical gases and control the gas pressure. The core of the system is the Gas Control Station.

Cylinder manifolds

The Gas Control Station (GCS) from Dräger is a complete facility system with solutions for various medical gases, flow rates, control and alarm functions and equipment.

  • Suitable gases: O2, N2O, CO2, Air, N2, Xe, He and Ar
  • Flow rates of 35, 80 oder 120 m³/h
  • GCS Basic with pressure gauge monitoring
  • GCS Control with electronic control unit
  • Integrated Alarm Management
  • Interface to external alarm systems (e.g. BMS)
  • In accordance with DIN EN ISO 7396-1
  • Upgradable platform concept

The Gas Control Station platform concept enables adaptation to the respective gas supply requirements in the hospital. In addition to the three different flow performance levels with 35, 80 or 120 m³/h, the control unit and the alarm system may be customized in different variations.

Upgrading from the performance level 80 to 120 m³/h or from Version GCS Basic to GCS control remains possible later on, even during active operation.

All components under the removable housing are easily accessible and designed so that all necessary service activities may be performed without interrupting the gas supply.


Product information: Cylinder manifolds (PDF)
Product information: Cylinder manifolds (PDF)

The Gas Control Station (GCS) from Dräger is a complete facility system with solutions for various medical gases, flow rates, control and alarm functions and equipment.


GMS System Brochure, en
GMS System Brochure, en

Because every breath is vital - Dräger Gas Management Systems for hospitals.


IFU Cylinder pressure reducer set 9037074 ME
IFU Cylinder pressure reducer set 9037074 ME

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


IFU Cylinder pressure reducer set 9053738 ME
IFU Gas Control Station 9039815 en
IFU RS 20 / RS 80 9029247 ME
IFU RS 20 / RS 80 9053739 ME
IFU RS 80/2 9028999 ME
IFU RS 80/2 9028999 ME
IFU RS 80/2 9055465 ME
IFU SP Cylinder pressure reducer set 9053031 ME
IFU SP RS 20 / RS 80 9052549 ME

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