Pulse telemetric system

The Dräger Pulse telemetric system offers permanent online control of the heart rate independent of the strain exerted. The trainee's cardiovascular system is protected against physical overload whether on the ergometer, on the obstacle course, in the heat or target rooms.

Online control

The captured data is displayed on a compact display in the control panel or on the PC and can be saved. Before the exercise, the limit values (min. and max. heart rate) are entered and when exceeded, an optical alarm is triggered. Harmful overstraining can thus be avoided.

Subsequent installation

Subsequent installation of training facilities is possible.

Training optimization

The Dräger pulse telemetric system offers optimal support during training through permanent monitoring of the heart rate. Training conditions can thus be built up and optimized in a controlled manner.

High range

The range can be increased with the help of an additional DX antenna.

Get in touch with Dräger

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Dubai,​ ​United​ ​Arab​ ​Emirates 

+971 4 42 94 600

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