Resuscitaire®End of Sales

Draeger Resuscitaire

The Resuscitaire is the ideal device to have during labour and delivery procedures. It combines an effective warming therapy platform along with the components you need for clinical emergency and resuscitation.

Resuscitation right where you need it

​The blender, suction, flowmeter, and positive pressure are all mounted on the bed and accessible at your finger tips.

Silica Quartz Heater

​The Silica Quartz technology, a fast heating element, provides complete and EVEN heating. A parabolic reflector helps distribute the heat evenly over the entire mattress area.


​The T-Piece resuscitation is the new standard for neonatal resuscitation. The Autobreath option allows you to perform this resuscitation hands free. You only have to set the breath per minute, FI02, PEEP,and airway pressure relief. All these parameters are adjustable based on the clinical needs of the infant and situation.

Alarm Free Pre Warm Mode

Pre warm mode allows caregivers to focus on the mother and baby without having to divert attention to silence alarms. ​


Dräger Babyroo® TN300Replacement Product

​The Babyroo® TN300 is a configurable open care warmer with state-of-the-art thermoregulation capabilities as well as advanced integrated technologies to support emergency resuscitation and family-centred care. From delivery room to the neonatal intensive care unit to the final discharge, the Babyroo® TN300 is scalable to use in a variety of hospital environments along the patient pathway.

Product details

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