Training Gallery (stationary) Firefighter Training Facilities

Training Gallery (stationary)

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Training Gallery (stationary)

Simulation of emergencies. With the stationary training gallery, you can practice orientation and resilience under realistic conditions.

Customer-specific facilities

The training gallery as well as the other training facilities are individually suited to customer wishes. In exercise labyrinths across several levels with many different training elements, orientation and resilience are practiced. Additional effects like mist, background noises and darkness create realistic surroundings and test psychological resilience. To finish off the training, an exercise room can be installed with work measuring equipment like an endless ladder, a bicycle or a treadmill. The work measuring units and training course are controlled and monitored from a control room. Special training facilities such as tanks, industrial piping or heat acclimatisation rooms can be easily integrated.

Individual levels of difficulty

The training program offers different levels of difficulty and can be adjusted to the different physical abilities of the test persons. The maze order can be easily adjusted by simply changing the individual lattice elements. The training course thus offers ever new training conditions.

Optimal safety

The exercise progress can be continually controlled, monitored and analysed from the control room. Security facilities such as ventilation, security cameras, position indicator, emergency-Stop and removable lattices provide the highest posible safety for the trainees.

Get in touch with Dräger

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Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

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P.O.​ ​Box​ ​505108
Dubai,​ ​United​ ​Arab​ ​Emirates 

+971 4 42 94 600

​F:​ ​+971​ ​4​ ​42​ ​94​ ​699
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