When the job is done: here’s a reminder for you and your workers on how to safely remove and clean or dispose of contaminated personal protective equipment.
Working with industrial materials can be extremely stressful and high-risk. That’s why, for more than 50 years, we have strived to make sure that the right equipment is available to you and your employees – whenever and wherever you need it. No matter the situation, whether a dangerous mission or a hazardous environment, our large range of protective suits are tailor-made for a large variety of application areas. You can choose from reusable or disposable suits, and all our PPE gear – whether for head, face or body – is inter-compatible. So, you can be sure to stay protected from head to toe.
Tailor-made for use under extreme conditions: The gas-tight Dräger CPS 7900 provides excellent protection against industrial chemicals, biological agents, and other toxic substances. Its innovative material qualifies the CPS 7900 equally well for work in explosive areas and for handling cryogenic substances.