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Hot Topics - Firefighting Tactics

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Special tasks require special tactics

From a changing urban landscape with more complex structures, communication and victim rescue under harsh conditions, to growing diversification, to wildfires: Firefighters face very different and more and more challenges. Learn more about the proper tactics to overcome them.

Communication on the mission

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When it comes to communication during a mission, firefighters face various challenges. In fire incidents background noise, such as, fire, flames and running pumps make verbal communication difficult, while sight is limited by the smoke and doesn't allow exchange with hand-signs. In HazMat scenarios, responders need to wear chemical protection suits which reduces the sound of their speech. At the same time, task forces need two free hands for rescue operations or to remove obstacles.

Overcome Communication Challenges

Set your missions up for success by understanding how clear and concise communication between you and your team makes an immediate impact.

Our solutions for communication on the fireground

Dräger offers various communication solutions which take these challenges into account. The communication systems come with a digital noise reduction technology. They work voice-activated and can be integrated either into the masks or the helmets or be worn independently, allowing free-hand communication with the team partner. Updates for the chief require only a push on the button to use the radio device.


Dräger FPS®-COM 7000

The Dräger FPS®-COM 7000 provides hands-free communication for all wearers of respiratory protection devices during a mission. Excellent voice quality is achieved by removing interfering noises.


Dräger FPS®-COM 5000

The Dräger FPS®-COM 5000 communication unit has been specifically developed for the full-face mask Dräger FPS® 7000 and ensures clear communication through a voice amplifier unit or radio device.


Dräger HPS®-COM

The Dräger HPS®-COM is a robust, easy-to-install communication unit for firefighting helmets. Thanks to the latest technology, it delivers excellent audio performance. You can choose between two different base units and four microphone options.


Dräger C-C550

Control unit for the tactical transmitter with integrated loudspeaker and microphone. Can be hooked up to a number of receiver models. Its strong and robust design is IP67 / MIL-STD-810G approved. 

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For missions under the harshest conditions

Firefighters have tested the FPS-COM 7000 and report on their experience with the communication unit.

Deliver realistic training through technology

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is performing a hot fire training with Dräger´s new communication unit, the FPS-COM 7000. The device allows firefighters to clearly communicate with each other during an incident wirelessly. Check out how it can support you in an incident and what firefighters think about it.

5 reasons to consider the FPS-COM

Learn more about how our communication devices can support firefighters on the mission - when exchanging information with fellow firefighters or distributing orders from the fire chief to all fire fighters.

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Portfolio at a glance
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The Dräger communication systems are universally deployable. You can connect more than 350 types of radios, giving you flexibility in your product choice.

One solution for Multiple Applications
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From the fireground to hazmat scenarios, chaotic moments and hurdles may inhibit message clarity. Equip teams with adaptable solutions, like the FPS-COM, for reliable and safe communications.

Ensuring First Responder Safety in Alternative Drive Vehicle Incidents: Gas Detection Tips


In an era of technical progress and environmental awareness, alternative drive systems for vehicles have become much more important. However, in addition to their advantages, incidents involving these vehicles also bring with them special safety aspects. 

One important component lies in gas detection - an accurate process of identifying and measuring potentially hazardous gases in such scenarios. 

As traditional internal combustion engines give way to electric, hybrid, and hydrogen-powered vehicles, understanding gas detection capabilities is critical to ensuring effective emergency response and protecting both the environment and the public well-being.  


Gas detection considerations

This exploration delves into the crucial gas detection considerations associated with potential incidents involving alternative propulsion system vehicles.

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Dräger X-am® 8000


Dräger PSS® AirBoss

UCF FireVista Product Shot

Dräger UCF® FireVista

Accountability in Fire Services – Raising safety and efficiency of a mission

How can automatization increase the safety of SCBA wearers? How do accountability systems support remote monitoring of a mission? How do fire brigades benefit from them after an incident? Learn more about this in our video and see how Dräger FireGround can support you running your operation.

Continuous respiratory monitoring of firefighters must be conducted safely and quickly during an incident. It is time consuming, creates room for error and blocks radio channels between the squad and incident control.  Automated monitoring systems can alleviate this burden and can help fire departments increase efficiency and safety during a call.

Benefits of automated monitoring systems for fire brigades

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Quick and safe entry control monitoring of SCBA wearers

Establishing an entry control point, registering SCBA wearers and assigning them to teams – these first tasks in an operation take up valuable time during a fire. With Dräger FireGround, SCBA users get registered automatically when opening their valves. The incident commander can organize them into teams via drag'n'drop on his tablet. This way everybody is quickly accounted for and can get to the tasks at hand.


Focus on your actual tasks

During a call, incident command must always be informed about the breathing air reserves of all firefighters on duty. This is done by repeated radio conversation between the two groups. The constant data exchange of automated monitoring systems removes this process and the need for manual reporting. Both team and command remain focused on their mission objective without interruption to their tasks.


Better accessibility in emergencies

By eliminating the need for regular reporting of breathing air reserves, radio frequencies are free for mission-critical information. Automation also ensures effective information exchange and time savings in emergencies. It reports motionlessness of a firefighter directly to incident command. The command center can send an automated evacuation command to all emergency teams at the same time – without relying on radio channels.

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Remote monitoring - keeping the overview in bigger or extending incidents

When a fire spreads, further teams need to go in, often at different entry control points which can´t be overseen from one spot. Keeping the overview of the statuses of all involved firefighters is then key to steer the mission. Dräger FireGround provides data from all teams centrally for remote monitoring – wherever this might be.

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Automized incident protocols for more efficiency at the firehouse

No matter how exhausting the mission was, immediately after paperwork is required. Dräger FireGround takes these tasks off your shoulders: It automatically logs information such as SCBA users, the duration of their operation and any possible emergencies for incident analysis. This gives firefighters time to focus on their work and prepare themselves for the next call.

Related products


Dräger FireGround


Dräger PSS® AirBoss


Dräger BG ProAir

Situational Awareness

During a call, you don’t have the time to evaluate all the variables correctly. If you’re fighting at the helm, the more data you have, the better your decisions and results can be. Technology can increase your situational awareness and help you to stay safe and save lives.

Areas you must be aware of

When it comes to situational awareness, it helps to distinguish two areas: On one hand, the entire fireground – the awareness between deployed teams and their incident commander. And on the other hand, the awareness within the firefighter teams.


Situational Awareness and the Fireground

Constant data exchange at the fireground increases the efficiency and safety of whole operation: The incident command knows where the teams are and how much air supply they’ve got left. And the teams operate more confidently when they know their commander has their back.


Situational Awareness and the Firefighter

For the deployed teams in the middle of the action, technical solutions can enhance their awareness of risks and dangers. Portable gas detectors, thermal imaging cameras and radio communication systems offer information and warnings where you can’t see, hear or smell much.

Awareness for the future

Looking to the future

Imagine being able to see through walls and doors. Imagine knowing the exact whereabouts of your crew at any point in time. These scenarios aren’t fiction but will become a reality very soon.

Crucial challenges and solutions

Crucial challenges and solutions

There are technical solutions for many tasks in firefighting. Download a poster that shows solutions and devices which enhance your sensory perception.

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Detect the danger and share the information

Data can improve your results in several steps of the process. Portable gas detection solutions, for example, measure hazards and send alerts. Modern communication technology lets you share the information with your team. And a monitoring system for your SCBA does both.

Portable gas detection

Portable gas detection

SCBA monitoring system

SCBA monitoring system

Communication systems

Communication systems

Special Structures

The challenges of a changing urban fireground

Urban development has increasingly changed the scope and construction of today’s megacities. More complex, modern structures are being built to cope with the demands of population migration, natural and economic growth, among other factors.

Meet the demands of a changing fireground

Dräger PSS® AirBoss

Dräger PSS® AirBoss

Dräger PSS® 7000

Dräger PSS® 7000

Dräger BG ProAir

Dräger BG ProAir

Coordinating communication

Connectivity is key in every safe and successful rescue mission. How do you deploy it accordingly in incident locations that are bigger and more complex?

Stable radio transmission communication line

Firefighters and smoke

Enable an efficient communication between the task forces inside and the incident command outside. 

  • Independent communication system

Steady information flow and number of deployed resources

Firefighters communicating

Collect and share the status information between incident command and deployed teams in an automated way.

  • Accountability systems
  • Voice communication

Coordinating tasks between and within deployed teams

Firefighter at incident scene

Provide a clear and uninterrupted communication within the firefighters at the incident scene.

  • Team talk

Ensuring a better location orientation

Firefighter in action

Support firefighters in action about access points and visualization of location and building information to save valuable time.

  • Smart Rescue

Managing Situational Awareness


It is a critical factor in maintaining a safe firefighting operation at these high risks in relatively low frequency events.

Did you know

Longer missions require longer breathable air. Find out how much air you will need and which solution can provide it in just a few simple steps.

Average speed of firefighter under breathing protection

Average speed of firefighter under breathing protection

The worse sight gets, the less distance a firefighter can cover, a severe problem – particularly in special structures. Find out the average speed for approach and return under breathing protection and different visibility.

Maximum distance of escape route under different breathing protection

Maximum distance of escape route under different breathing protection

You must consider the visibility and the distance a firefighter has to cover for approach and return at an incident. You can use 1/3 of the breathing air for getting in, so that you have minimum 2 x as much breathing air for getting out.

Special Structures Product trio

Find the right solution for your unique situation

Dräger offers a variety of solutions for short and long missions. Which solution you use will always depend on the unique incident at hand. The more you know, the easier it will be to make the right decision.

Special Structures poster

The solution: breathing easier and longer

Breathing protection equipment must constantly evolve to meet the demands of various structure situations. Compare fitting solutions for these unique challenges and learn more about other decisive factors in special structures.

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Victim Rescue

Efficient rescue and escape solutions

Past fire catastrophes, where people were affected, have shown that one of the main causes of serious injury or death is not the fire itself, but rather the emerging smoke. We are committed to the health and safety of both firefighters and fire victims. Find out more about the dangers of smoke, and how to prepare yourself and the person you are trying to rescue so you can both escape a house fire safely.

Find out more about smoke dangers and the fitting protection

In North Kensington, a district of West London, a fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block. It caused 72 deaths, including those of two victims that died later in hospital. One major reason for this – despite firefighters reaching high up floors – was that residents were unable to exit their flats because of toxic fumes. Branislav Lukic, a survivor of the Grenfell fire: ”It was very difficult to survive in those conditions, another breath and it could be the last one."

What makes smoke so dangerous?

The ambient air filled with smoke often contains still enough oxygen for breathing. But safe breathing is impossible because of the toxic smoke. The various toxic compounds present in smoke are carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, phosgene, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and acrylonitriles. This highly toxic mixture is further fed by modern construction materials and furnishings that contain synthetic materials. Once set on fire, they discharge highly dangerous substances that poison the ambient air. When residents are trying to find their way out, they can inhale this toxic mixture. Carbon monoxide is well known for being deadly – even in small amounts. When PVC is burning, the hydrogen cyanide that is discharged can have highly negative effects on cellular respiration as well.

Important symptoms of smoke poisoning

The symptoms of smoke poisoning depend on the gases that were inhaled by the victim. Clear disorders may not always appear immediately. The following symptoms are considered to be signs of smoke poisoning: headache, sickness, throat irritation, vomiting, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, confusion, shortness of breath, blue skin coloration, restlessness, palpitations, seizures and unconsciousness. Some gases can also cause a burning sensation and pain in the airways. If the poisoning is very severe, respiratory arrest and circulatory collapse with fatal consequences may also occur.

How can victims be protected during rescue?

Before entering the incident fire services should have appropriate equipment ready when the search for victims begins. In some countries like Germany or the Netherlands emergency escape devices are often carried by the firefighters. The awareness for proper protection rises slowly but steadily in others. One consequence of the Grenfell fire was the acquisition of fire escape hoods by the London Fire Brigade. They filter the smoke out of the ambient air, allowing those being rescued to breathe safely.

Further measure which improve the chance of a safe escape

As a sensible preventive measure, buildings could be equipped with escape devices to allow a safe escape anytime a smoke or fire alarm sounds. In some countries those measure have already been implemented. In South Korea for example public buildings, hotels and metro-stations are equipped with fire escape hoods for a safe escape.

Advantages of Compressed Air Rescue Solutions

Compressed Air Rescue Solutions, like the Dräger Rescue Hood, connect to the SCBA of the firefighter and supply the victim with breathable air. The air is independent from the ambient air and delivers a constant oxygen level. However, it must be taken into consideration that such a device uses the breathing air from the firefighter’s SCBA, in turn reducing the operational time. The rescue hood also requires a continuous physical connection between the firefighter and the person being rescued, because of the hose between the hood and the SCBA.

Dräger PSS® Rescue Hood

Dräger PSS® Rescue Hood

Fire fighters face some of the harshest conditions this world has to offer, and are expected to save others from these environments; the Dräger PSS® Rescue Hood is designed to help the professional save lives.

Product details

A further option for a Compressed Air Rescue Solution is the Dräger Rescue Pack System RPS 3500. The unit supplies breathing air from a separate compressed air source which is not physically linked with the firefighter’s SCBA. This offers the advantage that it does not use the air reservoir of the firefighter’s SCBA and doesn’t restrict his freedom of movement. The Dräger RPS 3500 can be equipped with a Dräger full face mask or the Dräger PSS Rescue Hood.

Dräger RPS 3500

Dräger RPS 3500

The Dräger RPS 3500 Rescue Pack System is designed for use by rapid intervention teams, allowing fire fighters to supply air to trapped colleagues or members of the public in hazardous atmospheres.

Product details

Advantages of Fire Escape Solutions

Fire Escape Solutions, like the Dräger PARAT 5500, allow the firefighter and the victim to move independently from one another – unlike the Dräger PSS Rescue Hood, where a physical connection is required. To prevent any harm from toxic gases and substances, these devices have an integrated gas and particle filter, which filter the harmful substances out of the ambient air. The device protects the victim for a minimum of 15 minutes. A filtering escape hood does not affect the firefighter’s air supply or operational time. But it relies on sufficient oxygen in the ambient air, which is normally no problem – because where there’s fire, there’s oxygen.

Victim rescue poster

Find the best victim rescue and escape solution

Compare the most important products for a safe and efficient rescue and escape mission at a glance. With our useful poster you can compare the different products with each other easily.

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Wildland Fire


Each year, tens of thousands of wildfires occur that destroy millions of acres of land and take a significant toll on local communities. Destruction of forests, wildlife, agricultural land and homes can take years to recover from. Even more devastating is the loss of life within communities and the firefighters who bravely defend them.

The wildfires come with health risks for those who stay nearby and can cause, next to others, respiratory (asthma) and cardio-vascular symptoms. 

(Source: 4 Effects of Wildfires on Human Health | The National Academies Press)


Unlike structural fires, the smoke hazards from wildland fires do not typically vary a great deal. Additionally, the level of oxygen in the air generally stays at a level that does not require supplied breathing air from SCBA.

Still, the smoke from forest fires can present health risks for those who stay in it and necessitate appropriate breathing protection. Key considerations for prolonged missions are low breathing resistance and low weight so as not to burden firefighters.

To protect firefighters, first responders and residents affected by wildland fires, Dräger offers a wide portfolio of PPE and related devices.

Our solutions for fighting Wildland fires


Dräger X-plore® 5500

Low breathing resistance whilst being protected via the A1B1E1K1HgP3 filter delivers comfort to the wearer even when required for several hours. 

Use together with Dräger X-plore® Bayonet Combination Filter; 

Protection Level: ABEK1 HG P3 (6738817)

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DrägerX-plore® Bayonet Combination Filter

Low breathing resistance delivers comfort to the wearer – especially when required for several hours.

Protection Level: ABEK1 HG P3 (6738817)


Dräger X-plore® 3500

Provides breathing protection with low breathing resistance for use during clean-ups and is also suitable for civilians living closed to wildland fire. 

Use together with Dräger X-plore® Bayonet Combination Filter; 

Protection Level: ABEK1 HG P3 (6738817) 


Dräger X-plore® 1900

Suitable for fire clean-ups, for outdoor workers in contaminated areas and civilians living closed to wildland fire areas.

The Dräger X-plore® 1900 is a high-performance, single-use dust mask for protection against fine dust and particles.


Dräger X-pect® 8500 Goggles

The goggles Dräger X-pect® 8500 provide premium eye protection with a wrap-around design, low weight and perfect fit with prescription glasses. They are compatible with Dräger FFP masks.


Dräger HPS® SafeGuard

The Dräger HPS® SafeGuard is the extremely lightweight universal helmet for fire and rescue services, a real all-rounder for any challenge.


Dräger HPS® 3500

The Dräger HPS® 3500 – a multifunctional and universal helmet for the diverse requirements of rescue teams during search and rescue, wildland fire fighting, traffic accidents, rescue from heights, water rescue and any kind of technical assistance. 


Dräger UCF® FireVista

The compact thermal imaging camera Dräger UCF® FireVista provides excellent picture quality even under the most difficult operating conditions. The camera is ready for immediate use and provides the best possible support on firefighting deployments.


Dräger Pac® 6500

The robust Dräger Pac® 6500 is your reliable companion under tough conditions. The personal single-gas detection device measures CO, H2S, SO2 or O2 quickly and precisely.


Dräger PSS® AirBoss

In the case of a wildland urban interface scenario with a flame spread on buildings or cars, the exposure of further hazardous substances is very likely and makes use of an SCBA necessary.


Dräger CBS 1000

The Cabin Breathing System Dräger CBS 1000 is a compact solution to equip existing vehicle cabins with a short duration breathing protection. With the stored clean breathing air the breathing protection is independent of the environmental atmosphere. It is easy to install, easy to use and can be used during wildland fire-fighting.


Dräger WFS 1000

The Dräger Wildland-Fire Sandbox WFS 1000 is an efficient training tool for the theoretical and tactical training of fire brigades. Developed together with experts, it offers a variety of scenarios for different training levels of fighting forest and vegetation fires thanks to its software-based display.


Light respiratory protection for forest and vegetation fires

Check out this flyer about our light respiratory protection portfolio for forest and vegetation fires which offers you good protection against particles and gases with easy handling and low breathing resistance.

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Causes of Wildfires

Wildfires aren't always the result of natural causes. In fact, most wildfires that occur each year are the result of human activity. Find out more about the causes of wildfires in this infographic.

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Firefighters risk their lives and health in many ways, and not only at the incident. They are exposed to carcinogenic and otherwise toxic substances. Awareness for these risks and how to avoid them are crucial.

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For over 100 years, Dräger has been driven by the desire to help protecting and saving people’s life. That’s why we continuously improve our products and strive for innovation that helps protecting lives even better.

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