Dräger Savina® 300 Select Intensive Care Ventilators

Dräger Savina® 300 Select

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Dräger Savina® 300 Select

The Dräger Savina® 300 Select (in this configuration) combines the independence and power of a turbine-driven ventilation system with sophisticated ventilation modes. Its broad variety of features and accessories supports a patient range from babies* to adults. The large colour touch screen and intuitive operating system that concentrates on established high class features make configuration and operation very simple.

* starting from 5 kg bodyweight


  • Intuitive for simple operation and quick configuration
  • Dräger-wide standardised user interface provides confidence in use and reduces training time
  • Quick operational readiness with an automatic device check
  • Safe and fast initial start of ventilation thanks to pre-set start configuration based on patient height or patient category
  • Intelligent alarm handling for a quick response to patient alarm situations
  • Smooth and sealed surfaces for easy cleaning and disinfection

High ventilation performance

  • Sophisticated ventilation modes for critically ill patients (e.g. PC-APRV, VC-MMV, AutoFlow®)
  • Enhanced trigger detection and precise ventilation settings allow the ventilation of babies starting from 5 kg bodyweight
  • Automatic Tube Compensation ATC® reduces the work of breathing for intubated patients with spontaneous breathing1
  • Stress-free spontaneous breathing with excellent trigger response time thanks to the turbine
  • Free breathing with AutoFlow in volume constant ventilation at a minimum pressure level
  • Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) available in all modes with a very quick response times to patient efforts
  • No device change needed in case of altered ventilation therapy: O2-therapy allows oxygen application with constant flow
  • Extended graphic capabilities with loops, trends and logbook
1 Respiratory comfort of automatic tube compensation and inspiratory pressure support in conscious humans Guttmann, J. et al, Intensive Care Medicine 1997, Vol. 23, No.11, 1119-1124

Independent from gas and power supply

  • Built-in-turbine with rapid response time and continuous high flow delivery of up to 250 L/min
  • Five hours of independent ventilation due to built-in and external batteries
  • Transport Supply Unit (TSU) can be quickly attached for ergonomic handling of gas cylinders
  • Bed coupling for quick connection between ventilator and patient bed
  • Low Pressure Oxygen (LPO) inlet for ventilation without central gas supply


NIV Option Product Information, en
NIV Option Product Information, en


Option Automatic Tube Compensation Product Information, en
Option Automatic Tube Compensation Product Information, en


Option CapnoPlus / CO2 Product Information, en
Option CapnoPlus / CO2 Product Information, en


Option Spontaneous Breathing Product Information, en
Savina 300 Select Product Information, en
Curves and Loops in Mechanical Ventilation Booklet, en
Neonatal and pediatric accessories catalogue, en
Non-invasive ventilation Booklet, en
Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en
AutoFlow® Booklet, en
Booklet: Protective ventilation (PDF)
The Breathing Book, en
Ventilation modes in intensive care Booklet, en
Nomenclature Booklet, en
Breathing Booklet, en
AutoFlow Booklet, en
NIV Booklet, en
CO2-measurement during ventilation, Booklet, en
Dräger Ventilation Mini Manual
Acute Care Booklet, en
IfU Transport Supply Unit EN 9052125
IFU Bed Coupling 9052621 ME
IFU MEDIBUS.X Rules and Standards for Implementation 9052607 en
IFU Savina 300 SW 5.n 9054931 en
Mini Manual Ventilation, en
Savina & more Catalog, en
Savina 300 Select Brochure, en

Technical Data

Protective Ventilation

Operational Application
Turbine driven ICU ventilation
Patient categories
Adults, pediatric patients, babies as of 5 kg bodyweight
Inspiratory Flow
max. 250 L/min

Ventilation Modes

Volume controlled ventilation
Pressure controlled ventilation
✓ (only BIPAP/SIMV and APRV)
Support of spontaneous breathing
✓ (only SPN-CPAP)

Technical Data

Screen Display
12" color touch
Serial interfaces
Internal Battery
45 min
External Battery


Smart Pulmonary View
variable Pressure Support
Volume Guarantee
Non-invasive ventilation

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