Accessories & Consumables - Hospital Accessories Consumables Scene

Accessories & Consumables

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Improving acute care by considering every detail

Providing consumables and accessories that enable high-quality therapy, ensure staff satisfaction and at the same time optimise the cost of care is what we do. Despite their apparent simplicity, these products play an integral role in administering successful and effective medical treatment by connecting medical devices with patients. Improved clinical, operational, and economic outcomes through the entire patient pathway are our common priority – our goal is to support you all the way with our consumables and accessories as they are always an essential part of your acute care.

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Original Accessories by Dräger

To keep your equipment running smoothly and continually improve your processes, you need medical accessories you can rely on. Discover our wide range of accessories in our comprehensive catalogue.

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Dräger Consumables and Accessories: Always an essential part of your acute care


Infection prevention and control


Quality, reliability and performance




Patient safety and comfort


Workplace efficiency


An essential part of preventing healthcare associated infections

Patients are vulnerable to infections due to their weak immune system. 7% of hospitalised patients in developed countries and 10% in developing countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection1. 20%-30% of nosocomial infections could be prevented with suitable hygiene measures2. Therefore, breaking the chain of contamination is an important step in preventing nosocomial infections.

Customer reference video – Infection Management to prevent nosocomial infections

In this video, you’ll find out how Klinkum Magdeburg, a hospital in Germany, deals with Infection Management to prevent nosocomial infections in their hospital.

desinfection-of hands-in-a-hospital-3-2-D-3488-2018.jpg

Minimise the risk of nosocomial infections

Our devices are optimised to effectively break the chain of infection, with their design and range of matching disposable accessories and consumables.

Infection Prevention Control

Newborn Infection Prevention

Portfolio Highlights

We know that you need medical equipment that actively supports you in preventing infections and to break infection chains by every detail! Our portfolio supports you to avoid the transmition of germs or bacteria e.g., by a broad portfolio of single use disposable or reusable accessories to fit to your specific needs! That’s why our accessories and consumables are an essential part of preventing healthcare-associated infections.

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Non invasive blood pressure cuffs (NIBP)

Non invasive blood pressure cuffs (NIBP)

Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

Pulse Oximetry (SPO2)

Pulse Oximetry (SPO2)

WaterLock 2

WaterLock 2


1. Health care-associated infections Fact Sheet WHO:

2. How many nosocomial infections are avoidable? Gastmeier P et al., Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2010; 135(03): 91 – 93

3. OECD/European Union (2018), “Healthcare-associated infections”, in Health at a Glance: Europe 2018: State of Health in the EU Cycle, OECD Publishing, Paris/European Union, Brussels.

4. Cassini, A. et al. (2016), “Burden of Six Healthcare-Associated Infections on European Population Health: Estimating Incidence-Based Disability-Adjusted Life Years through a Population Prevalence-Based Modelling Study”, PLoS Med., 18:13(10).

5. Bearman, G., Doll, M., Cooper, K. et al. Hospital Infection Prevention: How Much Can We Prevent and How Hard Should We Try?. Curr Infect Dis Rep 21, 2 (2019).

6.Guidelines on core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the national and acute health care facility level. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

An essential part of securing your performance

Each original accessory from Dräger doesn't just fulfil all the official quality standards, it is also measured with the strict internal quality standards at Dräger accredited Test Center. It takes about 100,000 load cycle tests before a consumable or accessory is available for our customers.

In addition to these tests, we also test the accessories which are developed to be used with the device, but also our consumable portfolio for compatibility with its medical devices. This is done in order to improve consistent operational performance and to reduce compatibility risk, thus ensuring patient safety.

In order to improve consistent operational performance, to unlock the full potential of your equipment and to reduce compatibility risk thus ensuring patient safety, Dräger not only tests the accessories which are developed to be used with the device, but also its consumable portfolio for compatibility with its medical devices. A Declaration of Compatibility certifies that a certain product has been tested in combination with the corresponding device.

Accessories are tested with Dräger medical devices accord­ing to IEC 60601-2-13 and EN ISO 8835. Only use Dräger approved accessories and consumables with Dräger devices, otherwise the correct functioning and performance might be compromised.

Down to the smallest detail - Infection prevention and control and hospital accessories

In this video, you’ll learn the complexity of reprocessing and how we invest much effort into the smallest details to support infection prevention and control during

• Research and Development

• Test Centers

• Production

Portfolio Highlights

The same detailed attention that we design into our ventilators, anaesthesia workstations, incubators and monitoring products, goes into the engineering and manufacturing of our accessories and consumables, as they are an integral part of life-saving medical equipment and an essential part of securing your performance!

WaterLock 2

WaterLock 2

Flow Sensor

Flow Sensor

Oxygen Sensor Capsule

Oxygen Sensor Capsule

Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System


Aquapor H300


1. ECRI Institute: Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2016. A Report from Health Devices November 2015.


An essential part of protecting our future

As a family entrepreneur, the things I do today, I want to be able to explain to my children tomorrow.”

- Stefan Dräger, Chairman of the Executive Board

For us, sustainability reaches beyond our company grounds. It means creating the best possible conditions for our customers, business partners, employees – and our planet as a whole.

As Your Specialist in Acute Care, this is our commitment. This is the responsibility we have for a healthier environment.

HCA Sustainability

Hospitals play an important role in achieving national climate targets. If healthcare was a country, it would be the world’s 5th largest emitter with emissions of 4.4% of global greenhouse gases.1

Large amounts of waste are generated during the medical care of patients. For example in Germany, hospitals are the fifth largest producer of waste and also US hospitals produce more than 8 kg of waste per bed per day.3

Dräger aims to make hospital consumables and accessories sustainable across the whole product life cycle in order to sustainably reduce waste.

What are the sustainability efforts in the field of hospital consumables & accessories? 

Download our sustainability fact sheet below and learn more!

Ecovadis Sustainability Rating 2023

Friendly and Responsible to both patients and the environment

As described in our Sustainability Report, we have embraced numerous measures to create the best possible conditions for working in an environmentally friendly manner. In recognition of our continuous efforts, we have, once again, been awarded with the EcoVadis Gold Medal for 2023. 

Click below to view the 2022 Dräger sustainability report.

Portfolio Highlights

We attach great importance to sustainable products. These are some of our sustainability efforts to make our contribution:

- Avoiding materials of concern (e.g. Latex, DEHP and PVC)

- Eco-conscious product design

- Mitigating transport emissions

Discover some of our sustainable products for Adult to Neonatal patient applications


Filter and HME combination (TwinStar)


Filters HEPA (SafeStar)


Filters Electrostatic (CareStar)


Anaesthesia Sets and Breathing Circuits with Watertrap


Anaesthesia masks


Neonatal Ventilation Accessories


1. Karliner J., Slotterback S., Boyd R., Ashby B., Steele K.. 2019. “Health Care's Climate Footprint: How the Health Sector Contributes to the Global Climate Crisis, and Opportunities for Action.” Health Care Without Harm, Climate-smart health care series, Green Paper Number One. Produced in collaboration with Arup.

2. Singh, Narendra & Ogunseitan, Oladele & Tang, Yuanyuan. (2021). Medical waste: Current challenges and future opportunities for sustainable management. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 52. DOI:10.1080/10643389.2021.1885325

3. Plasticisers for medical applications: Plasticisers for medical applications – PVCMed Alliance

An essential part of securing patient safety and comfort

60% - 80% of mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU are affected by delirium. Patients should be comfortable, calm and able to cooperatively engage with caregivers and family at all times1,2.

In order to achieve that, we want to:

• Improve sleep quality3

• Reduce asynchrony

• Improve patient ventilation synchrony

• Reduce complications4

• Shorter stay in the ICU5

• Reduce risk of infection6,7


Improving NIV tolerance with Rotation Strategies

There are two key factors involved in a successful NIV treatment:

Rotation of mask type

Studies have proven that alternating different mask types improves the effectiveness of treatment when dealing with acute failure

Choice of interface

An alternating interface strategy not only reduces the points of highest pressure, but also improves the points of highest pressure, but also improves NIV tolerance and efficacy8,9

Friendly and responsible to patients

Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is a synthetic chemical belonging to a family known as phthalates, which is used to make plastics more flexible.

Due to the overuse of DEHP in many products, it enters and pollutes the environment through release from industrial settings and plastic waste disposal sites. DEHP can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact on a daily basis, which raises concerns about its potential effects on human health2.

As DEHP is currently under increasing scrutiny by regulatory and medical authorities, a range of DEHP alternatives have been approved by the European Pharmacopeia, and are now made available for nearly all medical applications3.

For many years, we have minimised the usage of substances of concern. Nearly all of our hospital consumables and accessories are now free of latex, PVC and DEHP.

Portfolio Highlights

We know that your top priorities are to keep the patients safe and to offer them the highest levels of comfort to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Our accessories and consumables play an important role in achieving our common goal as they are often in direct contact with your patients – that‘s why patient comfort and ease of use were the focal point when designing our accessories as they are an essential part of securing patient safety and comfort.

Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

HI-Flow Star

HI-Flow Star

Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

Seattle PAP plus – Bubble CPAP System

Seattle PAP plus – Bubble CPAP System


1. Delirium and sleep disturbances in the intensive care unit: can we do better? Weinhouse GL, Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2014; 27(4):403-8

2. Comfort and patient‑centred care without excessive sedation: the eCASH concept.Vincent JL et al., Intensive Care Med 2016; 42:962–971

3. Patient-ventilator interaction and sleep in mechanically ventilated patients: Pressure support versus proportional assist ventilation Karen Bosma, Gabriela Ferreyra, Cristina Ambrogio, et al., Crit Care Med 2007; 35:1048–1054

4. Ferrer M, et al. Non-invasive Ventilation during Persistent Weaning Failure. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2003; Vol. 168, No. 1:70–76. (PubMed)

5. Warren DK, et al. Outcome and attributable cost of ventilator-associated pneumonia among intensive care unit patients in a suburban medical center. Crit Care Med. 2003; 31(5):1312-7. (PubMed)

6. Antonelli M, et al. * A comparison of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and conventional mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory failure.  _N Engl J Med 1998, 339: * 429-435.

7. Hilbert G, Gruson D, Gbikpi-Benissan G, Cardinaud JP. Sequential use of noninvasive pressure support ventilation for acute exacerbations of COPD. Intensive Care Med. 1997;23:955–961

8. Hilbert G, Gruson D, Gbikpi-Benissan G, Cardinaud JP. Sequential use of noninvasive pressure support ventilation for acute exacerbations of COPD. Intensive Care Med. 1997;23:955–961.

9. Ozyilmaz E et al*.* Timing of noninvasive ventilation failure: causes, risk factors, and potential remedies. BMC Pulm. Med. 2014; 14:19

10. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Crossing the Global Quality Chasm: Improving Health Care Worldwide. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

11. The Ministry of Health of Germany (BMG). The Economics of Patient Safety in Primary and Ambulatory Care © OECD 2018. 

12. Slawomirski L, Auraaen A, Klazinga N. The economics of patient safety: Strengthening a value-based approach to reducing patient harm at national level. Paris: OECD; 2017. 

13. Gautam, G., Gupta, N., Sasidharan, R. et al. Systematic rotation versus continuous application of ‘nasal prongs’ or ‘nasal mask’ in preterm infants on nCPAP: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Pediatr 182, 2645–2654 (2023). 

14. Sin Yan Victoria Linda Fong, Review: Strategy of interface rotation to reduce nasal trauma in preterm neonates under non-invasive ventilation. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 2023.

An essential part of increasing work efficiency and cost savings

Quality management and process optimisation become increasingly important in the different areas at the hospital. In order to help you achieve that, we offer various solutions:


Our consumables are not intended just for one specific Dräger device but can be used for nearly every Dräger device – and even across wards. This means for you:

  • Your logistics are simplified
  • This saves you labour, cost and time


We are a global company which is well-represented by our sales & service employees in over 190 countries. Furthermore, our logistics chain ensures delivery reliability.

Optimisation of clinical processes - Infection prevention and control and hospital accessories

The subject of hygiene is serious, huge and incredibly complex. Because even if everything is supposed to be clean, the danger is invisible. Increasing number of tasks and high workloads are often the reason for hospital germs and it is often an immense burden to keep everything in mind that is necessary for clinical everyday life. A hygiene plan contains practical guidelines for patient protection in the form of work instructions.

Reference Case: Infection Management to prevent nosocomial infections

Each year about 400,000 to 600,000 patients fall ill with nosocomial infections in Germany. Affected patients have increased morbidity. According to the National Surveillance Center (NRZ) about 20 to 30 per cent of these infections could be prevented with suitable hygiene measures.

Portfolio Highlights

Our range of accessories and consumables is designed to help you in your daily routines to make your work as easy as possible and to reduce the potential of errors to a minimum. That’s what makes them an essential part of increasing work efficiency and cost savings.

Drägersorb® 800+ – Soda Lime

Drägersorb® 800+ – Soda Lime

Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Product Highlights

We don't believe in simply designing and manufacturing technology. We are driven by improved clinical and economical outcomes that support every care area of your hospital.

Operating Room

When it comes to the operating theatre, there’s no room for error. That’s why our OR accessories go through the same stringent quality checks as every other OR device. Throughout every procedure, our accessories and consumables help get the most from your operating room devices.

Drägersorb® 800+ – Soda Lime

Drägersorb® 800+ – Soda Lime

Breathing Circuits

Breathing Circuits

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

Anaesthesia Masks

Anaesthesia Masks

Flow Sensor

Flow Sensor

The smallest parts can be the strongest links

We understand that even the smallest parts need to perform at the highest level. Our ventilation accessories lend strong support to your workplace solutions and help optimise clinical workflow. Our ventilation masks, breathing circuits and other ventilation accessories are tested for ultimate compatibility. These ventilation accessories integrate with your device interfaces – seamlessly working in the background – so you can stay focused on your patient.

HI-Flow Star

HI-Flow Star

Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

Non-invasive Ventilation Masks

Breathing Circuits

Breathing Circuits

Breathing Circuits - Heated

Breathing Circuits - Heated

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

SafeStar® Plus Mechanical Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

CareStar® Plus Electrostatic Filters

HumidStar® Plus HME

HumidStar® Plus HME

In neonatal care, we put “little” first

We know that “small” doesn’t mean less important. That’s why our accessories and consumables get the highest level of attention – so when your tiniest patients need the best possible care, you can rely on our smallest products to perform. Our neonatal care accessories and consumables provide you with total solutions to care for premature babies. They are tailor-made to enhance thermoregulation, neonatal respiratory support, vital sign monitoring and more.

Seattle PAP plus – Bubble CPAP System

Seattle PAP plus – Bubble CPAP System

HumidStar® Plus HME

HumidStar® Plus HME

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

TwinStar® Plus Filter/HME

Breathing Circuits - Heated

Breathing Circuits - Heated

Neonatal Ventilation Accessories

Neonatal Ventilation Accessories

Neonatal Monitoring Accessories

Neonatal Monitoring Accessories

Neonatal Thermoregulation and Phototherapy

Neonatal Thermoregulation and Phototherapy

Giving the smaller parts a bigger role

We understand accessories and consumables play a critical role in supporting your workplace solutions. That’s why we’re proud to deliver the high level of Dräger quality in every one of our products. Available in both reusable and disposable versions, our accessories provide the right solution for optimal workflows.

Tcore™ Temperature Monitoring System

Tcore Temperature Monitoring System

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Electrocardiography (ECG) (Single patient use & Monolead)

Pods and related acc. (Multimed plus & Multimed plus OR)

Pods and related acc. (Multimed plus & Multimed plus OR)

Capnography (etCO2)

Capnography (etCO2)

Pulse Oximetry (SPO2)

Pulse Oximetry (SPO2)

Non invasive blood pressure cuffs (NIBP)

Non invasive blood pressure cuffs (NIBP)

Fill up the form below to download infographic


Infographic: Infection Prevention & Control for airway management

Learn more about critical role of breathing filters in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), thereby reducing hospital stays, healthcare costs, and improving patient safety in clinical settings.

Customer Reference Cases


Hospital Magdeburg - Standardised Processes for Anaesthesia Systems


Magdeburg Clinic - Support against invisible dangers

Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Singapore Pte Ltd

61 Science Park Road
The Galen #04-01
Singapore 117525

+65 6872 9288

Draeger Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

No. 6, Jalan 15/22, Taman Perindustrian Tiong Nam, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

+60 3 5526 2000

Draeger Philippines Corporation

2504-C West Tower, Tektite Towers, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center,
Pasig City 1605 Metro Manila, Philippines

+63 2 8470 3825


Not all products, features, or services are for sale in all countries. Please contact your local Dräger representative for more information.