Dräger Evita® V600 Intensive Care Ventilators

Dräger Evita® V600

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Dräger Evita® V600

​​Experience the next level of ventilator operation. The Evita® V600 combines high performance ventilation with an aesthetic design enabling quick and efficient operation. From the first onset of a lung protective ventilation until the integration of a patient care-centred intensive care workplace.

Operation principle and user interface

​The brilliant user interface combined with up-to-date glass touch technology supports intuitive operation.

  • Quick and safe to operate even in the most stressful situations due to intuitive menu access to both settings and your clinical data.
  • All patient data, alarms and trends are fully recorded. Conveniently exported via USB interface.
  • Switch between multiple view configurations with the touch of a finger.
  • Step-by-step guidance leads you through every procedure.
  • Easy to read and navigate thanks to our new colour concept and glass touch display.
  • The 360° alarm light flashes in the color of the corresponding alarm priority and is visible from every direction.

Early Mobilization and Patient Transport

Support of instant, flexible patient transport through optional hardware components and early mobilization.

  • Gas supply unit GS500
  • Power supply unit PS500
  • Bed Coupling
  • Transport supply unit TSU

Lung Protective Ventilation

​Our comprehensive treatment tools help support your lung protective ventilation strategy.

  • Lung protective ventilation for adults, children and neonates: invasive, non-invasive and with O2-therapy
  • Advanced lung monitoring and diagnostic features (e.g. Smart Pulmonary View or Low Flow manoeuvre)
  • Display of regional ventilation distribution with PulmoVista® 500
  • Recruitment tools (e.g. QuickSet® and PressureLink) and therapy decision support with breath-by-breath trends (PEEP, EIP, Vt, Cdyn)
  • Focus on end-expiratory lung volume with PC-APRV with AutoRelease®
  • Volumetric CO2-Monitoring (VCO2, VTCO2, Slope Phase 3, Vds/VTe)

Effective Weaning

​Support of a synchronized way for quick and efficient weaning.

  • Automatic weaning with SmartCare®/PS
  • Increased variability in spontaneous breathing through Variable Pressure Support or Proportional Pressure Support
  • Facilitating spontaneous breathing through “room to breathe concept” with e.g. AutoFlow® or Volume Guarantee
  • Automatic tube compensation (ATC®) compensates for artificial airway resistance
  • Assessment of weaning through RSBi, P0.1 and NIF


We envision a future of acute care where medical devices are connected as a system. Interoperability between different devices can help to avoid preventable medical errors and potentially serious inefficiencies. The new standardised network protocol named SDC makes dynamic connectivity in the hospital possible which will allow interoperability of medical devices in the future.

Our first step will be connectivity through CC300:

  • Full HL7 data export to HIS: reliability exchange high-quality data in a standardised format between medical devices and EMR.
  • Future-proof open connectivity: standardised and secure communication between medical devices with a high level of cyber security.

Comprehensive Services

​Comprehensive Services encompasses a wide range of service solutions prior, during and after the installation of your purchased units.

  • Product Service: i.e. device maintenance
  • Professional Service: e.g. IT consulting and system integration
  • Training on our products and services: e.g. application training
  • Multivendor Service: maintenance for your entire medical equipment regardless of the manufacturer
  • Digital Services: e.g. network-based services and analysis of device data


Evita V600 Product Information, en
Evita V600 Product Information, en


Evita V600/V800 Brochure, en
Evita V600/V800 Brochure, en


Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en
Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en

Always an essential part of your acute care


Evita & more Catalogue, en
IfU Transport Supply Unit EN 9052125
IFU Bed Coupling 9052621 ME
IFU Evita V800 / V600 SW 1.n 9055601 en
IFU Evita V800 / V600 SW 2.n - 9511608 en
IFU SP Evita V series / Babylog VN series / Batteries 9510319 en
IFU SP Evita V series / Babylog VN series / Batteries 9510324 en, bg me
IFU SP Evita V series / Babylog VN series / Batteries 9510325 en, cs me
IFU SP Low trolley - 9512139 de-me
Quick Guide Evita V800 / V600, en
REIN Reprocessing instructions Evita V series / Babylog VN series 9510368 en

Technical Data

Protective Ventilation

Operational Application
Fully-featured, high-performance ventilation
Patient categories
Adults, pediatrics, neonates
Inspiratory Flow
max. 180 L/min

Ventilation Modes

Volume controlled ventilation
Pressure controlled ventilation
Support of spontaneous breathing

Technical Data

Screen Display
15.6 inches Capacitive glass touchscreen
Serial interfaces
Internal Battery
30 min
External Battery


Smart Pulmonary View
variable Pressure Support
Volume Guarantee
Non-invasive ventilation

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+65 6872 9288

Draeger Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

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Selangor​ ​Darul​ ​Ehsan,​ ​Malaysia

+60 3 5526 2000

​Draeger Philippines Corporation

2504-C​ ​West​ ​Tower,​ ​Tektite​ ​Towers,​ ​Exchange​ ​Road,​ ​Ortigas​ ​Center,
Pasig​ ​City​ ​1605​ ​Metro​ ​Manila,​ ​Philippines

+63 2 8470 3825

Draeger Hong Kong Limited.

Room​ ​1701-02,​ ​17/F,​ ​APEC​ ​Plaza,​ ​49​ ​Hoi​ ​Yuen​ ​Road,​ ​Kwun​ ​Tong,​ ​Kowloon​ ​999077,​ ​Hong​ ​Kong

+852 2877-3077

Note:​ ​Not​ ​all​ ​products,​ ​features​ ​or​ ​services​ ​are​ ​for​ ​sale​ ​in​ ​all​ ​countries.​ ​Please​ ​contact​ ​your​ ​local​ ​Dräger​ ​representative​ ​for​ ​more​ ​information.