
Maintaining a very high standard of care includes having an excellently designed level of care-centred workplace design. Ponta® beam systems allows you to have flexible access to the patient as well as provide the highest ergonomics for your staff. Ponta® allow not only meets nursing requirements in an intensive care unit, it can also be used in neonatal units or recovery rooms. Its numerous accessories and wide range of variations make the Ponta® particularly flexible.

The Ponta beam system

The Ponta beam system from Dräger offers numerous possibilities to adapt your workstation to your individual requirements. In addition to different beam lengths, there are various media columns and heads to choose from. A wide range of workstation components allows you to position your medical equipment exactly where it’s needed.

Workplace customisation

The design of a facility/structure with its fixed and moveable components can have a significant impact on human performance, especially the health and safety of staff, patients, and families.1

Both the healing process of your patients and the satisfaction of your staff can be positively influenced by a holistically planned workplace. That's why our planning approach to medical workstation design always considers the needs of both patients and caregivers. Ponta's wide range of individually configurable work-stations provides you with the ideal support for your therapies. Its modular approach ensures that the Ponta will also meet future requirements.

  • Optimal use of space and adaptability to a wide variety of care situations by combining up to four beams (available in four lengths) in a row. 
  • You have the versatility of three different versions of workstation shuttles.
  • Workstations Type C with equipment rack or pole allows you:
    • To position medical devices anywhere along the beam length on the shuttles with equipment poles and racks.
    • To integration outlets for gases, electricity and low current along the beam length.
    • A load capacity up to 130 kg (286.60 Ib).
  • Workstations Type E plus comes with media column or media head and optionally with equipment rack or pole. It features:
    • Flexible mounting of your medical equipment on all four sides of the columns and heads thanks to its versatile frame rails. 
    • More possible outlets on one media column or head due to the free positioning of electrical and gas outlets without predefined grids.
    • An integrated bulkhead in the column which safely places gas and electrical outlets next to each other.
    • An additional media supply that can be integrated into the beam, e.g., for unscheduled use of medical equipment.
    • A pneumatic or an electromagnetic brake so as to prevents unintentional movement of the workstations below the beam.
    • Friction brakes as standard, which prevent rotational movements of either head or column. DualBrake P or DualBrake E (pneumatic or electromagnetic brake options) can be added to shuttles, media heads, or media columns.
    • A load capacity up to 120 kg (264.55 Ib).
  • Workstations Type S plus comes with media column or head on swivel arm and optionally with equipment rack or pole. You benefit from:
    • Maximum positioning flexibility thanks to its pivoting arm that allows you to position the workstation at the side or head of the bed.
    • Free positioning of electrical and gas tapping points without predefined grids, giving you the possibility to place more tapping points on one media column or head.
    • Ensured safety when placing gas and electrical tapping points next to each other due to the integrated bulkhead in the column.
    • Optimal use of space when mounting medical equipment on all four frame rails.
    • Additional supply of media, which can be conveniently integrated into the beam, e.g., for unscheduled use of medical equipment.
    • A pneumatic or electromagnetic brake prevents unintentional displacement.
    • A standardised friction brake which prevents rotational movements of either head or column. DualBrake P or DualBrake E (pneumatic or electromagnetic brake options) can be added to shuttles, media heads, or media columns.
    • A load capacity up to 100 kg (220.46 Ib).
1. Hughes RG, editor. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2008 Apr. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2651/ John Reiling, Ronda G. Hughes, Mike R. Murphy; Chapter 28. The Impact of Facility Design on Patient Safety

Healing supportive environment

Stress experienced by patients has a direct negative impact on many other health care outcomes.2

With Ponta, you create a pleasant atmosphere in your nursing station in which not only your patients feel comfortable, but also your staff. Due to the many colour options, Ponta fits ideally into your design. We believe in supporting you with an optimum architectural design that focuses on faster healing and simplicity of use. With the Ponta beam system, you choose:

  • From a variety of colours and decors for media columns and heads, including modern and appealing accents for every patient room.
  • Harmoniously combined wood decors and design elements for drawers that fit any room concept.
  • The amount of daylight for rooms insufficiently lit using the Dräger Circadian Illumination System (CIS). It not only optimises natural light but promotes patient well-being at the same time.
  • Different lighting options in both media heads and columns depending on the respective care therapy. With a simple swipe gesture, it is easily switched on or off.
    • Lighting options include a warm and glare-free indirect ceiling and floor light for staff orientation. In the RGB light version, it creates a soothing therapy atmosphere.
    • The working light in the frame of the media column enables documentation work during the night without disturbing the patient.
    • Where to position medical equipment best through the frame rails at each of its four corners (e.g., by attaching the suction unit at the rear of the supply unit), so it is out of patient's field of vision.
2. Ulrich R S, et. al; A Review of the Research Literature on Evidence-Based Healthcare Design. Article in HERD · April 2008 DOI: 10.1177/193758670800100306 · Source: PubMed

User-friendly ergonomics

Good ergonomics leads to improved performance and productivity. Research over the past 25 years shows an average 12% increase in performance when a comprehensive approach to workplace ergonomics is applied.3

Efficient and stringent workplace and equipment design can help ensure optimal patient care. A clearly structured and ergonomic workplace can minimise operator errors, improve clinical outcomes and facilitate the daily work of your staff. The Ponta system is intended to maximise patient comfort and ease of use, this is why you can:

  • Quickly adapt the Ponta to any changing situation by simply moving the workstations under the beam using the shuttles (free access to the patient's head at all times).
  • Maximise positioning flexibility using its pivoting arm, which allows the workstation to be positioned at the side or head of the patient's bed.
  • Easily and intuitively position the supply unit thanks to sensor-equipped handles (touch-sensitivity concept), which enable rapid response in critical situations.
  • Immediately reposition the supply unit by simply grasping a single handle to release all brakes of the support arm system.
  • Individually adapt the handles with a few simple steps for specific work processes on site.
3. Tim Springer, Ph.D. President HERO, Inc.; Knoll: Ergonomics for the Healthcare Environment

Effective infection prevention

Did you know that 20 to 30 % of nosocomial infections could be prevented by appropriate hygiene measures?4

Breaking the chain of contamination is an important step in preventing nosocomial infections. Ponta supports easy and effective cleaning due to its rounded profiles, smooth materials and closed housings. Reprocessing instructions and a wide range of disposable accessories help minimise the risk of infections. For you this means:

  • Easy and effective cleaning thanks to its rounded profiles, smooth materials, and closed housings which prevent the accumulation of disinfectants.
  • Reducing complexities as only one disinfectant is needed for the entire workplace (from our list of validated agents).
  • A simplified cleaning process and a well-organised, tidy workplace thanks to various cable management solutions. 
  • Touchless control of working, ceiling and floor lighting. 
4. Gastmeier P et al., How many nosocomial infections are avoidable? Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2010; 135(03): 91 – 93


IFU Ponta 9512063 en
IFU Ponta 9512063 en

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


IFU SP GeminaDUO/Ponta C/H/E/S/E plus/S plus - EMC 9510008 ME
IFU SP GeminaDUO/Ponta C/H/E/S/E plus/S plus - EMC 9510008 ME

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


IFU SP Supplement to the IfU Agila, Movita, Ponta and Gemina Duo 9510328 en
IFU SP Supplement to the IfU Agila, Movita, Ponta and Gemina Duo 9510328 en

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


Ponta Product Information, en
Workstation Components Catalogue, en

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