Shutdown Safety Service - Shutdown Safety Service Briefing

Shutdown Safety Service

Contact us

The hustle and bustle behind shutdowns

When large plants shut down, a frenzy of activity occurs which needs complex and sophisticated planning. It‘s important that everything runs smoothly. With the Dräger Shutdown Safety Service, you can trust in the highest safety standards and reliability. This applies to planned and unplanned maintenance work in equal measure. We ensure that your return to normal operations goes smoothly.

Shutdown Management at Dräger

An efficient, customised and complete solution. You benefit from the reliability of a professional partner with many years of experience!

From rental robots to integrated safety management

We are there for you – directly on site. You may need help managing complex hazardous materials for your refinery or chemical park. Your company may have to take explosion or fire risks into account. You may be in a remote location or near residential areas. Whatever you need, we have the right solution for every task.

On-site safety worker at basf

Safety Staffing

We can provide you with specialists for any task – from individual experts to a complete safety department. We also provide flexible coverage for periods of peak demand. Our safety personnel is SCCP* certified.

unrestricted petrochemical certificate in accordance with the "Safety Certificate Contractors" (SCC) guidelines, version 2011

Draeger safety shop

Safety shop

For larger projects, we support you with the Dräger Safety Shop System. The shop is located directly at your site and is manned around the clock. It is equipped with all the safety technology required and staffed with qualified personnel. We manage everything with total reliability – permanently or for a defined period.

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Rental robot and X-am 5000

Rental robot

The Rental Robot is an automated material warehouse for safety equipment. It reliably supplies every registered user with the correct safety technology and required consumables, without staff present, around the clock.

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Worker measures on a confined space entry

CSE Safety Monitoring

Dräger Confined Space Entry (CSE) Monitoring helps to reduce accidents and to diminish risks. The technology consists of gas detectors, cameras and access control systems. It also has visual and/or audible alarm functions. An intercom system enables additional verbal communication with workers in the confined spaces.

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Two workers discuss their assignment


We use risk analyses to increase the risk awareness for all stakeholders and to reduce the overall likelihood of potential negative incidents through preventative measures.

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Shell small case

Case study: Shutdown Safety Service at Shell

Our team supported the Safety Management team during the rebuilding of Shell's Harburg refinery in Hamburg. The aim: zero incidents

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Dräger Service Solutions


Rental Service

On-site safety service-three workers on a scaffold

On-site Safety Service

Product service workshop manager

Product Service

Draeger safety training draeger academy


Get in touch with Dräger


Draeger Singapore Pte Ltd

61 Science Park Road
The Galen #04-01
Singapore 117525

+65 6872 9288

Draeger Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

No. 6, Jalan 15/22, Taman Perindustrian Tiong Nam, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

+60 3 5526 2000

Draeger Philippines Corporation

2504-C West Tower, PSE Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center,
Pasig City 1605 Metro Manila, Philippines

+63 2 8470 3825


Not all products, features, or services are for sale in all countries. Please contact your local Dräger representative for more information.