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Wean the patient quickly and safely

Don’t miss a chance to achieve ventilation weaning progress

As Your Specialist in Acute Care we understand that mechanical ventilation should only take as long as necessary. Otherwise the risk of complications and lung damage increases as well as the ICU length of stay. The crucial factors for successful weaning and extubation are an interdisciplinary strategy and an accurate assessment of the patient.

Wean the patient successfully as third step of the Respiration Pathway


Wean the patient quick and safe because ...

  • the incidence of acute lung injuries (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) could delay the induction of weaning
  • the delayed induction of ventilation weaning may lead to weaning failure
  • paying attention to early detection of risk factors may contribute to successful weaning and shorten ICU length of stay

The six phases of the weaning process

There are a series of stages in the process of care, from intubation and initiation of mechanical ventilation through initiation of the weaning effort to the ultimate liberation from mechanical ventilation and successful extubation.


Gentle ventilation with variable pressure support

Making random ventilation changes to imitate the “noise” is an innovative way to improve outcome. Visit our topics page to learn more about Variable Pressure Support. 


Allow the patient to take control of ventilation.

Proportional Pressure Support (PPS) applies patient-triggered pressure support in proportion to the patient’s inspiratory effort.


Improves outcome, shortens ICU stay

SmartCare/PS is an integrated automated clinical protocol that is designed to stabilize the patient’s spontaneous breathing in a comfortable zone of normal ventilation.


Early Mobilization

Traditionally, every patient admitted to an ICU is immediately put on enforced bed rest. Research now shows that bed rest can have adverse effects on muscles and organs, which can impair neuropsychological functions and reduce movement capacity.

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Dräger PulmoVista® 500 – making ventilation visible

PulmoVista 500 helps adjust ventilation settings to achieve individually optimized ventilation with regional specific, continuous and dynamic information at the bedside.

Our set of treatment tools to protect the lung

Stabilizing a patient’s breathing means to be well informed about the state of the lung at all times. Let us assist you with a set of proven tools. 


VC-MMV with AutoFlow (Volume Controlled - Mandatory Minute Volume) to support the transition from controlled to assisted spontaneous breathing with a minimum minute ventilation.


PC-BIPAP to enable the patient to breathe spontaneously at any time during pressure controlled ventilation.


ATC - Automatic Tube Compensation to reduce tube related work of breathing to ease spontaneaous breathing.


P0.1-measurement,RSBI, NIF to help to asses and quantify the patients ability to breathe spontaneously.

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SPN-CPAP-VS to support the spontaneous breathing with guaranteed tidal volume. 


SPN-PPS to unload the patient individually for elastic or resistive work of breathing and to avoid asynchrony with proportional assisted ventilation.


Variable Pressure Support to increase the variability of delivered tidal volume which will lead to improved oxygenation


Comprehensive monitoring functions like loops, trends logbooks to enable the retrospective analysis of all patient data.


Smart Pulmonary View to perform real time visualization and turn data into information for a potentially quicker analysis of lung dynamic parameters.


Smart Care Booklet

Learn more about protective ventilation

Mini Manual Ventilation
Ventilation-Mini-Manual- 9-11-9069812.JPG

Learn more about ventilation with our mini manual

Did you know? (NIF)
NIF Infographic

The Negative Inspiratory Force Index (NIF): What is ti? How is it measured? Why is it relevant?

Did you know? (P0.1)
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P0.1  has been shown to be a good predictor fo successful weaning

Did you know? (PPS)

Porportional Pressure Support (PPS): What is it? When should be applied? Why is it helpful to improve the outcome?

Did you know? (Trigger)

The Inspiratory and Expiratory Trigger: What it is? Why is it helpful?

Did you know? (APRV)
APRV Infographic

Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (MMV)
Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV) Infographic

Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV)

Did you know? (Autoflow)
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Autoflow: What is it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve the outcome?

Did you know? (Quick Setting)
QuickSet Infographic

QuickSet: What is it, how to use it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve outcome?

Did you know? (Pressure Link)
Pressure Link Infographic

Pressure Link: What is it, how to use it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve outcomes?

Did you know? (Time Constant)
Time Constant Infographic

Time Constant: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Autorelease)
Autorelease Infographic

Autorelease: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Variable Pressure Support)
Variable Pressure Support Infographic

Variable Pressure Support: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (PEEPi)
PEEPi Infographic

PEEPi: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (CO2 Production)
CO2 Production Infographic

CO2 Production: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (VDS)
Dead Space Volume Infographic

Dead Space Volume: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (ETCO2)
ETCO2 Monitoring Infographic

ETCO2 Monitoring: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (SPV)
Smar Pulmonary View Infographic

Smart Pulmonary View: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Follow the Respiration Pathway


Phase 1 - Prevent


Phase 2 - Stabilize


Phase 4 - Recover


Your choice for every therapy phase

Would you like to learn more about our set of treatment tools to support individual ventilation therapy along the whole Respiration Pathway?

Get in touch

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+359 2963 4366

T: +359 2963 4403

Dräger Slovenija d.o.o.

Nadgoriška cesta 19
12 31 Ljubljana-Črnuče

+386 1 561 2263