Dräger CPS 5800 Hazmat Suits

Dräger CPS 5800

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Dräger CPS 5800

The Dräger CPS 5800 is a limited-use chemical protective suit for industrial applications and operations on board that involve a gaseous, liquid or solid hazardous substance.

Comprehensive protection

For emergencies or for routine work such as maintenance, repairs and tank cleaning – appropriate protection is always required.

With its external self-contained breathing apparatus the gas-tight Dräger CPS 5800 (type 1b) protects against a multitude of substances. The suit meets the highest international requirements of industry, fire departments and shipping. Therefore it fulfills EN 943-1+2:2002, and the SOLAS requirements, so that it is approved for the use on board ships. As a limited-use protective suit its resistance against mechanical influences and flames is not as high as the one from the reusable Dräger CPS 7800.

Comfortable to wear

With the proven Dräger design, this suit is very comfortable to wear and is equipped with the flexible Dräger face cuff. The suit is made of Zytron® 500, a very soft laminate material. All seams are welded in- and outside. This high quality material and the manufacturing techniques provide a long service life of up to ten years.

Zytron® is a registered trademark of Kappler® Inc.


  • large opening for donning / doffing (diagonally across the front); with no additional assistance required
  • zipper with external chain and a downward direction of fastening
  • double flap with continuous hook-and-loop fastener protects zip fastener
  • soft Dräger face cuff
  • integrated gas-tight socks with boot flaps for use with multiple boot sizes
  • fixed gloves combine butyl outer with laminate inner lining for increased protection against chemicals and punctures
  • Dräger pressure relief valve for discharging air from the suit


CPS 5800 Product Information, en
CPS 5800 Product Information, en

The Dräger CPS 5800 is a limited-use chemical protective suit for industrial applications and operations on board that involve a gaseous, liquid or solid hazardous substance.


Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)
Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)

Whether taking pre entry measurements, transferring liquids, or responding to emergencies: Dräger offers a large range of chemical protective suits – tailor-made for a large variety of application areas.


Health Effects of Hazardous Substances Brochure, en
Health Effects of Hazardous Substances Brochure, en


Air supply system poster, en-master
Airline Product Poster, en
Brochure: Engineered for Safety
CPS Family Brochure
IFU SP Manual cleaning and disinfecting procedures - 9100081 de, en me

Protective suits and substances

Dräger protective suits can be used to protect for a large number of hazardous substances. Check for which substances this suit can be used, and get information about the permeation times, by searching a substance. Our experts help you with more information about material, sizes and accessories.

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Product configurations

Utilise for 458 Substances

1 matching Suit(s)

Technical Data

Key Facts

Product type
Gas-tight suit
Reuse Class
Limited use
Suit Type Class
Performance Class
Shelf Life (years)
Zytron® 500
Available Colors

Breathing protection options

Constant flow
SCBA inside
SCBA outside
Air Purifying Respirator


Mechanical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Temperature Resistance

Resistance against

Known gases
Unknown gases
Mechanical stress
Deepcold substances
Flash fires


EN 943
EN 14605
EN ISO 13982-1
EN 13034
EN 1073-1 / EN 1073-2
EN 14126
EN 1149
EN 14593
EN 14594
ISO 16602

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+44 (0) 1224 701 569