Dräger CombiDry

Dräger CombiDry is a dryer for workwear and masks with low operating costs and excellent results.

Programs for the fire department

The dryer has been specifically designed for the requirements of the fire department. It is indispensable for impregnating workwear.

Latest technology

Thanks to a direct drive system the dryer is very quiet in operation and almost free of vibrations. The latest technology contributes to very low operating costs.

Also for drying masks

Using a special insert some models are capable of drying respiratory masks.


Several versions of the dryer exist: the Combidry 190, 290, 350, 530 and 650, with the number stating the drum volume in liters. Based on the number of equipment items to dry, we are happy to recommend a suitable machine for you.

Service Repair & Maintenance

Service - Repair & Maintenance

You trust our products for the safety of your employees and the continuity of your processes. Products work at their best when they are correctly and regularly maintained which protects the value of your investment, minimises downtime and supports the efficiency of your...

Get in touch with Dräger

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Draeger Safety UK Ltd.

Ullswater​ ​Close,​ ​Blyth​ ​Riverside​ ​Business​ ​Park​ ​Blyth,​ ​Northumberland,​ ​NE24​ ​4RG

+44 (0) 1670 352 891

Call​ ​us​ ​from​ ​Mon​ ​-​ ​Thurs​ ​8:30am​ ​-​ ​5pm
Fri​ ​8:30am​ ​-​ ​2pm

Draeger Marine and Offshore

Unit​ ​E1,​ ​ABZ​ ​Business​ ​Park, International​ ​View, Dyce, Aberdeen,​ ​AB21​ ​0BJ

+44 (0) 1224 701 569