
​Pyrotechnics are used to increase to change of survival of the crew in case of emergency at sea. Different kind of pyrotechnics, like handflares, smoke signals, parachute signal rockets and line throwing devices, are used to draw the attention of nearby vessels for assistance and rescue. 

Hand flares

​For use during day or night the red hand flare is a short-range distress signal used to pinpoint position. May be carried on the ship’s bridge and is a requirement in ship’s life boats and life rafts.

Parachute signal rockets

​The parachute signal rocket is designed to fire a single red star to a height of approximately 300 meter. The flare self-activates to produce intense red smoke. A parachute opens up and reduces the rate of descent which gives more time to the flare to remain at a height and to provide a clear view to nearby vessels and rescue.

Smoke signal, orange

​The smoke signal orange is a compact, daylight distress signal designed to be easy and safe to handle. It provides effective position marking during rescue operations and can be used to indicate wind direction, producing dense orange smoke for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Light smoke signal MOB

​The light and smoke lifebuoy marker features 15 minutes of dense orange smoke and a self-activated lighting system which far exceeds solas requirements for light output and duration. It is mounted on a ships bridge wing with the bracket supplied and is attached by line to a lifebuoy.The signal is used to mark the position of a man overboard by day or night. It can be automatically or manually activated deployed by releasing the attached lifebuoy.

Line throwing device

​A self-contained line-throwing appliance consisting of a weatherproof plastic casing with end cap, twist-grip trigger assembly, rocket and line. The device has a throwing range of between 230 m and 250 m and meets world-wide approval standards.

Life boat set

​Container for the safe and dry storage of various pyrotechnics in marine environment like life boats or MOB boats. The content consists of: 6x hand flares, 4x parachute signal, 2x smoke signal and a container.

Bridge set

​Container for the safe and dry storage of pyrotechnics in marine environment like life boats or MOB boats. The container consists of: 12x parachute rockets and 1 container.

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