Dräger RVP 7000

​Dräger RVP 7000 is a visualisation panel for data management and graphical representation of your Dräger REGARD® 7000 control system. Tables, alarm messages and icons provide an overview of measured values, and the statuses of gas warning systems. The panel is simple to operate using touch functions and gesture commands.

Visualisation of the Dräger REGARD® 7000 control system

​RVP 7000 is a display for the graphical representation of measured values and a trend display of up to 320 inputchannels from a Dräger REGARD® 7000 control system. The RVP 7000 stores readings and events for a period of up to one year (first-in-first-out) in two-second intervals. With the optional web server, you can visualise and operate the Dräger RVP 7000 on up to three remote PCs.

Trend analysis graphics

​The trend analysis shows you the progress of measured values for a selected REGARD 7000 channel in a single diagram. This shows you the gas concentrations for a measuring point over the last 365 days. You can also choose between viewing large time periods, like entire months, or just specific hours.

Event logger and event list

​Dräger RVP 7000 saves all events, status information and measured values from the input channels for a period of up to 365 days. If you need to, you can retrieve an event list in which the date, time and status of the channels are logged. This list can be saved and printed out for documentation purposes.


RVP 7000's optional web server function enables you to access the visualisation on additional PCs too. Simply launch the application via a web browser and use the software as usual. The visualisation can be accessed by up to three web clients at the same time.


RVP 7000 Product Information, en-master
RVP 7000 Product Information, en-master

Dräger RVP 7000 is a visualisation panel for data management and graphical representation of your Dräger REGARD® 7000 control system. Tables, alarm messages and icons provide an overview of measured values, and the statuses of gas warning systems. The panel is simple to operate using touch functions and gesture commands.


IFU RVP 7000 9300034 ME
IFU RVP 7000 9300034 ME

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


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