Scio Four Family

O2, CO2, N2O and volatile anaesthetic agents at a glance: Scio Four Family can be used with an Infinity monitor anywhere you need it.

Accurate real-time gas measurement

Whether inspiratory or expiratory values for O2, CO2, N2O and anaesthetic agents: Dräger Scio Four Family delivers precise and reliable values which are transferred to a Dräger Infinity monitor and displayed in real time.

Scalable solutions for every application

The Scio Four Family consists of four different versions: options include automatic anaesthetic agent identification as well as agent mixture measurement and integrated O2 measurement (see technical data on page 5).
The modular design of the Scio Four Family makes it both flexible and scalable. If you have an integrated O2 measurement in your Fabius device, a gas measurement module without oxygen sensor will meet your needs. This means you get just the system you need – no more, no less.

Enhanced intraoperative patient safety

The Scio Four Family does more than just measure gas concentrations in the breathing circuit. In combination with Dräger Infinity monitors, MAC values for anaesthetic agents are displayed, helping you to avoid under- and overdosage. This means you can maintain optimal gas concentrations while making sure that ventilation is adequate.
You also have the option of measuring inspiratory and expiratory O2 concentrations using a paramagnetic oxygen sensor. This consumption-free measurement method – unlike electrochemical sensors – results in reduced costs for you.

Waterlock® 2: enhanced contamination protection

The Scio Four Family comes equipped with the WaterLock 2 water trap. The 2 μm pores of its dual hydrophobic membrane design let gases pass freely while effectively preventing microbial contamination and condensation. Even under challenging conditions such as minimal flow anaesthesia, where heavy condensation can be a problem, accurate capnography is assured. Sample and purge gases remain free from condensation. Highly economical, the WaterLock 2 can be emptied at any time and only requires monthly replacement.

Made for Infinity® and beyond

The Scio Four Family is specially designed for use with Dräger Infinity monitoring systems*. Just plug in the gas measurement module and your Infinity monitor will display all the values generated. Your Dräger representative can help you determine which Dräger Infinity monitors are best for you.
* e.g. Delta, Delta XL and Vista XL (not available in all countries)


Scio Four Product Information, en
Scio Four Product Information, en

O2, CO2, N2O and volatile anaesthetic agents at a glance: Scio Four modules measure realtime inspiratory and expiratory breathing gas concentrations. Used with a Dräger Infinity Acute Care System or a Dräger Vista Patient Monitoring Solution, precise and reliable concentration data and curves are displayed exactly where you need it.


IFU SP Scio Four Modules 9054090 ME
IFU SP Scio Four Modules 9054090 ME

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


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